View Full Version : Thanks To Our Sponser!!!

Stan Malinowski
08-24-2003, 08:06 AM
It's been almost a week since the Anderson Forum has come to life. At this time I woud like to express Thanks to the people who made this all possible:

- Jack Gretz & Magdon Music who are the sponsers and backed up the Anderson Forum concept with funding.

- Eddie K who put all the technical effort into bringing the forum from concept to reality.

Thanks Guys!!!

08-24-2003, 03:19 PM
and of course Jack will be offering 75% off Andersons to the first 100 members!!!! :D

Thanks all for doing this. I was seriously thinking that it needed to happen and did not have the time to pull it together.

Stan Malinowski
08-25-2003, 11:12 AM
Yes they have started it but it is up to us to keep the forum alive and growing.

In the near future we will be looking for ways to expand the forum beyond just a bulletin board. Stay tuned!