View Full Version : Donkeys on Bonaire like TAG's!

Kid Metric
03-24-2007, 09:23 AM
We recently took a trip to Bonaire, and island in the Carribean.
We visited a donkey sanctuary, and I was wearing a TAG tshirt.
The donkeys liked the shirt so much, they tried to eat the logo off of it!
Maybe they are reincarnated musicians with good taste in instruments!
I tried to attach the picture, but too big.

I'm sure they preferred the shirt over the food we had!

How many megapixels should I use to post pictures of my TAG's?

03-29-2007, 09:59 PM
Great island. Nothing to do but dive. What could be better. Did you stay at Buddies?

Kid Metric
04-03-2007, 11:09 AM
We stayed at the Divi Flamingo-very low key and comfortable.
Expensive to fly there from Michigan.
We are going back next year for 2 weeks-8 days was not enough.
I couldn't help but fantisize about playing for a living in Bonaire.
I wonder if someone could do that?
I guess if your 401k is big enough!
You going back anytime soon?

Suriel Zayas
04-03-2007, 03:35 PM
the abc islands (a=aruba, b=bonaire, & c=curacao)are one of my favorite places to vacation. great place to vacation anytime of the year and out of the hurricaine belt. however, during the past couple of years i have found cayman brac, one of the smaller cayman islands. we found a cozy 35 room resort. btw, all these have excellent diving which i just love.

Kid Metric
04-03-2007, 03:42 PM
We love the Cayman's too.
The travel bug can put a dent in your financial planning, but their are no pockets in the casket shroud!
Did you get the Suhr pic's I sent you last night?