View Full Version : The ultimate clean boost pedal is...

06-22-2007, 07:20 PM
...the Creation Audio Lab MK. 4.23. Holy cow what awesome tones can be had with this gizmo. Easily my best pedal purchase of the last couple of years.

Anyone else have one? If not, what's your favorite boost pedal?

06-22-2007, 07:51 PM
Barber Launch Pad is my fav

06-22-2007, 07:54 PM
Barber Launch Pad is my fav

Mine too, although I don't really use it as a boost...more just for gain staging.

06-22-2007, 07:59 PM
Yea I was just getting ready to edit my post I use it more for gain stageing too. The Tone Press does a nice clean boost. I'm waiting for the mini launch pads made just for gain stageing to come out that Dave has talked about so I can move my Lanuch Pad to the front of the chain.

06-22-2007, 10:56 PM
...the Creation Audio Lab MK. 4.23. Holy cow what awesome tones can be had with this gizmo.

i've been in love with the rc booster ever since i bought it. what do you like about the mk423? is it transparent or does it add something special to your tone? what controls does it have? how much boost and gain are on tap?

i like the rc as a clean boost because its fairly transparent and because it has a great eq section. i can get fender cleans out of my gabriel (an el84 amp) using the rc booster.

06-23-2007, 05:25 AM
i've been in love with the rc booster ever since i bought it. what do you like about the mk423? is it transparent or does it add something special to your tone? what controls does it have? how much boost and gain are on tap?

i like the rc as a clean boost because its fairly transparent and because it has a great eq section. i can get fender cleans out of my gabriel (an el84 amp) using the rc booster.
Olectric, lots of people recommended the RC to me but I never had a chance to test drive it. I had already been through the Fulltone Fulldrive and tested the Keeley Katana and was still searching for something more transparent. However, had I not already tested the MK423, I probably would have chosen the RC, as I've heard nothing but rave reviews about it from people whose ears I trust.

I'm having a Dabeck Custom JTM-45 amp head being built and it just so happened that a small independent guitar dealer near me had the Dabeck in combo version and the MK onsite and I was able to test drive them both together and that was all she wrote. The specs on the MK indicate is has up to 24 db of boost and it only has one knob. I don't profess to have expert ears but to me it was totally transparent on the amp and guitar's tone. I figured it didn't get much better than what I heard and I just went with the MK. I think one could do very well with either the MK or the RC.

06-23-2007, 10:54 AM
i have the lp and rc, and i like the lp for the gain staging use, but am not currently using it with the egnater. for boost the rc is hard to beat. i'd say the the lp changes the tone less, it really is just a volume boost, i like what the rc does to the tone. can't even put my finger on what is different, i just like it.

Ray K.
06-23-2007, 11:12 AM
I really like my homebrewed Mini Booster. Also known as Jack Of All Mini boosters (JOAM). It can be found on General Guitar Gadget's web site and is a really simple and inexpensive build. Simple, one knob boost that is very transparent yet musical.

A very close second is my DOD FX10 Bi-FET boost. They're no longer made, but you can pick them up used for very reasonable.

I use mine for straight clean boost as well as gain staging too.

Ray K.

John Price
06-23-2007, 04:15 PM
My Vote is The RC Booster!! For Sure Dude! :D

06-24-2007, 09:56 AM
I'm kind of tired of "transparent" pedals... I vote for the coolest clean boost with lots of attitude and grit: The Durham SexDrive! Setteled on this one after trying a bunch of boosts.

06-24-2007, 10:34 AM
I'm kind of tired of "transparent" pedals... I vote for the coolest clean boost with lots of attitude and grit: The Durham SexDrive! Setteled on this one after trying a bunch of boosts.
I also love clean boosts with a dial for grit. Heard lots of good things about that one. Another clean boost that allows you to add some grit is the under-the-radar Kaden Pavo Boost. They gave me one of their first prototypes and it's still on my board.

Janine Doubly
06-25-2007, 09:04 PM
I used to use a Klon which I loved, but the darn thing took up too much space on my board. So I went with a Cornish NB-2. Pure, unadulterated linear boost that can be bumped up to 18 volts. It is truly transparent and thus, makes my amp do fun things when I kick it on. Spectacular pedal, as is all of Pete's stuff.

06-27-2007, 06:32 PM
Klon... end of story.

06-27-2007, 07:25 PM
this kind of story never ends:o

06-28-2007, 02:28 AM
I've just received a Klon. What a remarkable pedal!! I use it as an OD, but it sounds awsome as boost too. It has a very special sound that you either hate or love... I love it! I think you have to play very "clean/technical" and articulate to make it sound good. If you kind of hammer away on the strings, other overdrives will do a better job, IMHO.