View Full Version : so DHL killed my boogie and I bought this...

mr. j
10-18-2007, 08:16 AM
yep, the head arrived a tad underpacked and the cabinet had split open from the gorilla swinging it around by the handle (oh wait, that's American Tourister).
So anyway yeah, all I saw were the staples holding wood together and ripped tolex.
Kinda unbelievable (not that DHL wasted my amp) BUT guess what?

Yep. Not one broken tube and the thing works like a champ. But resale value for me? Nope. And I don't want a studio amp that looks like an ad for American Tourister. I don't think I'm gonna keep it and the guy who shipped it filed a claim.

Anyways, so I bought this yesterday. Seen 'em since the 90's and heard them but never owned one. Anyone here have any experience with them?


10-18-2007, 08:39 AM

sorry for the trashed amp. I bought a Sewell Texaplex a couple of years ago and somehow it had been hit hard enough to knock the chassis out of the cab and into the the part where the speaker was. And Sewell builds them with these huge aircraft machine clamps to keep the chassis in the top part of the cab. I'm pretty sure it was sent airmail, and they didn't land the plane to deliver it. :o

by the way, I can't get this ebay link to work...

mr. j
10-18-2007, 08:57 AM
I clicked on them and the links both work...:)

10-18-2007, 09:03 AM
must be a safari bug. I just tried them again. I'll figure it out in a little while. thanks for checking.

10-18-2007, 09:08 AM

I have several of the vht amps and really like them. One of the most consistant amps I've ever owned. Very articualte and a bit unforgiving, meaning make sure your chops are good, it will reveal ever note. I have an st that Mr. Steve built for me last year. He found a spare chassis and called me wanted to know if I wanted it. It's a great amp, hope you enjoy it.

10-18-2007, 06:58 PM
i used to have a Pittbull 45 112 combo. cool amp for sure. the clean channel reminded me a lot of a Dr. Z, which i also used to own. you'll dig it. i've actually seen quite a few VHTs sitting in session guys' racks here in town.

John Price
10-18-2007, 07:27 PM
What kind of Mesa/Boogie was it?

The link worked fine for me and I have Safari!:p

mr. j
10-20-2007, 08:19 AM
What kind of Mesa/Boogie was it?

DC-3 head that the guy had 4 Rectifier mods done to with 4 mini toggles on the front and a 1/2 power switch on the back. Here's the eBay ad...