View Full Version : I need a small but powerfull amp, for cleans.

04-30-2007, 12:12 AM
Hey guys, hoping you can help, I['m doing a lot more running around to gigs and rehearsals these days, and my lonestar is just too dang heavy for a lot of the trips. I'm looking for something that has a good clean channel, since I strictly rely on pedals for overdrive. I'm hoping to keep the amp a 1x12, but maybe a 2x10 would work too. I've tried most fenders, but find them a bit too harsh and raspy with pedals, maybe buying some fender and replacing the stock speaker would solve this?
Thanks, and I hope you guys have some ideas,

04-30-2007, 04:07 AM
Hey guys, hoping you can help, I['m doing a lot more running around to gigs and rehearsals these days, and my lonestar is just too dang heavy for a lot of the trips. I'm looking for something that has a good clean channel, since I strictly rely on pedals for overdrive. I'm hoping to keep the amp a 1x12, but maybe a 2x10 would work too. I've tried most fenders, but find them a bit too harsh and raspy with pedals, maybe buying some fender and replacing the stock speaker would solve this?
Thanks, and I hope you guys have some ideas,
Have you tried Mesa's new Express series ?

Suriel Zayas
04-30-2007, 07:17 AM
carr rambler or hammerhead mk2 combo

04-30-2007, 08:05 AM
I was in the same boat. Loved my LSC, but it wasn't a pack and carry amp.

I really liked my DRRI with a Weber California 2" cap and JJ's. Much better sonunding than the stock Fender speaker.

I sold that for an Allen Accomplice 1x12. Very versatile amp, Fender cleans and DR dirty on its own. It loves pedals. 40 pounds.

Bogner Metropolis puts out a unique clean. Right between Fender and Marshall but it closer to 50 pounds.

04-30-2007, 09:03 AM
I've been thinking of the rambler or allen, the rambler sounded a bit fizzy with pedals, but maybe with a new speaker, it'd be what I was after. Are the allens pricey?

Janine Doubly
04-30-2007, 11:34 AM
Try a Dr. Z Prescription ES 1 x 12" with a Weber in it. Great clean sound, great with pedals and not too ridiculous in the weight catagory. Dr. Z's MAZ 38 is great as a 1 x 12" as well, both with or w/o reverb.

Ray K.
04-30-2007, 12:33 PM
Dr. Z Maz 18 Jr 210 combo, or if you prefer, a head and Z-Best cab. Single channel. I chose not to get Reverb on mine.

I run it clean, with slight breakup when pushed hard. Everything else comes from my pedals.

And this is a loud 18 watter! I like to keep stage volumes low (sane!) and run direct. I've yet to go past 9:00 on the Master Volume.

Also, the 2 10's are Doc's own special blend. I love 'em, and haven't heard of anyone changing theirs out.

Ray K.

John Price
04-30-2007, 03:25 PM
How about Carr The Vincent! This thing is one sick amp! And it loves pedals!......


04-30-2007, 06:28 PM
I worry that the Dr z stuff may not have the headroom I'm after, I do mostly clean playing, unless I'm soloing, and I don't like my clean channel to start farting out.
Which model do you guys think would have the best in the clean department?

Ray K.
04-30-2007, 06:50 PM
Kurt, unless you are into mega decibel levels I think you would be pleasantly surprised with how much clean headroom you'd have in just the 18W Maz Jr. But, if you need more "horsepower" then the Maz Sr at 38W should do the trick.

Note that Joe Walsh gets credit for putting Dr. Z on the map, but Brad Paisley is pretty much the "poster child" right now for anything Dr. Z. I'm sure you know he plays some pretty mean clean stuff. :)

Ray K.

04-30-2007, 09:00 PM
I would say check out the Carr Rambler again. The Carr weighs a lot less than my Dr Z Maz 18Jr. I use pedals with mine and I find it anything but fizzy. Maybe it is the pedals. I'm using a Timmy and Barber Direct Drive for my distortion sounds and think that it sounds great.

Janine Doubly
04-30-2007, 09:40 PM
Then I would go with the Prescription ES. It has a lot of headroom, but the cool thing is, it still feels and sounds good even at low volume levels. It has the feel of an amp that is cooking without being too much. But if you need to open it up and stay clean, its 40 watts will generally do the trick. It takes pedals REALLY well and depending on the output of your pickups or how hard you play, its "hi" and "low" inputs make it easy to find a setting that will not distort, if clean is your concern. Most guys like a little "hair" on their clean, and the Prescription ES can do that too, but into the "low", it will stay clean without sounding anemic. As a 1 x 12" with an Alnico Weber, it will be stout, but manageable. Definitely lighter than a Mesa Lone Star.