View Full Version : Allo mates

08-01-2007, 11:25 PM
My name is Jason. I'm a 24 year old male, enjoy night walks at the beach and I'm looking...for guitars. :D

I've been playing bass for years, but singing is my first love and outside of Rush and the Beatles, nobody wants a singer who plays bass. I asked about leading worship at a camp and they said I had better get a guitar. So I sold all but one bass today and I am aiming at getting a TAG soon. I played guitar before I picked up a bass and am looking forward to get back in it. I have lead worship at my old church for the youth program and alternative venue and served as the youth pastor there for 18 months. I've gotten offers to lead worship at various camps and so I'm just trusting that something will work itself out.

I found out about Anderson guitars years back when a friend worked for Suhr and mentioned this guy Tom Anderson, who would call John and chat while he polished pickguards. Another friend picked one up from Jeremy Camp's band, who had smashed the neck. :confused: It was a '93 NAMM show Cobra. He sent it back to get a new neck and SS frets and he had it only a few weeks before yet another friend had his vintage Les Paul stolen from our church. In compassion, our friend with the Cobra sold it to our Les Paul-less friend for the price he paid for it before the new neck was installed. It was then that the desire to pick up an Anderson began regardless of the fact that I didn't play guitar much at the much. Then within 6 months time, I've seen three worship leaders playing Crowdsters...Brian Wurzell (Brayline), Matt Brookes (from Tom's church) and David Crowder. So eventually I will grab a Crowdster. I need to find a finish that hasn't been done yet, but Tom's finishes are some of the best I've ever seen so I couldn't go wrong.

I've been talking to Tom for the past week or so through email and I can't say enough nice things about him. If you're reading this, thanks for taking your time to answer all my questions, Tom. I know some of them are utterly basic since I'm just getting back into guitars and I admire your patience. I'm keeping my eyes peeled for a Cobra (Hollow preferred), Hollow T Classic with humbuckers or Drop Top T so that I can join the ranks here. Wish me luck!

08-02-2007, 02:20 PM
welcome, Jason.