View Full Version : wood combination

02-13-2004, 02:38 PM
Has anyone tried this wood combination: maple top over hollow swamp ash? I have never seen this combo before and was wondering what that sounds like. Would it be too bright and brittle sounding or would the hollow chambers mellow out the brightness? Thanks in advance for any input.

02-13-2004, 02:53 PM
...but not on an Anderson; rather a McInturff. The ash body is thicker than an Anderson, more like a LP. And, it has hollow tone chambers. Here is a link to my thoughts about the guitar and its tone, plus a few pics.


With tone and oneness, Mike.

02-13-2004, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by BrownDog
...but not on an Anderson; rather a McInturff. The ash body is thicker than an Anderson, more like a LP. And, it has hollow tone chambers. Here is a link to my thoughts about the guitar and its tone, plus a few pics.


With tone and oneness, Mike.

Thanks for the link/info. That gives me some idea about the tone. The pics are killer-very beautiful guitar!

Stan Malinowski
02-13-2004, 05:03 PM

I have a HDTC in that combination. Maple Top over hollow swamp ash back, VA Booster Configuration pickups, Mad RW board on maple neck.

Between the hollow chambers and the additional pickguard routing the guitar is surprisingly warm and mellow, not even a bit too bright or brittle (for my tastes).

02-18-2004, 01:48 PM
Thanks Stan for the info. I missed your post until now-not sure why I didn't see it. In any case, I just thought maple over swamp ash was an unusual combination.

Stan Malinowski
02-20-2004, 12:47 PM
I just thought maple over swamp ash was an unusual combination.


So did I! Especially with VA Series pickups. I love swamp ash but was very afraid the maple top AND the VAs would give me the old ice pick in the ear tone, but I was wrong. The chambers really mellow the tone right out. A bit (and I mean only a bit) more aggressive than my solid Swamp Ash Classic tone-wise.