View Full Version : naylor!!

06-30-2007, 07:55 PM
Holy cow, anyone play one of these? Ultra smooth gain, very dynamic, and it has a master volume tom would love. :)

07-01-2007, 04:19 PM
tim pierce has raved about his as his go to amp for years. never got a chance to play one though.

07-01-2007, 08:00 PM
the really cool thing that i think you would dig is that the OD channel sounds the same at pretty much all volume levels. it stays warm, organic, and smooth down to bedroom (or church) settings. very cool!

07-02-2007, 10:08 AM
but where to find one and what price?

07-02-2007, 11:59 AM
haha, good question. they are pretty rare. i bought mine from jeremy camp's guitar player, randy. great guy and a grrreat player.

there's one on the evil bay now. not sure if it is early era or current era Naylor.

apparently, the original builder sold his blueprints/schematics to the current builder, so they are supposed to be identical.

EDIT: andy most (www.myspace.com/andymost) (a member here under the handle Mondoslug) has a bunch of killer clips recorded through his Naylor.

07-02-2007, 12:59 PM
any idea what the going rate is?

07-02-2007, 03:02 PM
not too high; still a fairly unknown amp. (pm sent)

07-02-2007, 03:06 PM
thanks. would love to trade for one. have too much stuff laying around these days.

Janine Doubly
07-03-2007, 01:02 PM
My advice is to find an original Naylor SuperDrive 38 or 60. They are both KILLER gain amps for low volume applications. The one on Ebay whose auction just finished is a newer version. It looks very similar to the originals and the build quality, while maybe not quite as nice as the originals, looks to be pretty nice. The older versions used an Emminence/Naylor special design speaker that was really cool.

If you can find an original for around $2000.00, its worth every penny.

07-03-2007, 05:33 PM
It looks very similar to the originals and the build quality, while maybe not quite as nice as the originals, looks to be pretty nice.

the naylor website says that every single thing is identical--tubes, caps, cabs, speakers, transformers, pots, ect...

when david king bought and subsequently moved the company, he bought all the plans and blueprints, and all the remaining parts stock from the old co. the new amps are identical. same danny russell-designed circuit with the exact same parts.

The older versions used an Emminence/Naylor special design speaker that was really cool.

If you can find an original for around $2000.00, its worth every penny.

my 212 has those speakers. it has been modded for channel switching (which i might undo), it's detroit-made, and i paid under $2k. :cool:

07-03-2007, 05:45 PM
emailed back and forth with the guy who had one on ebay, and he has had both and says they are the same. still trying to figure out what's different about the 38 and 60. justin, is your channel switching the same as the duel model? if so, is it usable with the same eq setting?

07-03-2007, 06:11 PM
justin, is your channel switching the same as the duel model? if so, is it usable with the same eq setting?

i think so. i'm emailing around trying to find out. might post on TGP and see if anyone knows over there...if it is, i may have the mod removed.

the mod added a minimum volume knob and a three-way bright switch on the underside of the chassis for the clean channel. also, the low input on the clean channel doesn't work, and the bite switch for the drive channel doesn't work. both are by-products of the mod.

i think i would rather have the single-channel amp with a working bite switch. although, as it is, the drive channel is awesome. don't care a whole lot for the clean channel.

and yes, the EQ (presence, bass, mids (more of a high-mids), treble) works for both channels.

Suriel Zayas
07-03-2007, 09:15 PM
ithe mod added a minimum volume knob and a three-way bright switch on the underside of the chassis for the clean channel. also, the low input on the clean channel doesn't work, and the bite switch for the drive channel doesn't work. both are by-products of the mod.

i think i would rather have the single-channel amp with a working bite switch. although, as it is, the drive channel is awesome. don't care a whole lot for the clean channel.

and yes, the EQ (presence, bass, mids (more of a high-mids), treble) works for both channels.


it seems your mod made a duel 60 out of your superdrive 60, based on naylor's website specs for the duel 38/60. your amp originally had an mv and gain, but no volume control for the clean (?) or it really didn't have a clean channel, and now with the mod you have both channels. a friend has both 90's and 2003 (post company sale and move to dallas) models and there is absolutely no sonic or build difference (that i can notice).

does yours have the special design 50 speaker?

btw, i have first dibs at my friends duel 38 whenever he decides to get rid of it.

jutin's assesment of the amp is completely accurate.

07-03-2007, 09:33 PM
does yours have the special design 50 speaker?

two of 'em. :D

Janine Doubly
07-05-2007, 06:49 PM
I will say, if the build quality on the new ones is like the pictures shown on the guy's Ebay auction, it is very good, BUT the old ones I've had the pleasure of opening up are a work of art. The lead dress on those old ones is breathtaking.

Justin, I am VERY jealous!! :-) I've been lusting after one for years and kicking myself to not have bought the two used ones that came through Mass over the years.