View Full Version : Website Update?

02-23-2004, 10:19 AM
Every once in a while, I check the Anderson website in the Tone Reference section to see if the "articles" have been updated, particularly the two that say, "Hollow Sound Chambers," and "Sound Of Body Shapes." No dice. I'd love to see this info on the site, as I enjoy reading about the tone differences and what all goes into making a guitar sound the way it does. Of course, I'm sure that everyone at TA is ridiculously busy, backorders and all, but I'd love to see that info updated at some point. But then, maybe I'm the only one who wants to see this (in which case, it wouldn't really be worth TA doing it!). There's no one who knows there tone better than TA, as far as I'm concerned, which is why I love reading their descriptions/opinions of how different aspects of construction affect the tone. Anyone else interested in this?

02-23-2004, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by mbrown3
Every once in a while, I check the Anderson website in the Tone Reference section to see if the "articles" have been updated, particularly the two that say, "Hollow Sound Chambers," and "Sound Of Body Shapes." No dice. I'd love to see this info on the site, as I enjoy reading about the tone differences and what all goes into making a guitar sound the way it does.

Hey, sounds like a job for Roy (maybe)!

I'll second mbrown's motion for a website update! No more "under construction" signs:D

02-24-2004, 12:45 AM
Yeah, Roy can do it:eek:

Everytime I call, they say he is sleeping it off in the back, whatever that means:D

Seriously, I would love to see that too as well as the new pickups and have checked back often, but fully understand the time constraints they are constantly under. And as sombody who has another guitar on order from them, I would not want this to get in the way of their guitar making. LOL :p


02-24-2004, 03:28 AM
Originally posted by andersonguy
And as sombody who has another guitar on order from them, I would not want this to get in the way of their guitar making. LOL :p

I'll second that motion as well! Let nothing stand in the way of completing our orders!!:D

02-24-2004, 08:58 AM
I hope I didn't sound like I was complaining about the website or any of the folks at TA...the website is great, actually very helpful. But I certainly know how busy things can get, and this is not a request for "immediate gratification," so to speak, but rather something I just think would be helpful whenever someone over there can get to it. I agree that it won't be Roy, though, when I called recently, the comment was "yeah, I'll have him call you back when he's out of detox...um, I mean, back from vacation. Yeah, that's it, back from vacation." It must be something in the paint over there!

02-25-2004, 01:20 PM
Alright, I guess I'll write the articles for Roy:

Hollow Chambers-less edginess, more sweetness and a warmer low end, like adding a tube rectifier, it sounds like there is more compression and a woolier tone.
Body Shapes-tele shape has more attack.

hahahaha! I just stole this info. from the Suhr website. But I have to agree, of course.