View Full Version : Koch Studiotone amp 20 watt

Kid Metric
09-07-2007, 07:34 AM
Anyone got one of these?
Opinions, please!

Eric Pykala
09-23-2007, 06:12 AM
I don't own one, but my best friend does, and I've played the one at our store a lot. Wicked little grab 'n' go, very much in the Marshall camp (esp. thru a 4 X 12), flexible tonally even with shared EQ, surprisingly loud for its rated output. The cleans are very nice, but not Fender-y. Lots of gain on tap, maybe not enough for metal, but classic rock heaven. Likes pedals. Sounds absolutely huge thru a bigger cab, and has no problem pushing a 4 X 12 to painful levels. Me likes!-Eric

07-25-2008, 11:44 PM
Old post, I know. But I just played one of these in Kent, Ohio last week at Woodsy's Music. Goodness Gracious, sakes alive. This amp is like Moses on a motorbike. The clean was great. The drive character was beyond beautiful. And it sounded humongous for a little 1x12 compact combo. I can't imagine it through a 4x12, but it sounded plenty big through the standard combo cab. Plenty of bass, and plenty of gooey overdrive.

2 channels (footswitchable) with a boost (also f/w-able) that adds gain and a slight lead contour. I LOVED this amp. I was shocked that it was a $1500 amp, though. That's pretty steep for something that is small and relatively low-powered. However, I'm inclined to believe that $1500 is a small price to pay for an amp that delivers so much sonic juju.

Kid Metric
08-11-2008, 08:55 AM
I paid $1200 shipped to my door for one brand new 10 months ago.
Magdon used to carry them, but I don't think they do anymore.
I run mine through a Marshall 4/12 with Vintage 30's.