View Full Version : Hollow T Classic

03-22-2007, 05:09 PM
Hi Everyone,
I would like forum members to be aware i have put my Hollow T classic i recently bought of Sean on the forum ( thanks buddy) for sale on Ebay. I have stated that i am only selling due to my new Drop top T due in April, i have just had a couple of weeks off work with a bad back (no pay) and a holiday due to pay for so i need the money. I REALLY dont want to sell but needs must.:(
I realise that its a lot of money to you guys in the states, but to get it here and pay the customs, i am just trying to get most of the cost back.
UK members are on a winner !!!!
I cant post my pictures here (they are too big ???) so if Sean or someone can post some off the forum i would be grateful.
Check out Ebay also, my ID is ; Telefan2.......now theres a surprise!!:)
I cant get the files small enough to put on the forum so if you want some photos Email me and i will send them to you that way? email; stevereplay@hotmail.com