View Full Version : That unique tone control

03-03-2004, 10:38 AM
Is it the capacitor that gives Andersons that unique half-cocked wah sound or is there some other magic going on in that mini-push/pull pot?

I love the sound my Cobras get with the bridge split and the tone rolled all the way off- very Brian May.

03-03-2004, 11:20 AM
I don't know what PUPs you're using, so this is just a guess on my part.

The cap is most likely a treble bleed - let's treble freqs through as you roll back the volume pot. I suspect that the "wah sound" is the mid-range of the PUP coupled with the mahogany body's frequency range. Plus, I don't know what amp you play and how you've set the controls - such can impact the tone as well.

With tone and oneness, Mike.

03-03-2004, 01:07 PM
Every Anderson I've owned (8 and counting) has the same tone controls. Amp hasn't seemed to matter. Pickups have varied from HO1- to H3 to the current PAF copies in all of my guitars now.

I think you are on to something with the caps.

03-04-2004, 02:14 AM
we use a lower value tone cap, .01mf. it allows the middle to stay, and only rolls off the higher treble. fender uses the huge .05, it takes everything away. gibson uses a .022, it leaves a bit more middle. tone caps are fairly pickup sensitive. you'l notice that it works like you describe with a humbucker but if you have three single coils on, it has very little effect. tone caps can be a fun thing to play with, and cheap. i used to use a very small .0033 cap which was really like a high treble cut. it didn't sound anything like a normal tone control, it just took the top end edge off.