View Full Version : One Spot

04-19-2007, 06:58 AM
Hey all,

Anybody using the One Spot from Visual Sound? I have one and like it a lot, (drives 6 pedals!)but my soundman says its not insulated enough and is causing noise in my rig out front and on stage..
Any body having issues w/ Powering multiple pedals or reliabilty in general?

My guy wants me to get the Power Pedal from MKS or something similar basically because of the circuit protection and the 110 plug vs. the walwart situation? Anybody wanna chime in?


04-19-2007, 07:05 AM
It might be cheaper for you to find the pedal that is causing the noise (as it is likely just one) and put that one pedal on a different 1SPOT. Check the end of the Pedalboard Photo thread. I run that whole board on a single 1SPOT, and I get no noise whatsoever.

The Line6 Tonecore series are notorious for causing noise on daisy chains.

If you do move to an isolated power supply, the Voodoo Lab PP2 is the only one with each input being isolated. No other power supplies feature this, from what I understand. The T-Rex Fuel Tank has two 12V outlets that are isolated from a bank of 8 9V outlets, but that's it.

04-19-2007, 08:47 AM
I second the pedal power from voodoolab, I used a vht valvulator first, then switched to the one spot, then to a furrman pedal board, but all introduced noise into my signal path. I beleive pretty much any wallwart is going to produce some negative noise and they're all so funky about the power comming from the wall, some places they're fine, but others, they hum like a jet. The pedal power is dead quiet wherever you put it, and it's completely isolated outputs are nice for keeping everything in check. Plus, if something ever happens with one pedal and you blow something, that one output will shut down but the rest will still function.
Just my humble opinion, but it was the best money I ever spent.

04-19-2007, 11:03 AM
i'll echo what justin said, i had a bunch of stuff running on a 1spot. the only problem was the line6 tap trem. i do use a pedalpower now though. didn't notice any difference with the other pedals noise wise.

04-19-2007, 03:45 PM
Sometimes the difference between sounding like a pro and sounding like an amateur (and / or feeling like a chump) is one bad piece of gear.

Spring for the PPII.

04-19-2007, 11:06 PM
Pedal Power 2 is the good stuff. I got really sick of trying to deal with isolating pedals, etc. .. gave in and bought one that can deal with all of 'em.

04-20-2007, 05:51 AM
Going to look into the VLab....

04-20-2007, 05:29 PM
One thing I have always had an issue with is using the same power supply for front of the amp and FX loop. That is why my board has a one spot for the FX loop stuff and I use the board power supply for the front of the amp stuff. In other words I power the two seperately.

04-20-2007, 07:21 PM
good to know, was thinking about using my loop.