View Full Version : My new Hollow T classic

02-19-2004, 03:09 PM
The wait is over for me and worth every minute!! Tom was kind enough to paint this great color for me, solid light blonde. Kinda like a vintage white. Really classic with the pickguard. Nowhere else have I ever experienced this level of service and commitment.
My hat's off to the Anderson crew (oh and that company figurehead guy Tom too) :D
First we have my new Hollow T Classic

Then the trio (soon to be quartet)

DTC with personalized selection top (even better than the pic)
This guitar plays better than it looks!

Hollow T Classic




02-19-2004, 05:17 PM
I like it a lot! Plus, it's good to see an "army" of trem-equipped guitars - especially a Cobra.

With tone and oneness, Mike.

02-19-2004, 05:21 PM
nice arsenal of Andy's - did you procure those from Brian? If so, he did a wonderful job on that Cobra top :cool: :cool:

02-19-2004, 05:55 PM
Awesome Hollow T (the others too!)!. How's the balance on that one?

I want a hollow T with a Rosewood board and trem too.
Good luck with it.

02-19-2004, 06:12 PM
Beautiful! Sometimes it's great to see a solid colored guitar instead of the transparent colored maple tops all the time. The DTC is killer looking too-very much worth the extra $500.

02-19-2004, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Beautiful! Sometimes it's great to see a solid colored guitar instead of the transparent colored maple tops all the time.

Eh braddha, you been smokin da kine pakalolo behin' da shed on ya breaks?!?! 'makin funny kine talk on da boards....:D

02-19-2004, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
Eh braddha, you been smokin da kine pakalolo behin' da shed on ya breaks?!?! 'makin funny kine talk on da boards....:D

No weed, but I'm da kine becoming one old fut! Seriously though, my next, next guitar might be a solid alder strat type guitar with no maple top! Variety is the spice of life!

02-19-2004, 07:04 PM
Very nice. the white is classy looking.

Only a couple more hours 'til my first Anderson arrives...

John Price
02-19-2004, 07:48 PM
Simply Beautiful!!

All the best to you!!


02-19-2004, 11:54 PM
I love the classic trems, Would feel naked without them. ;)
Have an alder Classic on the way. 2 of three from Brian so far.
The hollow T feels great except now my others feel heavy.:D It feels very different but the balance is nice and even, not to heavy to the neck side at all. This hollow t is Ash on top of Alder, the more I play it the more I like the way it sounds (sound familiar?)
This is my first solid color Anderson, thought at first I would miss the cool tops but it is so classy, I dont think it is any less beautiful.
My alder will be solid color also hopefully my main gig guitar. Even though I gladly play gigs with any of my Andys it will feel nice not to have such a stunning show piece playing a gig in a seedy bar. Any body else feel that way?

Thanks for the comments:D

CM what you getting?


02-20-2004, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by pluto
No weed, but I'm da kine becoming one old fut! Seriously though, my next, next guitar might be a solid alder strat type guitar with no maple top! Variety is the spice of life!

Eh old fut, next, NEXT guita bra? as if you get one in da pipe righ' now?

Seriously, it sounds like you're already in line for another Suhr? or Andy? Parker MOJO? ;):eek:

For the record, the only maple tops that I've got are on my cobras. My old faithful is a shoreline gold classic alder body from April 1996. One of the first shoreline gold's that tom sprayed and one of the first w/ BFTS. Gotta love those solid alder bodies - robust, yet complex, like a good cabernet.

Stan Malinowski
02-20-2004, 12:55 PM
Nice AG, VERY NICE!!!!:D

02-20-2004, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
Eh old fut, next, NEXT guita bra? as if you get one in da pipe righ' now?

Seriously, it sounds like you're already in line for another Suhr? or Andy? Parker MOJO? ;):eek:

For the record, the only maple tops that I've got are on my cobras. My old faithful is a shoreline gold classic alder body from April 1996. One of the first shoreline gold's that tom sprayed and one of the first w/ BFTS. Gotta love those solid alder bodies - robust, yet complex, like a good cabernet.

Yeah, I'm getting another Suhr-nothing fancy-maple top over basswood (my favorite combo next to maple over mahogany), transblue, solid maple neck (with fretmarkers!!), 2 hums and with my favorite neck-even C Slim, 1.65 nut width. I also requested for an oil finished neck too. I should be getting it in late March. Whenever I can afford another guitar after that (my wife is going back to school this fall and my daughter is going to preschool/daycare as a result, so da ol' fut goin' be broke-ass!), it'll probably be a plain old Andy or Suhr classic with three vintage single coils. I generally don't care for single coils at all, but one of my favorite tones of all time is Gary Moore on Corridors of Power-I'm pretty sure he got those aggressive tones with single coils on a strat body.

02-20-2004, 03:24 PM
Vintage single coils.
It took me quite a bit of getting used to playing with SC's. Used to be a HB person too. People like Mike Landau inspired me to some degree. I dont think you can get a better clean sound than what single coils will produce. Once you get used to them and adjust your playing style a bit, they just smoke! I am excited to be getting my alder classic for that particular single coil/alder bite.:p
John Suhr's pickups are really great as well. Never played his guitars though.

Good luck with your new choices. Always nice to have some great guitars in the pipeline.. Hope you post pics.:)


02-20-2004, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Yeah, I'm getting another Suhr-nothing fancy-maple top over basswood (my favorite combo next to maple over mahogany), transblue, solid maple neck (with fretmarkers!!), 2 hums and with my favorite neck-even C Slim, 1.65 nut width. I also requested for an oil finished neck too. I should be getting it in late March. Whenever I can afford another guitar after that (my wife is going back to school this fall and my daughter is going to preschool/daycare as a result, so da ol' fut goin' be broke-ass!), it'll probably be a plain old Andy or Suhr classic with three vintage single coils. I generally don't care for single coils at all, but one of my favorite tones of all time is Gary Moore on Corridors of Power-I'm pretty sure he got those aggressive tones with single coils on a strat body.

jealous w/ envy over here! and sympathies for the "wife in school and kids in daycare" situation. not like that situation is an unknown in my house! broke-ass is da norm in dis house.
latez:p :D

02-20-2004, 05:47 PM
Very nice andersonguy! I just happened to have purchased a nice used (1997) Hollow T Classic myself two days ago. It's set up alot like yours with the 3 single coils. Ash top on alder body. It sounds wonderful. Fantastic strat and tele in one guitar. My ONLY problem with it is that it has that really thin single-ply pickguard and it is starting to warp alittle. The guitar is butterscotch blond with a black guard now. Any suggestions on a different color pickgaurd (maybe a more sturdy 3-ply) if I send the thing to Anderson to have the powerbridge installed? I know black on butterscotch blond is kind of a classic color combo------but maybe ----white? Anyway, your new guitar looks terrific and if it sounds anything like mine------------yes, lots of smiles.

02-20-2004, 06:57 PM
Hey Gasman!!
Awesome! You should post a pic. Hollow T's are pretty awesome. Your right about the strat/tele thing. I dont know why anybody would get one without 3 pickups in it, it is the easiest way to add a whole new tonal dimention.:p
Bummer about the pickguard, I just never cared for the flat black pickguard. If you are sending it in anyway to get the powerbridge, Im sure they will either fix or replace your exsisting pickguard or pop a nice new one on there. (How about pearloid?)
If not, Im sure you could contact them and they would sell you another to replace your exsisting one.
There are also a few companies that will do custom pickguards for not too much money. I had one done for my fender which had an odd screw config. How about black pearloid? That would look sweet!!
Thanks for the compliment on the guitar, it gets better every day.:D


02-20-2004, 07:01 PM
I got a recommendation from Roy for a 3 ply matte black guard instead of the 1 ply on my new one. He said it was black all the way through, no white stripe, and it would be much more sturdy.

02-20-2004, 07:57 PM
Thanks for the input you guys. I have not had a chance to e-mail or talk to anyone yet--------but the thicker gaurd sounds like the way to go. (Black gaurd on butterscotch---hmmmmm---I don't know if I can mess with that . Looks sooooo good.) I'm also getting some input on possibly having SS frets installed as long as I'm having the peizo bridge done. What's you guy"s thoughts on that? Worth the $$$$$$$?

02-20-2004, 08:51 PM
Without a doubt worth the $$$, You wont believe the difference the stainless steel frets make, It will feel like a very new guitar.
Had it done on a DTC a couple of years ago, made me a happy camper.:D

Good luck and enjoy your new baby!