View Full Version : Guitar renovation

03-26-2007, 10:17 PM
One of my sons has progressed enough on his study to warrent a better quality guitar.I purchased an old Schecter model genesis,while the basic structure is good,some things could be improved.As father/son project I want to rebuild his new intrument so he will learn to appreciate the tool of his beloved hobby!

I already purchased an hn2+ for bridge pickup and ordered shielded wire to replace electric.
What would members of forum recommend?

I hope someone might understand the strengths and weakness of this model and offer suggestions for improvement.Ryan already greatly enjoys this instrument so I would like to make everything correct first time.

Included is photo I believe guitar was produced after Schecter moved to Dallas.Tuning pegs appear to be excellent quality.Pickups are unknown as unit has not been disassembled for testing but have strong 60hz hum.

03-27-2007, 11:58 AM
Also of concern is neck nut.It may have been replaced with one which is too low and a string locking device similar to one used on Floyd Rose style tremolo was added.

What replacement neck nut material would members recommend bone, synthetic ?

What is good internet source for fret crowning file and polishing media.What finish would be best for rosewood board.

Any knowledge about this vintage Schecter would be most helpful.I had owned Schecter varient stratocaster in early 80s that was most heavy guitar but very high quality.This Schecter we prepare to repair has different wiring quality and neck construction.

To teach a student musician about care and apperciation of his instrument is important part of education, I would like to teach him well, so any and all experience and opinions would be welcomed:)

03-28-2007, 10:27 AM
I have found wonderful source on internet for guitar tools,supplies and electric.


Ordered diamond fret file /polishing material,copper tape,potentiometers and bone neck nut.

Looking forward to arrival of parts!

03-29-2007, 09:25 PM
Today arrived hn2+ pickup:)

Also found guy to make single coil pickups hand scatter wound with 42awg heavy formvar wire and have forbon bobbins with alnico V magnets.I request neck pickup to be overwound and magnets deguassed %50+.Middle pickup I still try to take desicion on.Definately stronger magnet and perhaps tap.

Disassembled guitar and pickups were labled schecter W.Germany, they will find home in no name Les Paul copy Ryan begins to learn with, then presented to friend who he practices with.

04-03-2007, 12:16 AM
Wow disassembled guitar and quality of electric wiring is equal to quality of pickups:eek:

Schecter - Dallas varient had 30% < windings of Anderson hn2+.I will post photo for comparison.
The guitar we work on is very different quality from what I own 25 years ago.
Replaced neck nut with black synthetic and filed guitar body neck pocket to correct neck alignment.
Also leveled then crowned frets, action is now low,fast and without buzz.

It is difficult to include 13 y/o in such careful work but if not now - when?
He enjoys everything except patience.:D With time he will know what is quality instrument and how to care for one.