View Full Version : Retailer Loyalty - Buying from one or Buying from many?

03-01-2004, 11:43 PM
I was in a marketing meeting today while our Dir. of Marketing was complaining of customer indifference and apathy in today's market. So naturally I was daydreaming of guitars and TAG.:D (soapbox: because the real reason customers are fickle is that company's are after the quick buck, work on volume and small margins, and could care less about the repeat customer. Poor buying experiences are the mainstay in today's retail world)

In my post-lunch, food coma haze, the agenda did cause me to stop and wonder.

How many of you stick w/ one TAG retailer and never go w/ anyone else?

For example, I know that Pluto's loyal to Dan, on Berentania in Honolulu. I go w/ Brian Harris, cause he rocks:cool:

Are you loyal because of the service, the pricing, the location, etc.?

Or are you willing to buy from new dealers because of their current inventory (e.g. various Cobras, Classics, DTs, etc)?

I am one of those buyers who stick w/ what I know. With Brian, I know what to expect in terms of service and delivery. This is not to say that Steve at Wildwood or Dan at Dan's or Jack at Magdon aren't just as good. I guess it's like your mechanic, or your doctor, it's a matter of trust - a concept devoid in today's markets.

That said, I also believe that Roy and tom do a wonderful job at sourcing the stores and the people to market their products. This is probably why there are so many great people w/in the extended TAG family or TAG retail network.

Tom Gross
03-02-2004, 12:19 AM
I am loyal out of friendship, trust and gratitude to my buddy Jack Gretz. I wouldn't rule out buying from someone else in some situations, but I guess I'd always go to Jack first, and for sure order any TA's through him.
Then I'd look at the other recommended guys. I'd be wary buying a guitar unseen from anyone but those with great reps. I would also try to support the local shop here in Richmond if I was looking buying from stock.
But I'd always call Jack first.

Stan Malinowski
03-02-2004, 12:20 PM
I second Tom's comments about loyalty towards Jack Gretz and the Magdon crew. I started buying my PRSs from Jack over 5 years ago. He was the one who got me hooked on Andersons. I've bought all 7 of my new Andersons from Jack, including the Trans Blonde Classic (NAMM 2004 guitar) which I picked up last Saturday. I've bought 2 used Andersons from individuals based on their unique characteristics (the guitars, not the individuals). Jack has become quite a friend over the years, but his dealings with people are just as great whether you are an old friend or a first time customer.

03-02-2004, 12:24 PM
Michael, well you already know my answer as you typed it in! All things being equal, I'll go to Dan at Dan's Guitars if he has what I want in stock and even if it'll cost me a little more. Dan has always charged me less than what is on the sticker price which of course is discounted from the MSRP, so I know he does give me a decent deal. Other bonuses of going to Dan is that he'll fix and set up things for free for me even if the item was not bought from him. I've had numerous fx that needed switches replaced, guitars that needed repair work or adjustments to the set up, amps that needed to be looked at, etc., etc., and he'll do those things for free. Can't ask for better service than that. If Dan doesn't have the stuff that I want, I do also tend to go to people that I'm familiar with and stick with them. For example, I've bought stuff from Ed at tonemerchants because I've bought stuff from him and the items came as described, and also one of my friends from high school goes to his store a lot. I also know Ed gives a price that is very competitive with others, so I know I don't have to worry about his pricing. So, yes, generally speaking, I do tend to go with the same people-it's a comfort thing-I know they'll take care of me, but it's also a loyalty thing because of the fact I know they have great customer service and have taken care of me in the past.

Scott Peterson
03-02-2004, 05:27 PM
It depends on what I need and who has it. I know many dealers; and am familar with the reps on them if I haven't bought from them.

Jack Gretz is my go-to guy on new guitars. I have also bought from Brian at WMC, Brandon at Willcutt's and on used guitars from many many more (including Emporiums at the PRS Forum, Gear Page, and others) and.... Ebay.

03-07-2004, 07:20 PM
For me I would say I do not have any loyalty to any one store at this point. I have always been rather independant and informed as a pro for 27 years
I do my research, tech, specs, friends e.t.c.
Then its down to availiability, and price.
I have been buying used alot lately so its Harmony Central or E-Bay for that.
Supplies i go to GC for the "GLP'! (I used to work there recently so I still get hooked up well)
I would be more inclined to patronize the local 'boutique' shops in my area as my gear tastes run more inline with those type products. (Wildwood/Guitars etc/Music Gear Guys/Guitar X)

