View Full Version : got my rambler!!

10-10-2007, 08:29 AM
Hey guys, got my rambler from Tom yesterday. Initial impressions, holy crap, nice warm, bright, and more of the scooped sound I've been after, very different from my lonestar, in a good way I think. Can't wait to try it out tonight at a casino gig. Many thanks to Tom, for another quality purchase, I should only buy gear from him from now on!!!
God bless,

10-10-2007, 10:53 AM
Hey Kurt - congrats! I was just thinking about you yesterday. Hope it goes well on the gig tonight, and please keep us posted as to how it sounds.


10-10-2007, 12:40 PM
i always liked the warmth of the triode mode myself.

Janine Doubly
10-10-2007, 01:50 PM
OOH!! Definitely give the Rambler a chance. They are great little amps. I think you'll like how its voice sits in the mix, especially live.

Road King
10-10-2007, 09:49 PM
Congrats brother, hope it turns out to be the "wind beneath your strings".:) That was almost clever huh. And right off the top of my head.
btw: whatever happened to the fandango?

10-11-2007, 05:28 PM
Hey guys, thanks for the congrats, I ended up selling the fandango, though not for what I was hoping for. The amp sounded great last night, nice and full, and Tom, I love the triode mode for running overdrives, did a bit of recording with it this afternoon, and it's nice and dark, then when you want the big clean sound, switch it back to pentode. Beautifull little amp, and light as all get-out, my back loves it!!! It's really making my lonestar head sound kind of boxy though, I'm a bit worried I won't want that amp for too much longer.
Thanks again all, God bless,