View Full Version : Home Recording

10-06-2007, 11:48 AM
What audio interface and software are you using to record at home?

I gave my audio interface away in the States before we moved to Tokyo and need to pick one up that works on a macBook. My wife is in radio so I probably need to get a high end model with excellent mic preamps and low latency. I am looking at the Duet by Apogee and a MOTU Ultralite, both are small and in the $500 range.

Also, what recording software are you using? The stuff on my MySpace page was done with Cool Edit Pro 2.

10-06-2007, 12:07 PM
I'm currently using a Tascam US-428 and Cubase 4, and love them both. I'm looking at upgrading the hardware, though, as it's getting a little older and it's USB. Looking at the Tascam FW-1884. Cubase is awesome.

10-06-2007, 03:36 PM
At the moment i am using a MOTU 896HD firewire and cubase 4 in a mac pro and also have a presonus tube pre. For drum loops i am using ez drummer and is awsome. Primary right know i have this setup for pre production and it works exelent. I record everything direct, guitars, bass, keyboards and drums. For keyboars i use reason and several other pulgins. For guitars i use amplitube and for bass amplitube SVX ( awsome product).

I hope this helps you.

10-06-2007, 03:42 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention that I prefer Mac, even though with the most recent versions of Cubase you can use Mac or PC. But it's Mac all the way for me...

10-06-2007, 05:26 PM
MOTU Traveler here. It works very well with the Mac, and I really like the way that the Macbook happily powers it through the firewire interface, so I don't need a power outlet for those tricky moments. The preamps aren't bad, but for anal retentive quality, most people would opt for an external preamp anyway. I suspect the Ultralite would be similar.

I've been using Tracktion for the PC, but have recently 'switched' to the Mac version, and it seems to work just as well - well at least with most of my VST and VSTIs (but not with AUs). Garage Band looks pretty good for general recording and can use AU filters/instruments (but not VSTs). I suppose something like Logic or Sonar would be the bees knees, but I don't see myself needing that level of functionality.

BTW, Garage Band and Tracktion are way better for general recording than Cool Edit / Adobe Audition. But, Cool Edit / Audition are much better for editing WAV files. I use a combination of both tools. Tracktion to record and mix, and Audition to edit the odd WAV file.

10-06-2007, 07:02 PM
MOTU Traveler here. It works very well with the Mac, and I really like the way that the Macbook happily powers it through the firewire interface, so I don't need a power outlet for those tricky moments. The preamps aren't bad, but for anal retentive quality, most people would opt for an external preamp anyway. I suspect the Ultralite would be similar.

I've been using Tracktion for the PC, but have recently 'switched' to the Mac version, and it seems to work just as well - well at least with most of my VST and VSTIs (but not with AUs). Garage Band looks pretty good for general recording and can use AU filters/instruments (but not VSTs). I suppose something like Logic or Sonar would be the bees knees, but I don't see myself needing that level of functionality.

BTW, Garage Band and Tracktion are way better for general recording than Cool Edit / Adobe Audition. But, Cool Edit / Audition are much better for editing WAV files. I use a combination of both tools. Tracktion to record and mix, and Audition to edit the odd WAV file.

Man, the Traveller looks HUGE!

Editing WAV files is important as my wife is in radio. So you are currently using Audition on a mac?

10-06-2007, 07:07 PM
So no one has heard of the Apogee Duet?

10-07-2007, 06:20 AM
Man, the Traveller looks HUGE!

Editing WAV files is important as my wife is in radio. So you are currently using Audition on a mac?
Compared to an Ultralite the Traveler IS huge. ;) It's about 2 inches wider than the 13" Macbook and the same depth - quite a bit smaller than a single 19" rack width.

I use Audition with VMWare Fusion (Windows XP). I haven't found an equivalent for the Mac that works as well, but since I mainly do everything in Tracktion anyway I'm not too worried about running it in VMWare.

I normally record through a Yamaha 01V96 desk and use the ADAT outputs into the Traveler. Occasionally I use the analog inputs, and am very happy with the quality of the mic pres - not the best, but more than good enough.

I suppose if you're after a tiny portable unit, you might want to consider some of the dual input USB or firewire interfaces.

John Price
10-07-2007, 10:21 AM
I'm using an older version MOTU 896 and running Logic Studio (Just got the New Version Logic and it's Sweet!)....All going into my imac.... Plus I'm using some Marshall tube mics and that's it!.....Or should I say that's all I can afford right now!.....

10-07-2007, 04:56 PM

I think the duet is optimized for Logic Audio (which I use and love!), I assume it will work with Cubase. It is the bomb from what I've seen and read. Same quality as the more expensive Apogee stuff for a ridiculous price. But only one or two tracks at once, right?

Whatever the case, what I'M using now is an old MOTU 828 (the original that didn't do 96K) and I LOVE the sound I get with it. I think just about anything in the pro realm will do it these days.

I am just finishing up a project with the 828. When I'm done with some mixes I'll let you know and send you an mp3 or two. The newer stuff available now can only sound better. I'd get something that does 24/96 at least...

10-07-2007, 05:42 PM
Pietro, it's good to hear from you!

I am just looking for something that is somewhat portable, has good quality preamps and flanges up with a macbook. I am really clueless on software are we have been using Cool Edit Pro 2 for so long.

Tokyo is AWESOME! I found a VOX Tonelab LE here for $299! I also bought a 10w VOX amp with no effects for playing inside the apartment for $40!

10-08-2007, 08:18 AM

Just when you got your ToneLab, I think I might be getting rid of mine. The new Pod X3 could replace 3 or 4 or even 5 things I have on stage usually... I've used PODs before and know that I like them okay. Haven't decided yet.

btw, I think you have my email address. I've been doing the home recording thing for decades, not years, and I've been all digital in the Mac since about 94 or 95... So... if you need anything, fire away!

Incidentally, since this is a TAG thread, I have to tell you I tried an expiriment. In a mix, I've found that plugging my Crowdster in direct through my Yamaha AG Stomp sounds better (but only in a mix) than my Wechter mic-ed. Amazing but true! I don't like to record acoustic "direct" but there ya go. I bet an Aura would be even better. Anyone used one with a C+? Maybe I should start a new thread.