View Full Version : R2D2 AMp Rig

06-27-2007, 05:14 PM
BY eliminating much of my old studio gear. I converted my 16 space rack into a small amp rig for easy mobility. In the rack, from top to bottom is a power conditioner, tc FX unit, Boogie F-30 head and a Boogie 1x12 cabinet.

In front is the channel switcher, tube screamer and a wah.



07-03-2007, 05:58 PM
Hey, nice little rig, I bet it's a great rock tone. It's always fun to slim things down, I need to do the same, for smaller gigs and rehearsals. I want a carr rambler!!

07-03-2007, 07:45 PM
Downsizing was something I needed to do after the band thing ended. I'm actually happy with the little rig. Since I'm just recording and no longer playing out, the F-30 is perfect. I thought I would miss playing out but recording has been a lot of fun.