View Full Version : Your Pedalboard - Photo (TAG chapter)

03-08-2007, 09:28 PM
There's a huuuuge thread on The Gear Page full of photos of pedalboards. Well, I'm really bored and thought that there should be a TAG version. Plus, I'm looking at getting another board for road dates. Here is my fly date board:

Budda wah-->Barber Tone Press-->EB. Jr Volume-->FD2 Mosfet-->OCD-->RC-->Uni-Vibe-->DL4-->Tremulator


It's a Pedaltrain PT2 with hard case. I wrap the Budda in a t-shirt and throw it and the expression pedal in the case's extra space. That way, nothing moves around, and all together, it weighs 45 lbs.

03-09-2007, 04:24 AM

The chain:

RMC Wizard Wah
Peterson StroboStomp
FX Eng. Mirage Compressor
VoodooLab SparkleDrive
Fulltone OCD V1
Durham SexDrive
BOSS TR-2 Tremolo
VoodooLab MicroVibe
T-Rex Replica Delay

PedalPower 2+ and AC power is hidden beneath the doghouse. A Klon Centaur is on the way, so I've made some room for it to the left...

03-09-2007, 10:52 AM
Nice board! How do you like the Sex Drive? What would you compare it to?

03-09-2007, 02:43 PM
This is my rig with the Crowdster Plus


I need some help on placing images on here. I have read thru all the FAQ. Anybody?

03-09-2007, 07:39 PM
You need to host the images somewhere else, like Photobucket (http://www.photobucket.com/). It's completely free, and the IMG codes are given to you to copy and paste into your reply on the forum.

Dig the board, though!

03-10-2007, 09:21 AM

Much better!

Thanks dude!

03-10-2007, 11:06 AM
Yngve, How do you like the Wizard Wah? I'm using a Vox but am looking for something different.

Olectric, what are your thoughts on the Budda?

03-10-2007, 05:39 PM
here's the old back breaker board.
here's the pre egnater smaller board.
i need to get all but one of the od's off and make room for the pog and egnater pedal.

03-10-2007, 07:56 PM
Tom, dude, you got some pedals!

03-10-2007, 10:43 PM
Olectric, what are your thoughts on the Budda?

It sounds good. Not too much of a boost when engaged, not too ice picky when wide open. I don't require much out of a wah, as I don't use wah that much.

here's the old back breaker board...

Who made that for you? Is it road worthy?

03-11-2007, 12:31 AM
the old one is a real flight case, made by ascot cases down the alley from us. i think it weighed close to 80lbs loaded:eek:
the newer one is a cheapy light one. works fine for around town and is so much lighter. will be even lighter when i get some of that stuff off it.

03-12-2007, 07:32 AM
Yngve, How do you like the Wizard Wah? I'm using a Vox but am looking for something different.
I love it. For me it's the best wah I've ever tried. I had a RMC2 (that can sound like a RMC1), two Dunlops and the Wizard wah all at the same time at home to compare those. I've tried many wahs, but not Fulltone. The Wizard has an extended sweep range, and sounds "special" in my ears. And, those who has tried my pedalboard love it.

Nice board! How do you like the Sex Drive? What would you compare it to?
Well, the SexDrive is kind of a boost, but not as plain or regular as a FatBoost. The SexDrive sounds very complex, and I've gotta say it brings out the best of any amp I've tried it on. When you dial the pedal so that the amp breaks, you really never want to turn it off... But then I do, so the SexDrive gives the last 20% when needed. It's really hard to explain, and I didn't believe what the seller said until I tried one. I don't know if they are known in the US, but here in Norway they have become very popular and is usually chosen over Keeley, Fulltone, Barber etc...

I love all of my pedals, and that's the reason I've chosen them. Except the Boss tremolo. That's just an old pedal I had laying around and I threw it in there. But surprisingly it does the job very well, beeing a Boss and all :rolleyes:. It's not a boutique true-bypass pedal, but I belive it's best to have at least one buffered pedal after overdrive(s). All true-bypass and long cable run dont't sound good in my ears.

03-12-2007, 08:38 AM
Here's mine, budda wah, analogman bicomp, xotic RC, xotic BB, Xotic AC, analogman bichorus, Ernie volume Jr., dls echotap, sometimes a memory lane as well.

03-12-2007, 01:10 PM
Here's mine, budda wah, analogman bicomp, xotic RC, xotic BB, Xotic AC, analogman bichorus, Ernie volume Jr., dls echotap, sometimes a memory lane as well.

Is there supposed to be a pic here?

03-13-2007, 06:34 PM
Nice board Tom! I love the way the Timmy is laying on it's side for lack of room :) I'll get some pick of mine up here in a few days...

03-16-2007, 11:53 AM
Tom... 7 gain boxes on the big board????? Holy cow! How do you ever choose? I thought I had gain overkill when I had 3 on the same board...

03-16-2007, 01:13 PM
yeah, pretty crazy. because of the setting i play in, i do have to be a chamelion, and the needs change a lot from week to week, so i just left them all on there. they're all coming off this weekend. the egnater amp has made them un needed. i may keep one on for a boost, but for the past few weeks i haven't needed them. i'll try a few other non gain pedals for a while, but i tend to not to gravitate to those sounds naturally.

03-16-2007, 01:14 PM
So has the Egnater become your main amp now, Tom?

03-16-2007, 01:18 PM
for sure. still playing with different modules, and am enjoying several of them. still love my hammerhead, but the egnater is a little more lower volume friendly. a very different rig though because of the multi channels. variety is the spice of life isn't it?

Suriel Zayas
03-16-2007, 01:27 PM
bruce is building me a hybrid module, twin/deluxe. channel "a" is a fender twin and channel "b" is a fender deluxe.

03-16-2007, 02:32 PM
haven't heard the twin. been playing around with the vox, and thinking maybe a little chage to that would be cool, making a and b a bit closer together. are you using el34's or 6l6s? been too lazy to try the 6l6s.

Suriel Zayas
03-16-2007, 02:48 PM
are you using el34's or 6l6s? been too lazy to try the 6l6s.
6l6s, but i really want to try the 6v6's in it.

03-16-2007, 03:36 PM
Suriel, Lonestar:

How 'bout some pics of those pedalboards?

03-16-2007, 04:11 PM

I'll have to take some pics of my alternate pedalboards when I get back home. My live pedalboard now is too boring... just a ground control pedal, ground link, tuner and a volume pedal. The pedals I'm using on the tray in the rack this month are: Emma Transmorgrifier compressor, Nobels Overdrive, Boss Dual Overdrive, Arion Chorus. I also use a t.c. D-Two for delay, a Line 6 Mod Pro, and a Digitech IPS33B if I need octave/pitch fx.

I have a couple of pedalboards I can use for live/studio stuff at home so I'll shoot some pics of those. I'd love to try out one of those Egnater amps, they seem pretty darn cool. I know Frampton uses one with the Deluxe module for his clean sound in his monster rig.


03-16-2007, 09:50 PM
I just got my Egnater back from Bruce yesterday- sent him the chassis outta my combo to convert to a head, so now I have the ability to use it on top of the old combo cab for an open back or the closed back, oversized 1x12 cab for the thumpy sound (or both for RAWK). Also added reverb for the lower gain stuff. I'll post pics of the pedalboards tomorrow. Just like Tom, no mas gain pedals, por favor!

03-16-2007, 10:45 PM
I guess I kinda have the same gain type modules, it's just that my modules are a heckuva lot bigger... like full size head bigger. I have a Diaz module, a Matchless HC30 module, a Bogner Shiva module, and a '72 Marshall module. Not good for the low volume stuff though. I have to put my speaker far away and surround it with foam to keep from hurting anyone. I should look into an Egnater, though. Can I get a good deal from Bruce? I just sold everything I don't use to get a Divided by 13 FTR37.

03-16-2007, 11:01 PM
pm sent, Mike.

03-17-2007, 09:22 AM

I'll have to take some pics of my alternate pedalboards when I get back home. My live pedalboard now is too boring... just a ground control pedal, ground link, tuner and a volume pedal. The pedals I'm using on the tray in the rack this month are: Emma Transmorgrifier compressor, Nobels Overdrive, Boss Dual Overdrive, Arion Chorus. I also use a t.c. D-Two for delay, a Line 6 Mod Pro, and a Digitech IPS33B if I need octave/pitch fx.

I have a couple of pedalboards I can use for live/studio stuff at home so I'll shoot some pics of those. I'd love to try out one of those Egnater amps, they seem pretty darn cool. I know Frampton uses one with the Deluxe module for his clean sound in his monster rig.


Michel i have a couple of questions for you since your rick is the inspiration of my rig (yeah yeah i know sounds silly)but i still have two or thre questions. Can you send me an email i can reach you in a PM. Thanks dude.

03-17-2007, 09:26 AM
Here is what i have right now in my pedalboard. I just order a ground control, Line 6 mod Pro and a barber SS direct drive. So most of this things will go to a rack because i am tired of tap dancing.


03-17-2007, 09:26 PM

Here is my humble contribution. I am ever looking to expand/subtract so it rarely stays the same.

Tom: I saw that you had the line 6 trem, i am looking for a trem and considered that one. What are your thoughts.

03-18-2007, 04:15 PM
i really enjoy it, but i may not be a typical trem user. i use the bias trem setting which is like the brown fender amps. it has a kind of tone shift as well as volume. i tend to use it set slow for a spacial sound that isn't swooshy like phasers or chorus. i love the tap feature. i d ocasionally use it like a normal fast trem, and it works just fine for that too. i do have it in a loop as it does color things. on eword of warning, it doesn't like the one spot power wart, very noisy. works fine with the pedal power.

03-25-2007, 03:40 PM
I am having locating those Switchcraft 1/4" RA connectors. Where do you get them?

03-25-2007, 08:56 PM
i get them from rapco, but any switchcraft dealer should be able to get them.

03-29-2007, 04:23 PM
I finally got around to snapping pics of Los Ghetto Boards. The big one is my main board.
gtr > volume > trem > Qtron > Crimson Emu OD > Comp > AMP > (FX LOOP: Delay > boost)

The little board is my extra ear candy stuff, and I loaded it up with a Zendrive so I could use it on the Taylor Road Show and get close to my Egnater SL2 module. If I use this board, it goes before the big board.
gtr > True Bypass Loop (Expression Factory) > Zendrive OD > Line 6 Filter Modeler Proto > A/B/Y (for the T5) > into the big board's input.

I only use the OD pedals once in every few months or so, but I keep them on there just in case. I just bought ToneLounge's Proctavia, so the PP2+ on the lil' board might have to go underneath.

http://www.dognmoon.com/anderson/boards/one.jpg http://www.dognmoon.com/anderson/boards/two.jpg

03-29-2007, 05:06 PM
how's the lpb1? in the old days i had one of the ones that plugged into the amp and it always stayed on. i remember opening it up and finding about 4 components strung in the air between the jacks.

03-29-2007, 05:29 PM
how's the lpb1? in the old days i had one of the ones that plugged into the amp and it always stayed on. i remember opening it up and finding about 4 components strung in the air between the jacks.

Well, it's in the parallel loop because I was using it to boost the wet delayed signal. That way, I can get a regular slapback delay, but if I set the tempo at a dotted 8th and kick in that boost, the wet return is equal volume with the original signal and I can get the U2 thing going. BUT, it also works for this rig because I have a little 2" George L's patch cable where I jumper the "Main Out" and "Loop Send" on the junction box so I can use this with an amp with no effects loop. Then the LPB1 acts as my last-box-in-the-chain boost.

For all of that stuff, it works great.

As the only pedal in front of an AC15, it's glorious. I can see why you would leave it on with just about any amp to goose the front end a bit.

03-29-2007, 06:22 PM
i might have to try one again to see if my memory is good...what are the chances of that? anyway with this new amp, i have a shortage of pedal needs.

03-29-2007, 06:51 PM
anyway with this new amp, i have a shortage of pedal needs.

I totally understand. You'll notice that most of my pedals are swirly bits so I can add special sauce to the tones. I don't really use the OD on the big board and the Zendrive literally showed up at the door today so I could get ready to travel with a little board and no Egnater.

I spent the first few months with the Egnater using a tuner and the channel switcher. I could still do that and be very very happy.


03-29-2007, 08:44 PM
FINALLY, some more pedalboard photos!

(pics of cool pedalboards)

I had an Expression Factory for a while, but I took it back because I had no room, and that thing sucked some tone. I remember really liking the UniVibe, Leslie, and Whammy patches, though. What do you use it for?

Is the LPB-1 noisy?

I've got some new stuff on the 'board; I'll take a new pic as soon as it's done being put together.

03-29-2007, 10:18 PM
The Expression factory is cool for that Space Swell setting. I also use it for the Whammy Pedal effect with a band I play with. The chorus/leslie/phasers I'm not crazy about. I NEVER use the drive pedal settings. I bought a Fulltone Clyde wah the same day I bought this and took the Clyde back right after to get that $300 back. The EX-7's two wah settings are plenty good enough when I'm playing with any OD whatsoever. And yeah, it sucks tone like a black hole. But now I just turn it on at the beginning of the gig and use the bypass loop to get it in and out of the chain. My philosophy on this stuff is that it's ancillary at best. I'm extremely happy with my guitar going straight into the amp. Anything else is just icing on the cake!

speaking of swirly bits- did you ever get the Magic Boy?

The LPB-1 is a little noisy, but for what I use it for (and how rarely I use it) I found the price tag and the footprint to be of greater concern. I think I got it new from TunnelVision for $40 shipped. And it's in the little bitty MXR size box, so it fits in the crevices of the board.

03-29-2007, 10:23 PM
The Expression factory is cool for that Space Swell setting. I also use it for the Whammy Pedal effect with a band I play with. The chorus/leslie/phasers I'm not crazy about. I NEVER use the drive pedal settings. I bought a Fulltone Clyde wah the same day I bought this and took the Clyde back right after to get that $300 back. The EX-7's two wah settings are plenty good enough when I'm playing with any OD whatsoever. And yeah, it sucks tone like a black hole. But now I just turn it on at the beginning of the gig and use the bypass loop to get it in and out of the chain. My philosophy on this stuff is that it's ancillary at best. I'm extremely happy with my guitar going straight into the amp. Anything else is just icing on the cake!

speaking of swirly bits- did you ever get the Magic Boy?

The LPB-1 is a little noisy, but for what I use it for (and how rarely I use it) I found the price tag and the footprint to be of greater concern. I think I got it new from TunnelVision for $40 shipped. And it's in the little bitty MXR size box, so it fits in the crevices of the board.

the distortion settings on the EX7 are terr. ihh. bull.
ewwy. i forgot about the space station patch; thats pretty cool, too. I used to have a space station. interesting pedal.

that's funny you took the fulltone clyde back; the other guitar player in SF has one, and it has like a 4dB boost or something. that thing gets LOUD when turned on.

no, i never got the lovepedal. i'm having my SCH1 rehoused and TB'ed by a guy in LA. that will replace my univibe in the pic at the top of the thread. and the DL4 is gone--knocked off by a DD20 and custom tap-tempo switch (size of a keeley mini-looper).

03-29-2007, 10:38 PM
and the DL4 is gone--knocked off by a DD20 and custom tap-tempo switch (size of a keeley mini-looper).

I need one-a dem der tappy tempo buttons. You got a name fer a fella who'll do em?

03-29-2007, 11:06 PM
I need one-a dem der tappy tempo buttons. You got a name fer a fella who'll do em?

Rock Block Guitars here in Nashville. Or, you could go with this:

Loop-Master Tap Tempo Pedal (http://www.loop-master.com/index.php?cPath=35&osCsid=2d6a990b0b22c41640d6f22ed07fc81f)

I was going to go with the Loop-Master, but I decided to support the local guy. :) Him is a reel good feller.

03-29-2007, 11:14 PM
mmmm.. looks reeeal good. May have to get me one a dem.

03-31-2007, 06:28 PM
Finally, I got my pedalboard and rig put together to temporarily retire the big monster rig. Here are the pics I took today after soundcheck. It's just been put together yesterday, so everything's not totally tied down just yet.




I have to use the Barber Launch Pad to reverse the signal phase to the Shiva because it's out of phase with the /13.


04-01-2007, 12:21 AM
Niiiiice, Mike! How do you like that Nobels? Any other 808 clones that it compares to?

04-01-2007, 11:41 AM
This is my old board, i still have everything but i am moving all to rack.


This is how is going to look in my rack.


04-01-2007, 12:18 PM

To me, the Nobels is its own animal and not at all like an 808. It doesn't have a lot of gain, so running it at 1-2 o'clock is a very slight overdrive. The cool thing about it is the low end character it retains as opposed to all of the other 808 circuits which seem to lose low end. I had one for years and seldom used it and ended up selling it and then I talked to Tom Bukovac and heard his so I went and got another one to try and it's doing the job at the moment. It stacks well with other od's too. The Nobels with the Fulldrive on comp cut is pretty cool.


04-01-2007, 12:27 PM
Custom designed by Roy at RockBox.
Had wheels and a telescoping handle installed to make it easier to move.
Works great and room to grow.

04-01-2007, 01:34 PM

To me, the Nobels is its own animal and not at all like an 808. It doesn't have a lot of gain, so running it at 1-2 o'clock is a very slight overdrive. The cool thing about it is the low end character it retains as opposed to all of the other 808 circuits which seem to lose low end. I had one for years and seldom used it and ended up selling it and then I talked to Tom Bukovac and heard his so I went and got another one to try and it's doing the job at the moment. It stacks well with other od's too. The Nobels with the Fulldrive on comp cut is pretty cool.



I saw Buk at 3rd and Lindsley a few weeks ago with Pat Buchanan; he had his Nobels on his board. I had never seen one before; had no idea what it was. His tone that night was great. '61 SG, Fender Dual Showman head, Orange 412 w/ Greenbacks...and the Nobels. I've never seen/heard someone rock so hard at 3rd and Lindsley.

I've noticed that the bottom end kinda goes bye-bye on my FD2 Mosfet; maybe a Nobels would help in that area. Let me know if you hear of one for sale!


04-01-2007, 02:51 PM
Here's mine.

04-01-2007, 03:11 PM
Here's mine.

So, when you step on the one below the Rat, does it spit out a random breathtaking hot lick? :D

Nice board, by the way.

04-01-2007, 03:46 PM
do tell:

1. the etched yellow one?
2. the "cowpressor"?

Nice looking board.

04-01-2007, 05:02 PM
The hot licks pedal is a TS808 clone with toggles to switch the clipping and one to go between regular mid-hump and a flatter EQ response. I am sure that with the right player it's output actually would be breathtaking hot licks, but as of yet that remains to be seen.

The yellow pedal is a clean boost--it's a DIY circuit called the sparkle boost.

And the compressor is a CS-3 with the monte allums mods that have been discussed here. I painted it, put that graphic of a guy milking a cow on there, and replaced the boss rubber pad with a piece of bird's eye maple. (If I only I spent that much time practicing.)

04-01-2007, 05:06 PM
Congratulations! You have just created the next great idea that I plan to steal! Fantastic for both of us! I'll be repainting mine into cowpressor any day now. :) I'll need your name so I can give credit on the refinish. :)

04-01-2007, 07:50 PM
Mike, A little off topic...but what speakers do you use in the Marshall 2x12 cab? I was surprised to see you use that when I would have guessed you would use one of the Bogner 2x12's with your Shiva.

I use the same Marshall cab you have pictured and people always tell me there are much better choices out there for a 2x12.

04-01-2007, 09:08 PM

I have actually been looking at getting a Bogner 212, but it's hard to justify spending the money on another closed back 212 when I already have the Marshall. I'm sure I may like the Bogner a little better, but my Marshall sounds pretty good to me. I used to have two of them, but traded one a couple of years ago. My Marshall cab came with two of the G12T75's and when I started using it this year, I replaced one with a Vintage 30. After I got my Matchless a few years back I really liked having mismatched speakers, so most of my 212 amps/cabs have complementary mismatched speakers. I mic the Vintage 30. Before, I was just using a Bogner cube live and it sounded great, but I started using the Marshall this year because it gives me a little more headroom. I was pushing a Vintage 30 (~70 watt) speaker with an 80 watt Shiva or a 100w Diaz so I was maxing out the poor bugger.

I'm sure there are 212 cabs that sound a little better, but it always seems that no matter which rig I use, which pedals I use, which amps I use, I always end up sounding just like me. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I could probably play through a Peavey Bandit with a reissue tube screamer and sound pretty darn similar to how I sound now.


04-01-2007, 09:18 PM
... I could probably play through a Peavey Bandit with a reissue tube screamer and sound pretty darn similar to how I sound now.


um... Mike... it pains me to do this, but I'm gonna hafta put you on Probation for a few days. I'm gonna need you to hand over the mouse and mousepad to The Mrs. for a few days. Take this time to think about what you've done.


04-01-2007, 10:15 PM
Dang!! I knew I shouldn't have typed that. I think I'll be fine as long as the Mrs. doesn't see that part. It'd be hard to keep justifying anything new after that. But, as an aside, I used to go see this guy play around Nashville with this band The Ranch... back then he used capital letters in his name and called himself Keith Urban. Now he's big-time and is all lower-case cool and all, but he used to play his emg-equipped Tele through a Boss GT5 into a Peavey Bandit and a Peavey Renown. He was kicking peoples' tails back then through solid state Peaveys. It was awesome. Ok, I'm putting away the mouse and keyboard now.

peace out!

04-01-2007, 10:25 PM
um... Mike... it pains me to do this, but I'm gonna hafta put you on Probation for a few days. I'm gonna need you to hand over the mouse and mousepad to The Mrs. for a few days. Take this time to think about what you've done.


:D :D :D :D

04-01-2007, 10:34 PM
actually, I was one of the 500 people that actually hunted down that cd (The Ranch) and purchased it back before he was a "Lower Case Letter Name Guy". I actually miss the player Keith Urban used to be. He's so pop-oriented now, Les Pauls into Class A and such. I really like his stuff now, but I miss the old stuff, too.

And this is another conversation that reminds me that I'm envious that I don't live in Nashville. Great music at all hours of the day, every day of the week.

04-02-2007, 12:01 PM
mike, mike, mike...you do really need to think before you speak...or type. fortunately most wives don't get anywhere near this forum. mine just laughs and points when she sees me on the forum. she says "how cute, you're talking with your little friends":o

04-02-2007, 07:16 PM
I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I could probably play through a Peavey Bandit with a reissue tube screamer and sound pretty darn similar to how I sound now.


I notice you didn't mention downgrading your guitar...You probably would sound pretty good with a TAG through that stuff! :)

My amp is in the shop this week and I've been playing my Atom through the direct out of my Roland Micro Cube and it sounds pretty darn good. Makes me feel like having one amp and 3 Andersons is the right allocation of my resources!

04-18-2007, 05:25 PM
thought i'd throw this thread back up to the top with an updated shot of my board:


the extra plug on the board's right is for my Budda wah. i had to send my newly rehoused Arion SCH-1 back to ToneFreak to replace a bad pot. :(

04-18-2007, 10:11 PM
You guys are are so neat !!!!!!I have 3 Lovepedals and OCD wh/ I am changing in and out. I tried to link my photo from another website but it allows whoever views to go in and edit ....

I will try to get it up this week

I miss my LPB1 I remember plugging right into my Twin Reverb and guitar would into that ....It got great radio reception

04-22-2007, 02:10 AM

To me, the Nobels is its own animal and not at all like an 808. It doesn't have a lot of gain, so running it at 1-2 o'clock is a very slight overdrive. The cool thing about it is the low end character it retains as opposed to all of the other 808 circuits which seem to lose low end. I had one for years and seldom used it and ended up selling it and then I talked to Tom Bukovac and heard his so I went and got another one to try and it's doing the job at the moment. It stacks well with other od's too. The Nobels with the Fulldrive on comp cut is pretty cool.


hey, when i last saw you, you were putting an MI Audio Trifecta together. how are you liking that setup?

04-22-2007, 11:47 AM

funny you should ask. I absolutely love the blue boy deluxe and I really like the blues pro and I couldn't squeeze the crunch box on there. I'll probably swap the crunch box with the blues pro for a gig or two to see which one I like the best. And I actually was staying away from the nobels more this weekend once I got the blue boy deluxe dialed in. The nobels started sounding a little artificially lacking in the mids compared to that one and without my emma compressor (which tends to thin a little bit), the nobels got a little too bassy. I may even swap the nobels for the rc booster for a gig or two as well. I'll update after next weekend's gigs.


04-22-2007, 05:45 PM

Updated to include the recent addition of a Voodoo Labs PP2+.

Please don't laugh at the Chorus Pedal. $14.95 and it works perfect for what I do!

brian b
04-23-2007, 06:03 PM
late post Son's newly update board

04-23-2007, 08:02 PM
6l6s, but i really want to try the 6v6's in it.

6v6's work really well for me in the Randall version of the modular Egnater stuff. Definitely brings the volume down and gets a pushed sound lower on the volume knob.

04-23-2007, 08:14 PM
6v6's work really well for me in the Randall version of the modular Egnater stuff. Definitely brings the volume down and gets a pushed sound lower on the volume knob.

And nevermind my pedalboard. It's the ugliest on earth.

04-23-2007, 08:30 PM
played this weekend with 6l6's, think i'll go back to the el34's. loved the tight bottom they had. don't feel a need for the 6v's, no volume problems anymore!

04-23-2007, 10:29 PM
I keep a/b'ing different drive pedals against the egnater and it feels more dimensional to me all on it's own.

And yeah, I love the EL34's in there. Feels glassier to me. Probably psychosomatic, but tone often is to me.

04-23-2007, 11:55 PM
My pedalboard :eek:


but ermmm where are the pedals?????? :cool:




04-24-2007, 01:42 PM
Finally got the board pic posted to Photobucket.

<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y177/crash37/board.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

Clyde-Tone Press-Fulldrive-OCD-MM4-VPJr-DD20-Amp.
The Zen and Tube Zone get swapped into the slot where the OCD is as needed.
Tuner rides off 'tuner out' on VPJr. EV-5 controls parameters on MM4 patches.

04-25-2007, 03:34 PM

funny you should ask. I absolutely love the blue boy deluxe and I really like the blues pro and I couldn't squeeze the crunch box on there. I'll probably swap the crunch box with the blues pro for a gig or two to see which one I like the best. And I actually was staying away from the nobels more this weekend once I got the blue boy deluxe dialed in. The nobels started sounding a little artificially lacking in the mids compared to that one and without my emma compressor (which tends to thin a little bit), the nobels got a little too bassy. I may even swap the nobels for the rc booster for a gig or two as well. I'll update after next weekend's gigs.


That's cool that the MI stuff is working out for you. I just got a Blues Pro in the mail today; a Crunch Box should be here tomorrow as well as a Rat. Out of those, the Nobels, FD2, Barber DD, and Sparkle Drive, I've got quite a lot to go through to see who gets the two (maybe three) spots on my board. I sold my OCD recently...I never stepped on that thing for some reason.

04-25-2007, 04:05 PM
My pedalboard :eek:


but ermmm where are the pedals?????? :cool:




I'm contemplating getting a ground control pro to control a couple of GRX-4's and put my pedals (except for tuner and wah) into a rack. How do you like the Ground Control Pro?

04-25-2007, 09:39 PM
I'm contemplating getting a ground control pro to control a couple of GRX-4's and put my pedals (except for tuner and wah) into a rack. How do you like the Ground Control Pro?

The best investment i have ever done i always struggle with the tap dancing on the pedalboard and changing settings for almost every song so now with the ground control is the best of both worlds. I now can have my rack delays , modulations and reverbs with also my overdrive's and fuzzes on the rack. I am just starting into the rack thing again so i need to get on time again. I have my ground control set up so i have 4 preset buttons on the las 4 bottons and the rest 8 buttons left i have instant acces for my pedals and my other rack gear. Thanks to Mike Britt who was a great help for me with this gear.

04-26-2007, 08:17 AM
That's cool that the MI stuff is working out for you. I just got a Blues Pro in the mail today; a Crunch Box should be here tomorrow as well as a Rat. Out of those, the Nobels, FD2, Barber DD, and Sparkle Drive, I've got quite a lot to go through to see who gets the two (maybe three) spots on my board. I sold my OCD recently...I never stepped on that thing for some reason.

Send in your opinions on the Crunch Box when you've settled into it...

04-27-2007, 11:30 PM
Here are my two boards





Ray K.
04-28-2007, 04:27 PM
My current live board. I'm really wanting to put together a small "grab and go" board.

Also, I was going to wait until I had finished building my interconnects so the wiring wouldn't look like such a rats nest. Yeah, right...like that's going to happen anytime soon... :rolleyes:


Signal chain is: Wireless Receiver>Budda Wah>DOD FX10 boost>OD 250 (homebrewed)>Humphrey Audio MT-2>MI Audio Tube Zone>Humphrey Audio CS-3>Roland Volume Pedal>Digitech DigiDelay>Boss DD-3>Ibanez CS9>Dr. Z Maz 18 Jr 210

The StroboStomp tuner comes out of the volume pedal (out of the chain). Also, my Samson Series One Wireless Receiver and DMC Pedal Power are under the second tier. The DMC Cab-Tone in the upper storage area is there just in case my amp goes down


Ray K.

Suriel Zayas
04-29-2007, 05:49 PM
justin, i know you requested me to post some pics of my boards a while ago, but i've been very busy. anyway, here they are.

the larger board now only goes out whenever i have to use backline amps, since the arrival of the egnater. i swap out a bunch of other od's, mostly barber stuff.
the smaller board now gets most of the work with with the egnater. i also swap out a bunch of stuff on this board, but of the modulation/swirly-type.
here are some of the pedals that get swapped out. top row, left-to-right maxon comp, 6-button tube-zone, lovepedal mgicboy vibe, red-hermida mini mosferatu and hermida zendrive 2 with 12ax7 gt mullard clone (serial#0000000000000000001:D) bottom row, left-to-right envelope filter, barber dd, and barber ltd.

05-20-2007, 07:47 PM
Finally got a Pedaltrain. It's pretty cool.

05-25-2007, 04:12 PM
bruce is building me a hybrid module, twin/deluxe. channel "a" is a fender twin and channel "b" is a fender deluxe.

Oh, I want!!!! :)

Did you get this yet?

05-25-2007, 04:32 PM
Finally, I got my pedalboard and rig put together to temporarily retire the big monster rig. Here are the pics I took today after soundcheck. It's just been put together yesterday, so everything's not totally tied down just yet.




I have to use the Barber Launch Pad to reverse the signal phase to the Shiva because it's out of phase with the /13.


Oooh, I remember trying out a Dimension C in my formative years when I was buying my first real guitar. Are they as amazing as I remember? Also, I vaguely remember having an Arion Chorus . . I didn't know any better to keep it. :(

05-25-2007, 05:42 PM
I've been wanting to put this rig together for quite sometime, and I've finally been able to use it!!


Pedals on the rack tray are: Hotcake Bluesberry, Mosferatu, Keeley Comp, and Strobostomp. ;)

Everybody has these Zen Drives! I need to get one! I'm running all of this into a single closed back 12" Celestion Speaker! It's fun looking at everybody's rig!

Suriel Zayas
05-25-2007, 09:31 PM
Oh, I want!!!! :)

Did you get this yet?

i did get and i absolutely love it. both channels are very fendery without a doubt. twin channel is very clean and chimey, while the dlx channel is clean, slightly darker and with a definite bite to it. the dlx takes pedals nicely, but know my board has only one od (zen drive) on it, as the sl2 mod covers allllllll of the major od sounds. corey can also chime in as he also has the twin/dlx.

Suriel Zayas
05-25-2007, 09:35 PM
Everybody has these Zen Drives! I need to get one!

alf (mr. zen drive) is spending the weekend by me, maybe i can relay your message.;)

05-25-2007, 10:43 PM

alf (mr. zen drive) is spending the weekend by me, maybe i can relay your message.;)

Hey Suriel,

Say a 'Big Hello' to the Zen Master. Ask him if he, "Is still doing his imitations of 'the SpongeBob' for his kids". I caught him at home one time with his kids watching SpongeBob, He was, of course, very gracious to still allowed me time to talk a little business and we both allowed the walls to come down and admitted to doing Patrick and Sponge Bob imitation for our kids. Alf is such a class man and so humble he doesn't realize how great a guy he is. I hope he's got the business under control, last time I talked to him he seemed so stressed to not be able to fill all his orders. I've been thinking about adding a second Zen to the pedal board, maybe a tube one. I think I'm on the list, but honestly I hate to bug Alf to find out.

Happy playing,
Jimmie B

05-25-2007, 10:43 PM

alf (mr. zen drive) is spending the weekend by me, maybe i can relay your message.;)

Hey Suriel,

Say a 'Big Hello' to the Zen Master. Ask him if he, "Is still doing his imitations of 'the SpongeBob' for his kids". I caught him at home one time with his kids watching SpongeBob, He was, of course, very gracious to still allowed me time to talk a little business and we both allowed the walls to come down and admitted to doing Patrick and Sponge Bob imitation for our kids. Alf is such a class man and so humble he doesn't realize how great a guy he is. I hope he's got the business under control, last time I talked to him he seemed so stressed to not be able to fill all his orders. I've been thinking about adding a second Zen to the pedal board, maybe a tube one. I think I'm on the list, but honestly I hate to bug Alf to find out.

Happy playing,
Jimmie B

05-26-2007, 02:06 AM

i did get and i absolutely love it. both channels are very fendery without a doubt. twin channel is very clean and chimey, while the dlx channel is clean, slightly darker and with a definite bite to it. the dlx takes pedals nicely, but know my board has only one od (zen drive) on it, as the sl2 mod covers allllllll of the major od sounds. corey can also chime in as he also has the twin/dlx.

I can't wait to get an Egnater amp! His Randall stuff is so good.

Am I making stuff up, or is there also a Twin/Vox module in the works? :)

Suriel Zayas
05-26-2007, 06:47 AM
is there also a Twin/Vox module in the works? :)

i'm not sure on that one and not to speak for mr. egnater, but both channels share similar sonic charasteristics. i know they share the eq or has to be close in voicing. i have come up with some pretty wild combinations that bruce has to tell me that would be like mating a great dane with a chihuahua.:eek: but he is very open to suggestions and will voice your module to your liking, within reason. he is working on something that will turn our 4-channel mod50's into 8-channels.:D

Suriel Zayas
05-26-2007, 07:03 AM
Hey Suriel,

Say a 'Big Hello' to the Zen Master.


great to hear from you! i'll definitely send him your regards. production of the zendrive has increased in leaps and bounds and i believe the zd2 is next to have an increades production. we'll be hanging with wayne krantz and mike stern this weekend.

05-26-2007, 10:44 AM
he is working on something that will turn our 4-channel mod50's into 8-channels.:D

Really?!? Heck yeah! That's what I've been hoping for all along. My MOD50 should be done soon (as soon as they get the reverb units in), but would love to see something like the M4 that isn't just a preamp.

05-26-2007, 05:07 PM
Since I don't have an Egnater, I can't seem to leave my rig alone. The photos earlier in the thread are terribly out of date now and I've already gone through a different pedalboard altogether and now I'm back in pedals-in-the-rack world. Here are this week's rig pictures:

<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c205/lonegtr/guitar%20rig/rackfront07.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c205/lonegtr/guitar%20rig/pedaldrawer07.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c205/lonegtr/guitar%20rig/speakersmics.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c205/lonegtr/guitar%20rig/ampspower.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c205/lonegtr/guitar%20rig/midipedalboboard07.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

I'm sure I'll have to post something a little different next week.

05-26-2007, 05:48 PM
Small but mighty! (There's a Budda lurking at the other end :eek: .)


Suriel Zayas
05-27-2007, 06:40 PM
latest version of pedalboard for the egnater amp setup.


05-27-2007, 06:53 PM
latest version of pedalboard for the egnater amp setup.

Do you use the delay in the amp loop, or do you always use it with an overdrive pedal?

05-27-2007, 07:45 PM
latest version of pedalboard for the egnater amp setup.

Suriel, Why is there two sends and returns ? Are sending the board to two amps ?

Suriel Zayas
05-27-2007, 08:29 PM
Do you use the delay in the amp loop, or do you always use it with an overdrive pedal?
always use it in the parallel loop.

Suriel Zayas
05-27-2007, 08:38 PM
Suriel, Why is there two sends and returns ? Are sending the board to two amps ?
send/return #1 is the volume pedal to the series loop of the amp. it makes my volume act as a master volume. i can achieve the same amount of gain at very, very low or open it full throttle. the only issue, for this to work correctly the out of the volume pedal goes into the send and the in of the volume pedal goes into the return. yes, backwards or else the volume pedal acts goofy with all the taper at the toe (tom has the same issue).

send/return #2 is the delay pedal into the parallel loop.

the rest of the pedals go into the front of the amp.

05-27-2007, 10:02 PM
Is the DD20 line-level, or do you keep the preamp levels low?


The randall version has an out of audio path master volume jack that you can plug a volume pedal into. I wonder if he'd do that for a mod50?

05-28-2007, 09:27 AM
send/return #1 is the volume pedal to the series loop of the amp. it makes my volume act as a master volume.

send/return #2 is the delay pedal into the parallel loop.

the rest of the pedals go into the front of the amp.

Hey Suriel,
Hmmmm. I'm a little confused.. is the signal flow;

Egnator loop out >
Volume pedal OUT >
Volume pedal IN >
Return #1.

and then you jumper between Return #1 and Send #2 to>

DD-20 IN>
DD-20 Out>
Egnator Loop IN.

Or are there two loop sends on the Egnator?

BTW, very tidy looking board. Did you wire that yourself or work with some who custom builds? If custom builder, can you leave a refererral? They might get some work from the rest of us geeks on this forum.


05-28-2007, 09:42 AM
Hey Suriel,

Or are there two loop sends on the Egnator?

there is both a series and a parallel loop in the MOD50. Does that answer the question?

05-28-2007, 10:30 AM
Hey Suriel,
Hmmmm. I'm a little confused.. is the signal flow;

Egnator loop out >
Volume pedal OUT >
Volume pedal IN >
Return #1.

and then you jumper between Return #1 and Send #2 to>

DD-20 IN>
DD-20 Out>
Egnator Loop IN.

Or are there two loop sends on the Egnator?

BTW, very tidy looking board. Did you wire that yourself or work with some who custom builds? If custom builder, can you leave a refererral? They might get some work from the rest of us geeks on this forum.

They are made by pedalboards.com . The bypass strips are the business

Suriel Zayas
05-28-2007, 03:24 PM
there is both a series and a parallel loop in the MOD50. Does that answer the question?

yup! series loop: volume pedal & parallel loop: delay.

Suriel Zayas
05-28-2007, 03:28 PM
They are made by pedalboards.com . The bypass strips are the business

tom peck of pedalboards.com builds mine. i'll be seeing him tommorow if you wish to send any messages.

05-28-2007, 08:33 PM
tom peck of pedalboards.com builds mine. i'll be seeing him tommorow if you wish to send any messages.
Ill be ordering from him sometime in the coming months . There are still some pedals i want to acquire first .

06-17-2007, 10:11 AM
My Pedalboard


brian b
06-29-2007, 06:38 AM
Here is one for Little Steven at Charly's, He said you only need one pedal so i built him one for one pedal.


brian b
07-06-2007, 05:52 PM
Well after putting my son's on here and building some for friends had to start back on mine. It is pedal lacking after going the Pod route at church for so long and now just tubing at home here you go.


Road King
10-20-2007, 12:48 PM
just finished, not perfect yet but getting there.


10-28-2007, 07:02 AM
This is mine

Controlling this

I've finally got any tone I've ever dreamt of , I can't improve one single aspect... very very happy :D

Ray K.
12-27-2007, 06:10 PM
I finally got around to bringing my live board home, and took the time to snap a couple of pics for ya'll.
It may not look exciting, pretty or neat, but it's functional. :)


Bottom row (L to R): StroboStomp tuner, Mini Booster, OD250, modified Boss MT-2, MI Audio Tube Zone, Boss FV-50L volume pedal, Boss FS-5U tap tempo. Since I don't use it much, the modified Dunlop wah is off board.

Second tier (L to R): Boss NS-2 suppressor (gain pedals are in the Loop), modified Boss CS-3 compressor, Ibanez CS9 Chorus, Boss DD-20 delay

Under tier: Samson Series One UHF guitar wireless, Voodoo Lab Pedal Power


Actual signal path is: Samson wireless > NS-2 (Loop: Mini Booster > OD250 > MT-2 > Tube Zone > CS-3) > Volume (StroboStomp from Tuner Out) > DD-20 (with FS-5U) > Chorus > amp (Dr. Z Maz 18 Jr NR 210 combo)

The NS-2, CS-3 and StroboStomp stay on all the time. I use a Visual 1-Spot to power the DD-20. Everything else is powered from the Pedal Power.

I love the Rondo pedalboard for around town. It's a pleasure to transport and is easy on the credit card. There is some extra space at the top where I keep spare cables, etc. I have an ATA pedalboard if needed.

Ray K.

01-10-2008, 04:43 PM
Since I'm a newbie here I'll post my rig. I posted at TGP but that thread is so long it'd be impossible to find. Here's my small rig:





I love the MusicomLab. Keeps me from tap dancing.

This plugs into an Alessandro Working Dog Boxer. I hated the cab and loved the amp so I had it rehoused into a nice walnut/maple box with a Celestion Blue. Here's the amp:




My other rig doesn't get much use lately, but it seems like I'm with all the other Egnater guys here. I run an Egnater M4 (single channel w/Randall clean, Top Boost, Plexi and XTC) into a Mesa 20/20. It goes to a pair of CAA 1x12 cubes. Effects are TC Electronic G-system controlling a Zvex SHO, Matchless Dirtbox, Menatone Red Snapper and Xotic BB on a pedal tray. Pretty versatile and reasonably light, but I don't like to schlep around a ton of gear so the combo/pedalboard gets the most use.

Suriel Zayas
01-11-2008, 08:22 AM

you have really tiny feet!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :D

John Price
01-11-2008, 09:58 AM
That routing system looks great! I'm in the market to get some type of system for my board but haven't looked to deep into it yet! I see Carl Martin has a new one that I may check out!..

01-11-2008, 12:09 PM
you have really tiny feet!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :D

Actually, I do have really tiny feet! :D

01-12-2008, 12:12 PM

I love the MusicomLab. Keeps me from tap dancing.

Welcome to the forum! I've been toying with the idea of a dedicated looping system for some time. How's the Musicomlab stuff? I tried their webpage, but the products section offered no informaton. Where'd you purchase the pedal switcher? How does it compare to Mario/AcessElectronics stuff?

01-12-2008, 01:48 PM
Welcome to the forum! I've been toying with the idea of a dedicated looping system for some time. How's the Musicomlab stuff? I tried their webpage, but the products section offered no informaton. Where'd you purchase the pedal switcher? How does it compare to Mario/AcessElectronics stuff?

Hi Michael! I've actually been lurking for quite some time but just recently got more active on this board. I really like the MusicomLab stuff. I've used the Digital Music GCX and Ground Control for a decade or so and think that the Musicom is so much better for a compact pedalboard. You don't need a rack! I bought it used off of TGP but they rarely if ever come up. The only item I've had from Mario is the BS2 buffer so I can't compare it to the GRX4 from a personal standpoint. That said, the GRX4 requires a controller and another GRX4 to match the 8 loops of the Musicom. To me it's just a way better, more compact option for pedalboard use.

01-12-2008, 02:04 PM
Hi Michael! I've actually been lurking for quite some time but just recently got more active on this board. I really like the MusicomLab stuff. I've used the Digital Music GCX and Ground Control for a decade or so and think that the Musicom is so much better for a compact pedalboard. You don't need a rack! I bought it used off of TGP but they rarely if ever come up. The only item I've had from Mario is the BS2 buffer so I can't compare it to the GRX4 from a personal standpoint. That said, the GRX4 requires a controller and another GRX4 to match the 8 loops of the Musicom. To me it's just a way better, more compact option for pedalboard use.

Your board is impeccably clean. Did you wire that up yourself?

01-12-2008, 03:12 PM
Your board is impeccably clean. Did you wire that up yourself?

Yeah, thanks. I stayed up late one night and cut all the Bill Lawrence cables and wired it up.

01-13-2008, 02:37 AM
Hi Michael! I've actually been lurking for quite some time but just recently got more active on this board. I really like the MusicomLab stuff. I've used the Digital Music GCX and Ground Control for a decade or so and think that the Musicom is so much better for a compact pedalboard. You don't need a rack! I bought it used off of TGP but they rarely if ever come up. The only item I've had from Mario is the BS2 buffer so I can't compare it to the GRX4 from a personal standpoint. That said, the GRX4 requires a controller and another GRX4 to match the 8 loops of the Musicom. To me it's just a way better, more compact option for pedalboard use.

thank you for the information! I've got several "noisy" (aka vintage) pedals that do much better in buffered loops. I'm considering the Carl Martin stuff, and I too passed on Mario's pedal due to the pricing and the additional controller. Loooper was an option before they went under, and right now I'm considering the ABY from http://www.electrick-garage.com/. I'll be checking out the show this week and hopefully will be able to land something.

01-14-2008, 03:23 AM
thank you for the information! I've got several "noisy" (aka vintage) pedals that do much better in buffered loops. I'm considering the Carl Martin stuff, and I too passed on Mario's pedal due to the pricing and the additional controller. Loooper was an option before they went under, and right now I'm considering the ABY from http://www.electrick-garage.com/. I'll be checking out the show this week and hopefully will be able to land something.

I had a Loooper, and while they were nice for what they are they don't really hold a candle to what the MusicomLab can do. The beauty of the Musicom is that it's fully programmable. One stomp for 8 loops. Plus, it has a midi out to control rack systems or pedals like the Eventide Timefactor which have midi inputs. It can also be used (albeit a bit awkwardly) in a mode where you can turn on/off loops on the fly. I had the GCX/Ground Control, CAE RS10mkII, a Loooper and the TC Electronic G-system in addition to this MusicomLab. They were all decent at what they were trying to do but for a pedalboard this seems like the best option available. I still have the G-system for a small rack setup that I'm using (infrequently) and love that system as well but the combo amp/pedalboard thing is more convenient for my current needs.

I did some research on the Carl Martin Combinator and the gigrig, but the sheer functionality and size of the Musicom was too difficult to pass up.

01-14-2008, 05:30 PM
I had a Loooper, and while they were nice for what they are they don't really hold a candle to what the MusicomLab can do. The beauty of the Musicom is that it's fully programmable. One stomp for 8 loops. Plus, it has a midi out to control rack systems or pedals like the Eventide Timefactor which have midi inputs. It can also be used (albeit a bit awkwardly) in a mode where you can turn on/off loops on the fly. I had the GCX/Ground Control, CAE RS10mkII, a Loooper and the TC Electronic G-system in addition to this MusicomLab. They were all decent at what they were trying to do but for a pedalboard this seems like the best option available. I still have the G-system for a small rack setup that I'm using (infrequently) and love that system as well but the combo amp/pedalboard thing is more convenient for my current needs.

I did some research on the Carl Martin Combinator and the gigrig, but the sheer functionality and size of the Musicom was too difficult to pass up.

You're killing me!!! You'd figure IF there was anywhere in the US where Musicom stuff would be - it'd be here in LA. But you found yours over at TGP? Was that because no one here stocks it?:p

brian b
01-14-2008, 09:32 PM
Son's newest arrangement

01-24-2008, 02:27 PM
i'm only seeing one of those pics...

01-26-2008, 03:19 AM
Let's try this again. Here is the text from my old post:

I'm a long time lurker of the forum, but I decided it was time to raise my voice. Here is my current rig, but I am also moving to the world of Rack/Tray Pedal goodness, hopefully with some help from Ryman! My dad and I built this board in his shop at home and I was really pleased with how it came out (sorry for all the pictures, but I think it's fun to see some through the whole process). Brian B generously gave me some white vinyl. I love the Hollow T, and I also have a Gold Top Atom on the way!


08-04-2011, 03:17 PM