View Full Version : new speakers for a lonestar,

07-11-2007, 08:43 AM
Hey guys, I'm wondering if maybe a different speaker would change some of the things I'm not so keen on my lonestar combo? I'm trying to get a bit less of that boogie honk. I love the amp's cleans, if I could just dial that midranbge back a bit. It's weird, even at low mid and trebble setings, it's still present, I think it's inherent to boogies. Has anyone tried any other speakers in the amp? I'm trying to avoid that icepick sound of fender type speakers.
Thanks in advance,

07-12-2007, 06:33 PM
Wonder if greenbacks might change some things for you ? I have a lone star head on order .

07-13-2007, 09:49 AM
Only problem is, it's the 100 wat 1x12 combo, so whatever it is, it has to handle quite a bit of power. I'm just trying to get the honk down a bit. I was thinking the celestion g12-65 reissues, anyone tried those?

Janine Doubly
07-13-2007, 11:32 AM
I hear they are very good. Haven't tried the re-issues but I have heard older G12 65's and they are cool speakers for an 80's lead tone. But, my guess is, they will not be much different than the C90 Black Shadow that is in your Lone Star. Mesa uses a UK built Celestion driver that is basically a higher wattage Vintage 30 and tend to be of a harsher nature than the V30. If the new G12 65's are anything like the old ones, they will have quite a bit of midrange and top end and are a bit dry. If you never fully crank the Lone Star at 100 watts, I suggest trying the Celestion Lead 80. Its a very rich and slightly darker sounding Celestion. I've put them in a couple of 70's Marshall JMP combos that are notoriously bright and edgy and the Lead 80 does a nice job of taming the top end and the mids a bit. They take 80 watts which would still allow you to open the amp up almost all the way.

You could also look into some of the Emminence Red Coat or Cannabis Rex speakers. They have A LOT of choices in a variety of wattages.

07-13-2007, 12:10 PM
Thanks a lot man, my main thing is, I want a nice balanced tone, I do a lot of clean work, so I like having a nice top end there, but I don't want something like a fender brightness, I don't like how brittle sounding overdrives are with those types of speakers. I wish I could try more of these out, without buying and putting them in, an expensive trial and error process!

07-13-2007, 01:16 PM
I forgot to ask, what's the main difference in the classic 80 versus the vintage 30?

Janine Doubly
07-13-2007, 01:54 PM
There are technical reasons for the difference, mainly in the voice coils and how they are made. But the proof is in the listening. To my ears, this is what I hear is the difference: The Vintage 30 is more like an old Blue or Greenback in its top end breakup. A little sizzly, but musical. However, the V30 sounds NOTHING like a Blue or Greenback, because its low end response is pretty rich and the mids have a nice aggressive bark without going too far, like a re-issue Greenback (Which is VERY different from the newer Heritage Greens). The Lead 80 still has some bite, but its a little more modern in the top end (not as brittle) and its midrange and bass response are darker, richer and less barky. The reason I think it would sound good in your Mesa is it will be a little more neutral in the mids, hopefully taming your mid problem while still giving you a nice top end response, without the "spiky" sound found in Jensens. The Lead 80 still sounds British, just less aggressive in its voicing and more neutral, therefore allowing the amp to do more of the voicing than the speaker. Running clean, the Lead 80 sounds more like a good old EVM, but not as sterile and when punched or run with overdrive, its creamy and musical without being boring.

If you want to experiment, trying the Emminence stuff is a lot cheaper than Celestion, but I think, in some cases, less satisfying. There is just something in the Celestion production process that sounds so "Celestiony".

07-14-2007, 02:53 PM
Thanks a lot man, I'm searching for a classic lead as we speak. I may try a v30, just to see what it does. Maybe it'll help out my rivera, that's got a g12-75 in it, and it isn't doing much for me. Kind of bland.
Thanks a lot, much appreciated. I agree, there's something about the celestions that just sound better.