View Full Version : Thinking of picking up an egnater, thanks to the forum,

05-05-2007, 07:53 PM
Hey guys, I'm really feeling like maybe an egnate is the way to go, after hearing that clip of the 'COD module in the other thread. Does anyone have any experience with the egnater combos? Also, I found a used randal combo here in town, and I thought I'd maybe try that out, with the egnater modules, and see if I liked the sound. I can get the randal for $500, and then maybe hang on to it for a small combo if I decided to upgrade. Are the modules interchangeable? I'm not a high gain player, so I'm not really after marshall tones, I'm looking for more of the Robben Ford type singing lead sound, that's pretty dark.

05-05-2007, 08:20 PM
i have heard they are interchangeable, but the randall s have only one channel each and the egnater modules only play one channel through the randall. i'd be looking at the bassman and sl modules, they both have plenty of gain. haven't played the combos, but i think guitarzan here has one.

05-06-2007, 07:43 AM
Bruce Eganter's shop is minutes away from my work and he always has his door open for players. The shop is small but inside there is the amp room where many famous amps are played through and studied. Bruce's wife can be seen soldering boards and taking care of the business side. A must see visit for local players. Bruce is wonderful and accomodating. Any question asked receives an answer filled with so many interesting points.

Just sharing my observations.........

05-06-2007, 09:47 AM
Man, I wish I was up near the shop, I'd love to play through some of the modules, and see which works for me. Thanks for the info, I forgot about the dual channel part of the egnater modules, I still may go that route, at least I could have a grab and go amp with the small randal, and then pick up an egnater combo when funds allowed.

05-06-2007, 09:54 AM
I would suggest giving Bruce a call. He takes the time to speak to anyone regarding not only his amps but amps in general.

05-06-2007, 01:09 PM
Also, on the Indoor Storm website they actually have video demos of the different modules.

05-06-2007, 05:46 PM
I have a combo box that I had converted to a head since I was using the 1x12 cab all the time and bypassing the combo speaker. The combo was cool because of its size, but I don't think there's really a contest between the combo and the closed back 1x12. The head and 1x12 is tone nirvana for me.

And I played a Randall at one of the clinics in New York and was using the Plexi module. I didn't feel like there was much comparison between the two. It could have been a number of factors, but the quick answer is that the Randall didn't do (at all) what the Egnater does.