View Full Version : Technically challenged..HELP!

08-07-2007, 06:23 AM
I need a device that is similar to the old Rockman unit. I wan to be able to plug my guitar into it and play along with CD's or tapes. I also need to be able to play and record passages to work on solos with. Somthing you can slow the speed of the song? I think this thing will probably have a tuner, metronome or drum setup built in along with various guitar effects. I think I may have seen something similar in the trades, but couldn't find it. I know this thing exists. I don't need MP3 or computer based stuff with it (unless it just happens to be part of the deal.
Is it Roger Lynn? Digitech? Zoom? M-Audio Black Box? Who makes this?
What do you guys do, (except the computer guys)?
Any help is appreciated

08-07-2007, 10:53 AM
i think roland/boss came up with just that thing in the past year. check out their site.

08-07-2007, 12:39 PM
The Digitech RP 350 or 300 does exactly what you are talking about. I use it for practice with headphones. The drum machines is much better than a metronome. It can take a 10 second sample and slow it by 25% before it get squirly. It has a 1/8" stereo in jack so you can play along. I wouldn't use it for anything other than practicing with headphones, but it does that perfectly.

08-07-2007, 12:47 PM
I have been e-mailing the Digitech Customer support. They are telling me the GNX 4 is what I need (probably expensive). I think you nailed it. Does your RP350 have a CD input to where I could do the learn a lick thing? How long of a passage can I record to practice a solo on? 10 seconds only? Is the memory expandable? Sorry for the questions...:rolleyes:

08-07-2007, 06:41 PM
You're looking for a Boss Micro BR. This thing is really nice. It's smaller than a Rockman, has about 180 (?) different guitar sounds, 300 drum patterns, all sorts of bells and whistles. Check it out on www.bossus.com

08-07-2007, 08:18 PM
that's the one i saw. pretty amazing, don't know about $ though.

08-07-2007, 08:54 PM
How about the Tascam CD-GT1 . It will do of the stuff you were after

08-07-2007, 09:04 PM
You're looking for a Boss Micro BR. This thing is really nice. It's smaller than a Rockman, has about 180 (?) different guitar sounds, 300 drum patterns, all sorts of bells and whistles. Check it out on www.bossus.com

i bought that one recently for learning tunes and saving song ideas while on the road. so far, i've only used it for learning songs, and it is really great for that alone. i think i paid $180 at gc.

08-07-2007, 09:42 PM
Boss Micro BR is really great. . .I picked up one recently for learning songs. I wish it had a pitch shift feature along with the time-scale feature though to learn those E-flat songs on an E guitar.

08-07-2007, 11:04 PM
I use my Boss Loop Station for recording directly from a CD and play over it .It works fine the center cancel function is not great and you can't slow it down but for what your looking for it would appear to fit the bill .Of course you can use for looping functions live ...

08-08-2007, 08:13 AM
Does your RP350 have a CD input to where I could do the learn a lick thing? How long of a passage can I record to practice a solo on? 10 seconds only? Is the memory expandable? Sorry for the questions...:rolleyes:

Yes to input. Digitech calls this the "jam along jack", but it's just an 1/8" in.
Sorry only 10 seconds of sample at a crack, but actually that works just fine. No way to expand memory, but honestly I don't feel like I need it. I just put it on loop, going over and over a section until I can play it at full speed, then move onto the next section. One warning, when you're in sampled playback, it kills most of the DSP on you guitar. No modulation, or amp sim, just delay and verb.

A full pitch change would be great but.... no luck. I use Logic or Pro Tools Pitch N Time for that.

08-08-2007, 09:31 AM
Gonna investigate the Boss Micro BR. Thanks everyone!