View Full Version : Played through an incredible Dr.Z amp today.

06-21-2007, 06:44 PM
The Dr.Z Prescription ES head. I hadn't played through a Z since I sold my KT-45 and had forgotten how sweet and spanky a Z is voiced. There was a guy at the shop playing it with a modded Tele and he and the amp sounded terrific.

I now have GAS again....

I can't believe Tom himself doesn't have a Z in his arsenal. Tom, I'm doing you a huge favor :D by recommending this brand to you!

06-21-2007, 07:04 PM
there are a lot of amps i don't have. i would gladly take donations of any Z's, /13, bogner, guytron. heads are fine, i don't need any combos(to save you the shipping of course).

06-21-2007, 07:10 PM
there are a lot of amps i don't have. i would gladly take donations of any Z's, /13, bogner, guytron. heads are fine, i don't need any combos(to save you the shipping of course).
*Add me to that donation list* :)

06-21-2007, 11:16 PM
there are a lot of amps i don't have. i would gladly take donations of any Z's, /13, bogner, guytron. heads are fine, i don't need any combos(to save you the shipping of course).

Tom Anderson: The Benevolent Receptacle for all your Burdening Amplfiers.:D "For Tom so loved the world that he gave his one and only garage as a storage, so that all who have extra boutique amps may not grow weary, but have eternal GAS..."

06-22-2007, 10:23 AM
The Benevolent Receptacle for all your Burdening Amplfiers.
i like the sound of that. i would gladly sacrifice my office at home to store such burdens for you all. the office at work is over crowded with amps already, and laurie would punish me if i brought more there. the home office will keep them dry, clean and out of harms way. well except for a wolfhound chewed corner or two.

06-23-2007, 09:37 AM
Tom Anderson: The Benevolent Receptacle for all your Burdening Amplfiers.:D "For Tom so loved the world that he gave his one and only garage as a storage, so that all who have extra boutique amps may not grow weary, but have eternal GAS..."
So generous of Tom . He just gives and gives .:p

06-23-2007, 09:39 AM
So generous of Tom . He just gives and gives .:p

until it hurts.:)

06-23-2007, 10:48 AM
that's just the kind of guy i am, relieving burdons with no thought of my personal well being.
to toatally derail, has anyone played the guytron gt20?

06-23-2007, 11:28 AM
I thought ToneLounge had one for a bit. Or was that a different Guytron?

06-24-2007, 08:10 PM
Back on the rail.

Anyone play a Crowdster Plus thru a Maz 18? I am wantin' one bad.

The Blues Junior and the boxy sound is getting old!

06-26-2007, 03:24 PM
I don't have a Crowdster, but my MAZ 18 sounds anything but boxy. I imagine the Crowdster plus would sound great with that amp.

06-26-2007, 04:11 PM
I don't have a Crowdster, but my MAZ 18 sounds anything but boxy. I imagine the Crowdster plus would sound great with that amp.

You get the 1-12? Celestions? Reverb?

06-26-2007, 08:47 PM
I have a Maz 18 2x10 and a Maz 38 1x12 v30. Both are reverb equipped. I had im my possesion for a short time a Crowdster, not a plus, and played it as well as many other piezo equipped acoustics including Martins, Taylors and Taks thorugh both amps in numerous settings.

Interestingly I find the Maz series, or at least mine, make for a very warm yet accurate sound for an acoustic. They are extrmely versatile.

One other thing: I find that I set my amps for one sound onstage. And it seems to work for both singles and hums. Maybe just a tweak down on the bass for hums.

06-27-2007, 04:09 AM
I have a Maz 18 2x10 and a Maz 38 1x12 v30. Both are reverb equipped. I had im my possesion for a short time a Crowdster, not a plus, and played it as well as many other piezo equipped acoustics including Martins, Taylors and Taks thorugh both amps in numerous settings.

Interestingly I find the Maz series, or at least mine, make for a very warm yet accurate sound for an acoustic. They are extrmely versatile.

One other thing: I find that I set my amps for one sound onstage. And it seems to work for both singles and hums. Maybe just a tweak down on the bass for hums.

WHOA! I am turning green with envy! You like the 2-10s?

06-27-2007, 08:28 PM
The 2x10 is very warm sounding. I like it if you have a good PA. If not you need the mids the 1x12. In fact I have a 1x12 ZBest cab that I will often use with either amp, if I am not being mic'd.

06-28-2007, 02:51 PM
marsodude, I have a reverb head that I run on a J Design 1x12 cabinet with an Eminence Wizard in it.

06-29-2007, 04:39 PM
marsodude, I have a reverb head that I run on a J Design 1x12 cabinet with an Eminence Wizard in it.

I trust you like the head?

06-29-2007, 06:43 PM
I trust you like the head?

Marsodude, have you checked out the Z-Forum yet? There are usually one or two Z's for sale over there at good prices.

I picked up the Limited Edition SRZ-65 reissue earlier this year and it is just a great amp. My only real complaint, which is the case with almost every tube amp, is that you really have to get those tubes glowing and those speakers working to get the best tones. Great for tone, bad for the ears!

Anyway, here is the link to the Z-Forum:

Z-Talk (http://drzamplifiers.proboards41.com/index.cgi)

06-29-2007, 11:05 PM
Marsodude, have you checked out the Z-Forum yet? There are usually one or two Z's for sale over there at good prices.

I picked up the Limited Edition SRZ-65 reissue earlier this year and it is just a great amp. My only real complaint, which is the case with almost every tube amp, is that you really have to get those tubes glowing and those speakers working to get the best tones. Great for tone, bad for the ears!

Anyway, here is the link to the Z-Forum:

Z-Talk (http://drzamplifiers.proboards41.com/index.cgi)

That is why the Maz 18 is so popular. Because of it's lower power you can run it a bit. But it is one LOUD 18 watt amp!

06-30-2007, 09:29 AM
I'm excited about the new Perscription Extra Strength Jr (RXES Jr.) coming out. It's around 15 watts, but with the tone of the RXES.

06-30-2007, 08:57 PM
Marsodude, have you checked out the Z-Forum yet? There are usually one or two Z's for sale over there at good prices.

I picked up the Limited Edition SRZ-65 reissue earlier this year and it is just a great amp. My only real complaint, which is the case with almost every tube amp, is that you really have to get those tubes glowing and those speakers working to get the best tones. Great for tone, bad for the ears!

Anyway, here is the link to the Z-Forum:

Z-Talk (http://drzamplifiers.proboards41.com/index.cgi)

Yea, I been livin' over there lately. I want a Maz Jr. I need something with more chunck to it than the Blues Junior. 15 watts is more than enough for church!


07-02-2007, 11:28 AM
Hey guys, sorry I've been away from the forum for a few days.

marsodude, you bet I like the amp. I know a lot of folks prefer the NR (non-reverb) version because of it's slightly more gain, but I really like the reverb option. I don't use much reverb, but it's nice to just wet the sound a tad and toss on some light analog delay as well to make the sound a bit more spacious.

I think if you're looking for some more 'chunk' the MAZ would be a good choice, but the Carmen Ghia might have even a bit more than the MAZ. The Ghia also doesn't have quite as much headroom as the MAZ.

Ask Brian H on this forum as well, he knows about them Zs.