View Full Version : Straplocks and Classic Volume Knob

03-06-2004, 12:39 PM
Hi All,

A couple of questions for ya. First, I have a Hollow T Classic and a Hollow Classic. I've used Dunlop Straplocks for quite some time on other, solidbody guitars. My first question is can I use Dunlops, for which the screw is a tad longer than standard, on TA Hollow guitars without doing any structural damage? Or, alternatively, how are the original
TA buttons in terms of reliably holding on to the strap?

My second question concerns the placement of the volume knob on the Hollow Classic. I just received my HC yesterday and noticed that the jack is on the side of the guitar. It appears that the tone knob is where the jack would be on a Strat-style guitar, and the mini-toggle and volume are somewhat farther from the bridge than would the case on a Strat. Is this true? If nothing else, I've noticed that I can pick on a Classic near the bridge and not hit the volume know. What a pleasure!

(BTW, if there's a FAQ that pertains to these questions please let me know.)

Thanks in advance.


Stan Malinowski
03-06-2004, 12:46 PM
I have installed Dunlop Straploks on all 6 of my Andersons wihout any trouble, no need to worry about the additional length of the screws.

03-06-2004, 01:01 PM
correct answer about the strap locks. the tone knob is is about the same location as the bottom fender counterpart. the fender jack is out in the middle of the space behind the pickguard. the volume knob is intensionally moved for the reason you noticed.

03-06-2004, 03:43 PM
Thanks Stan and Tom,

Stan, out of curiosity, which of the two rear strap buttons do you use? Seems using the bottom one makes the guitar a bit more level or horizonal, whereas the top one angles the headstock up a bit. Correct?

Thanks, Tom, for confirming my observation about the volume knob. That slight change in placement really does add to playability.

BTW, my hardware is gold-plated, and the bridge saddles (vintage style bridge) on the HC are a bit corroded. Are replacements available?

Thanks again!


Stan Malinowski
03-07-2004, 07:49 AM

I am from the "Jimmy Page" school of guitar so I like to have my guitar hang low, so I use the upper button. I tried the lower button and the guitar just did not feel comfortable to me from a weight distribution aspect.

03-07-2004, 04:26 PM
for me, the lower button makes the guitar have a more neck up posture, the upper makes it hang more level.

03-07-2004, 05:29 PM
Am I the only one who uses both strap buttons? With the older Anderson straps, the bottom holes are in perfect line with the strap buttons. The guitar hugs your body and feels really secure.

03-07-2004, 06:35 PM
I use both buttons as well, when I have my TA strap. If I've forgotten it (as I did this morning for church), I use the upper strap. Great stuff.

Scott Peterson
03-07-2004, 08:05 PM
I put Dunlop strap locks on my Anderson; and I happen to prefer the way it hangs when I use the bottom button.

Just my personal taste!

03-07-2004, 10:21 PM
Anderson straps? Didn't know they existed! Went to the TA website and found them under "products." Are they still available and can you get them at TA dealers?

I like the bottom strap myself--I wear the guitar pretty high. Here's another question for straplock users--do you have straplocks on both bottom buttons or on just the one you use. Seems like they should be on both just to keep the symmetry.


Scott Peterson
03-07-2004, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by bbjonz
Here's another question for straplock users--do you have straplocks on both bottom buttons or on just the one you use. Seems like they should be on both just to keep the symmetry.


I do it on both for symmentry.

03-07-2004, 11:27 PM
some people do send us strap locks for us to install on their guitars, most send 3.

03-08-2004, 01:00 PM
Yep, that's exactly what I did - at TA's instruction. Because the Straplok buttons are longer, it would create an unbalanced guitar when it's sitting/leaning. Plus, with 2, you can attach both with the Anderson strap. Awesome.

03-08-2004, 05:25 PM
Bottom strap button user here, just feels more comfortable to me.
I have never had any difficulty with the standard Anderson strap buttons on any of my Andys. Is it just a something you are used to, or have any of you had trouble with the stock ones?

As a proud new owner of a Hollow T Classic, it took me about an hour to get used to the placement of volume and tone knobs. Cant do rapid volume fade ins with the T but how often do you need to do that anyway.;) Man do I love this guitar!!

03-09-2004, 06:24 PM
I use both buttons also, and install my guitar cord between the buttons. It is a nice snug fit with the cord in that position. I use a 90 degree plug at the guitar end and this works great for me. If I accidently step on my cord, I won't have as much of a chance of pulling the plug out of my guitar, or even worse tug on the cord to break the connection in the soldered area.