View Full Version : Can you convert a classic with humbucker to traditional single coils?

02-29-2004, 03:46 AM
I have a classic. dob is 05-23-01p. The neck is to die for; the best I've ever played. I love it. Over the past two years I've had the guitar I've grown less and less fond of the humbucker in the bridge position however. The other positions just dont cut through well and the humbucker just doesnt work for me. The pickup switch seems to be either in the middle or on the neck the whole time I'm playing. None of the other sounds work well for me. I know that it would be aesthitically unpleasing to do weird stuff to a guitar like this but is it possible to replace the humbucker with a traditional single coil and make the guitar a more traditional strat type guitar? I thought about trading it but I just love that neck and love playing it to much to do that.

02-29-2004, 09:46 AM
yes you can... all of the classics have a hum single hum route underneath the pickguard, so if you change your mind you can easily change it.

I would guess you could order a pickup and pickguard replacement from Anderson, and just swap everything else out.


02-29-2004, 01:40 PM
:) That would be cool. I'd like to do that. I may just get the pickguard replacement and figure out what I'm going to do pick up wise cause I'm not sure yet. I wish the 4th position had a more pronounced quack. Playing wise though.....I liked the sound of my 62 reissue but it just feels like I'm playing a table leg in comparison to the neck on the classic. But I dont have to tell any of you guys about that cause you already know...:)

03-01-2004, 06:05 PM
Hello! I actually went through the same issue about a year ago. I have a classic 09-28-02A that I had Tom make up a new pickguard loaded with VA1's and an HO2. You get a more traditional sound, plus I like the HO2 much better than the H2.

03-01-2004, 09:08 PM
I've traded some emails with Tom and am currently trying to figure out what pickup combination will work best for me. Thanks!