View Full Version : TA pickup leads

02-12-2004, 01:53 PM
I'm searching high and low for some 4 conductor shielded wiring! I can't find it anywhere! I need to lengthen two TA pickup leads...

If anyone can point me in the right direction... or can I buy some from TAG directly? I only need about two feet.


02-12-2004, 03:13 PM
email me your address and i'll send you what you need.

02-12-2004, 03:36 PM
Thank you!


02-13-2004, 03:26 AM
This is exactly why I bought an Anderson - customer service.


03-11-2004, 01:52 PM
It amazes me why all companies don't understand That good customer relations are good for business! Tom, Roy, and all the crew at TAG need to write a guidebook for other businesses. They know that satified customers generate more business. Look at how many forum posts talk about owning multiple TA's. Of course, at TAG, they don't give great customer support JUST to promote business. It's because they CARE about their customers as much as they CARE about the craftsmanship that goes into each TA guitar!


03-11-2004, 04:31 PM
roy and i talk all the time about what makes guys like brian h. and jack such great representatives for us. it's not the guitar knowledge, although they both have gobbs of that. it's the way they treat people. we talk about doing sales clinics where we don't ever talk about guitars. the guitars have to be great, but if you're not nice, the guitar will never get taken off the wall. thanks for all of your encouragement.

Stan Malinowski
03-11-2004, 08:36 PM
the guitars have to be great, but if you're not nice, the guitar will never get taken off the wall. thanks for all of your encouragement.

AMEN!!! And Tom, thank you folks for all that you do for us Anderson fanatics. Your level of participation in this forum exemplifies the level of interest you take in your customers.

03-21-2004, 11:05 PM
I keep telling people I finally found a guitar maker that builds a guitar that sounds like a Strat is supposed to... and then some!

I can finally go to a gig with ONE guitar. (Ok I always bring two in case I break a string, but I don't need to for "sound purposes any more.)

And to be able to call the manufacturer and speak to folks that are truly in the know...

I am so glad I got my first Anderson. And my second is on the way. Once it arrives I will have all my bases covered.

Are you ever planning on making acoustics?

03-22-2004, 12:19 AM
probably not, there are some amazing acoustics out there. i have gone through periods where i play mostly acoustic. i kind of enjoy just playing them and not overanalyzing them. we did do the crowdster for live playing because it's just no fun to try and make a great acoustic work on a loud stage. i am currently in an electric only mode. played my new guitar this weekend and it's one step closer to the elusive tone.

03-22-2004, 12:34 AM
A couple weeks ago, prior to being directed to this site, I e-mailed TAG with a simple question about strap locks.

When I received a reply, I figured "cool". After reading the e-mail and realizing it was from Tom himself, I was absolutely amazed.

I imagine it similar to a Gibson fanatic receiving a call from Les Paul... "so, how's the guitar doing?".

But, I've owned a Les Paul, strat copies, etc. But for 15 years, I've wanted and waited to get a TA.

So, Tom, guitars and strap locks aside, that simple response to "ahh... what kind of strap locks should I buy?", has earned you a customer for life.

Thanks Tom. And, thanks to this entire group for all the great feedback and suggestions I received.

03-22-2004, 10:58 AM
you are too kind. i am fortunate to have a business that is small enough to allow me do do what i like to do as opposed to what i need to do. making and playing guitars is what i love to do, and being a part of this group helps me to do a better job of it. thanks for your support.