View Full Version : Dear Tom i sent you 3 mail with no answer

03-02-2004, 08:35 AM
Dear Tom,

someone just told there is an active Anderson forum on the net. I sent your company three mail left unanswered. Please find a copy of this mail below. I just hope that this silence (3 mails in a six months period) is due to a technical problem (e.g. SPAM filter).

Here are the SN of my two Drop Tops (i ordered at the Frankfurth Messe more than 10 years ago):

1) 10-2-93 A
2) 9-26-93 A

Here is the content of my mail(s):


I am the happy owner of two TA Drop Top since year 1993 (i can provide serial numbers
tomorrow if relevant).

I have a few short questions:

1) Is it possible to send my two guitars to your factory for the purpose of changing
the frets (getting old and used now) ?

2) Is it possible to add a vintage voicing option on those instruments?

3) Is it possible to add the Feiten tuning system on an older TA guitar ?

4) I really die for your Drop Top 7: do you think you will rebuild it someday ?
I could even wait two years for it if i order now...I could provide the specs
tomorrow (just don't want to go for a 7 from Music Man or Ibanez)

Thanks in advance for your reply,

best regards, Joel Poels


Stan Malinowski
03-02-2004, 12:32 PM
Usually Anderson is very timely and diligent in answering emails. Try sending your email directly to Roy Fought : royataguitars@earthlink.net

03-02-2004, 01:39 PM
i remember responding to all these questions. don't know why you didn't get them.
1.yes we do refrets. 4300 for rosewood, 350 for maple, 400 for tinted maple. shipping will be outrageous.
2.yes we can add vintage voicing, very simple.
3.yes we can feitenize. $200, $150 if we are refretting as well.
4. we have no plans to make more 7 strings.

03-02-2004, 10:37 PM
A similar thing happened to me with Larrivee. I wrote them and got no response. I complained about it in the forum, and Mathew Larrivee relayed a message to me through the forum administrator. Turns out my ISP was rejecting emails from larrivee.com.

03-02-2004, 11:14 PM
All my e-mails (I've sent several) have been answered within an hour---------and a few were answered within minutes! I'm a happy customer.

03-03-2004, 05:20 AM
Dear Tom,

Definitely it seems that there are/were some technical issues during our mail exchanges since i did not received any answer from your side...just wish to apologize posting this on the forum.

I still have some more questions:

1) You said "shipping is outrageous" but if i visit you from Europe and stay about 1 month in CA is it possible to do the job (refrets 430$+feiten 150$+vintage voicing) during my stay ?

2) I searched for the neck back shape of my guitars on your website and the field was blank. As far as i remember, i ordered the "standard" TA shape...did this shape changed over years ?

3) Regarding the 7 Drop Tom...i don't really understand your position since as you use CAD/CNC systems, the whole layout should already be programmed and ready to run on selected pieces of wood. Is it just because you can't find suitable hardware or you don't build any 7 pickups (i could provide you some)? Really need a seven but no Ibanez/MusicsMan. I think the Baritom is nice but if i tune it to B, i lack the high E string register which i really need for my style.

The reason why i insist is due to the fact i realy LOVE...LOVE...LOVE your guitars.
Just tell me it's ok for a 7 and i order it through LIMIT (Belgium).

Best regards, Joel

P.S. once again i apologize.

03-04-2004, 02:07 AM
if you will be here for more than one week, we can do the work in that time. i'm sorry for the typo, rosewood necks are $300 not 4300.
if the backshape field is blank, it is standard.
yes we still have the tooling, but do not make the pickups any longer, and really don't want to make more 7 strings. the last one on ebay went for 1500.

03-06-2004, 12:26 PM
just so this doesn't happen again, i have a spam filter on my email. if you email me you will automatically be sent an email asking you to type a work you will see on the screen. that will authorize your mail through. it will only happen the first time. sorry for the bother, but i get hundreds of junk emails abut enlarging or reducing just about every body part you can imagine along with every miricle cure you could dream up. this keeps my inbox fairly managable.

03-06-2004, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by tom
just so this doesn't happen again, i have a spam filter on my email. if you email me you will automatically be sent an email asking you to type a work you will see on the screen. that will authorize your mail through. it will only happen the first time. sorry for the bother, but i get hundreds of junk emails abut enlarging or reducing just about every body part you can imagine along with every miricle cure you could dream up. this keeps my inbox fairly managable.

Hey where did you get that spam filter?

BTW, you guys are builidng me a HCS. But since I was impatient I went ahead and got a HDT. I can't put it down!

So when the HCS gets here it will have a Fireburst friend to keep it company!

Damn you make some sweet guitars!

Stan Malinowski
03-07-2004, 07:50 AM
Tom uses SpamArrest, www.spamarrest.com . It's pricey ($34.95/year) but it works very well.

03-07-2004, 04:24 PM
correct, i've had it about 8 months. you can pay as you go or buy a year at a time. it allows you to view the stuff it blocks for about a week. i scan it daily to make sure it's not blocking someone i want to get through. the down side is that if someone else has a blocker, it's hard to know that my mail didn't get through. the blockers block the blockers. i scan the subject, so if you don't put a subject that means something, i won't push it through. if it's blank or says"hi" i leave it in the holding tank and you are on your own. i did get hit with the klez worm on the first day it came out, and it was a total hassle to reconstruct, so this is a bit of protection.