View Full Version : hep'! w/ stainless fret question...

mr. j
07-07-2007, 11:00 AM
so even if a guitars description on the build card or dealers listing says 'heavy frets' or 'medium frets' IF the guitar was made past Feb. of '02 it has stainless frets?
Question being, I see lots of new (and used) Andersons for sale that say 'heavy frets' but no classification of 'stainless' or even an abreviation of SS after the phrase 'heavy frets'. Will there always be SS afterwards if they are indeed stainless?

07-07-2007, 11:31 AM
stainless started in early 2002, but we don't have a hard cutoff date. the guitars we took to the show in january had them but full switch over happened a couple months later. if you have a specific guitar in mind i may be able to look it up in the assembly hard copy. it would be safe to say that after april all were stainless.

mr. j
07-07-2007, 11:52 AM
Hi Major Tom!
So it's safe to say that after that date all your guitars had stainless frets whether they be listed 'medium' or 'heavy' by a dealer (unless maybe a custom order specified otherwise?).

mr. j
07-07-2007, 12:00 PM
sorry, I see you said yes, that all were stainless after that date...

07-07-2007, 12:44 PM
we have had small, medium and heavy in stainless since spring 2002. we now also have jumbo and what we are calling low rise. the low rise is like our pre 1993 heavies a little lower and a little narrower.

mr. j
07-07-2007, 03:08 PM
how about the hollow T in the Used Section Tom? Could you look it up in the assembly hard copy to be sure?
birthday is 08-30-02A