View Full Version : Nut Shim

03-24-2007, 04:23 PM
Hey Everybody,

The weather is changing here and I've been adjusting my neck today and I still have some buzz at the 1st and 2nd frets. To remove the buzz along the rest of the neck I had to raise the saddles pretty good. Now my action is higher than I'd like and I still have some buzz near the nut. The neck is pretty dang straight.

Is it time to shim the nut? Has anyone done this on a TAG before? Any pointers or advice? I know the general procedure, but should I have a pro do it instead?


03-24-2007, 04:37 PM
weather changes should only affect neck adjustment. i fear you have the neck too straight and have moved the saddles un necessarily. weather would not affect the relationship between nut and first 2 frets.

03-25-2007, 12:24 AM

I know what you mean. I tried putting a good deal more relief in the neck but it still had some buzz. Even the open 1st string buzzed, and there was a big bow in the neck. I just can't seem to get the balance right between the action and neck bow, without any buzz. When I put more relief in the neck it hardly affects the action on the first couple frets.

I've to adjust this guitar a few times over the past couple years and it's always been great. This winter had been exceptionally cold for several weeks and I also changed string brands (same gauge though).

Any suggestions?

03-25-2007, 03:45 AM
I've found dirt/debrit in the slots and had success when cleaned and removed.

If it's a Floyd Rose nut it might need to be replaced as I've seen some old ones that we just plain worn out and had a dull sound.... then once replaced sounded WAY brighter... this was an extreme situation but it was worn non-the-less.

But first, back to the height issue:

Can you see any gap between the string and 1st fret when you press down between the 2nd and 3rd? You should see the smallest gap, if not hear a little "ping" when you press at the first fret while holding at the 2-3rd.

03-25-2007, 05:59 AM
I try and wait till spring is really here to do much adjusting. I don't want to do it that often. I pulled my Godin Nylon string out last week and the neck was WAY back-bowed (This is the one gutiar I don't play often, hasn't been out of its case since Fall). I gave it a little more relief, but I'm going to check it again.

This time of year is terrible to deal with this way, I'm ALWAYS keeping an eye on my guitars.

03-25-2007, 12:10 PM
Well, I started over this morning and did the whole setup all over again. It is better. There's more bow in the neck than I had yesterday and it plays better. That open 1st string still buzzes a little though. In fact there's a little buzz all over the 1st string. The other strings are pretty good. Arrgghhh!

It is a Classic with Vintage Trem BTW.

03-25-2007, 03:32 PM
if there's buzz on one string only or mostly, have you changed the string? i have seen brand new strings have akink in them making them buzz.

03-25-2007, 03:59 PM
I never considered a new string bad until I purchased a D'addario bulk pack - 25 sets in a box. I would say 1/4 of the B strings and high E strings caused issues. Since then, I've switched back to SIT's which are always consistent.

03-25-2007, 04:42 PM
No way! Wow. Ok. I'll try that sometime soon. Thanks for the suggestion.