View Full Version : suggestions for my mesa

Road King
09-30-2007, 05:12 PM
On the ever frustrating hunt for tone it seems I'm getting closer. This morning was the closest so far. I'm running a mesa rectoverb combo and using the clean channel w/ pedals for just about everything. The second channel is so laden with hairy gain that I only use it as a lead sound for that Santana feel. My pedal setup is fairly basic, out front I run a planet waves tuner, EH LPB1 for a midrange boost, Keely RAT, Keely TS9 Mod plus, BBE boosta grande for headroom. Through the loop is a MXR stereo chorus and a Boss DD20. What I'm looking for is some suggestions on making my sound a little more lively. Different speaker? Tube change? Anything that might fix that insufferable rattle that sounds like it is coming from the inside of the chassis right around the large transformer. The one that happens when I hit an open A or B on the A string.



09-30-2007, 06:21 PM
Try running a 2x12 recto cabinet. Sometimes another cabinet can open up the sound. If not a recto 2x12, try a 3/4 2x12.

09-30-2007, 07:31 PM
Hey man, this is a tough one, depending on what you're looking for. Like others mentioned, different cabs can help, maybe a new speaker? I used an eminence wizzard in my lonestar with great results, but you really should find what kind of sound you're after. If you search google, there's a demo of Tomo Fujita checking out all the eminence speakers, it's very informative. I probably misspelled his name, but you should be able to find it. Also, not sure if you can run el34's in the amp you have, but if you can, that may be an option too. If so, I am selling some mesa el34s, if you're interested. Sorry for the plug.
Hope this helps, mesas are funny amps, you love 'em one day, and are frustrated the next. My lonestar was not sounding right to me, until I recorded with it yesterday, now I love it again,

10-01-2007, 05:37 AM
Have you tried plugging into another amp? Use your guitar and pedals and A/B the amps side by side.

Changing speakers, cabinets, or tubes will definitely make a difference.

Rectoverb clean always sounded sort of cloudy to me anyway.

Good luck!

Road King
10-01-2007, 05:09 PM
Yes, the thought has crossed my mind that I may have been too hasty in my choice of amp.

10-01-2007, 06:29 PM
I've found, after playing Boogies for so many years, that the recto series cleans are a bit uninspiring. But then, as I get older, I can not understand how I played amps with so much gain. Anyway, the F-series cleans are sweet and if you can find one, such as a F-30 head, buy it.

Stiletto cleans are nice. A bit darker than the F-30. Although, for clean recorded tones, I really like my Top Hat. This amp also handles pedals well.

10-01-2007, 06:42 PM
Lonestar, whisper whisper!! Best boogie cleans, in my humble opinion, very much like a twin. It's not scooped though, so if that's your thing, the bogner shiva has a great kind of notched clean sound.

Road King
10-03-2007, 01:44 AM
Thanks guys for the suggestions. Looks like I'm stuck for the moment unless I can find a good trade candidate. Hey anybody gotta Lonestar or a Shiva they wanna trade even up for a recto?????? Anybody???? (crickets chirping in background). Well I guess I'll play around with the tubes and check out the Eminence website for a speaker replacement. I concur Stys, it seems that without paranoid, crazy train, ect. on the songlist, I have no more need for spandex, hairspray or that much gain. Btw Kurt the dd20 is awesome. I 'm really enjoying having it on my board. Anyone considering doing business with the brother should do so with all confidence.

Rockin on, even with that catch in my back:D


10-03-2007, 08:53 AM
Hey man, glad you dig the pedal, hope it does all you need it to do. As for the amp, the only suggestion I have is, if you don't think you like the basic tone of it from the get go, maybe it's not the amp for you. I've been through a ton of gear that I spent hundreds of dollars on, trying to fix what is just inherent in the amp itself. Just my two cents, but I'd keep looking at other amps too, before I dropped the cash on tubes and speakers, often you can't get your resale value out of the upgrades.
I'll keep my eyes open for anybody looking for a recto,
God bless,

10-03-2007, 01:53 PM
Kurt, you should do a deal with him for your Fandango? Its got killer cleans and a very workable distortion?
Just a thought....I guess I'm a RiveraHead now..:o