View Full Version : Something Swirly?

02-28-2007, 09:47 AM
Ok, so I look down and I have 4 or 5 dirt pedals, a trem, delay, and a comp, and I'm thinking I'd like something fun to throw on the board that would be usable and not cheesy. I have a phaser which is nice for clean stuff but it sounds a bit harsh overdriven. And I got rid of the chorus pedal long ago--I could never sound like Andy Summers; my chorus stuff was always cheesy.

What are you guys using that gives you a usable texture to change up your sound? A vibe is at the top of my list but I'm wondering if it'll be this big pedal I hardly ever use.

02-28-2007, 09:59 AM
check out the <a href="http://lovepedal.com/fab50.htm">Lovepedal Magicboy vibe</a>. It's as small as an RC Booster and has a really great, pristine sound.

02-28-2007, 11:12 AM
For me i consolidated all of my modulation on a line6 MML it sounds good and dont suck tone. So now my pedalboard consist in less pedals that is less tap dancing. :D

I am even planning to put everything into a rack my pedals and everything.:p

03-25-2007, 06:11 AM
I was in the market for a Chorus but found some settings on another board for my DD20. Check it out:

Dial in Modulation, set Tone at Noon, Level at 3
Feedback off
Time at 5ms
Rate at 90
Depth at 100


You can leave everything the same and regulate the Depth back to 50 so it is not so intense.

Pretty cool and didn't have to buy another pedal!

03-25-2007, 02:50 PM
A vibrato would probably be real nice; Boss made a great (and small) one - I'm not sure if they still do. Voodoo labs makes a good one and is about the size of an original sansamp. Have you thought of going the rotary speaker simulation route?

03-25-2007, 03:30 PM
the line6 tap trem going slow adds nice spacial feel without the severe tone change if a mod pedal.

03-25-2007, 03:39 PM
check out the <a href="http://lovepedal.com/fab50.htm">Lovepedal Magicboy vibe</a>. It's as small as an RC Booster and has a really great, pristine sound.

the mp3s sound great on that. I'd vote for this one. Tom's Tap Trem idea was a good one, too.

03-26-2007, 08:54 AM
I used to use a lot of chorus (back when that was cool) and then one day my brother, who played bass and sang harmony, walked over to my rig and turned my chorus off during rehearsal, screaming "I can't sing on pitch with that stupid chorus pedal." I have used it sparingly since.

Vibe is cool, and my Vox ToneLab has a KILLER Roto-vibe effect... that's my current favorite.

I also occasionally like to plug in my only vintage pedal. a mid-70s Phase 100 from MXR that still works perfectly... the effect is a bit extreme for a lot of things, but is occasionally fun.

03-26-2007, 08:57 AM
Actually, you'd be surprised at how many cool effects are in the Line 6 4-button Filter Modeler. There are things that are similar to rotovibe, tremelo, auto-wah, etc. They're not exactly the same as the originals, but they're close enough to do the same thing and different enough to be unique.

03-26-2007, 12:48 PM
that love pedal does sound pretty cool. doesn't sound like it messes up the guitar tone as much as others. need to sell some overdrives to get one of those.

Suriel Zayas
03-26-2007, 09:07 PM
that love pedal does sound pretty cool. doesn't sound like it messes up the guitar tone as much as others. need to sell some overdrives to get one of those.
sean is sending me one sometime this week, i'll let you know how it goes.

03-27-2007, 09:50 AM
i think you must be my long lost brother suriel, the one who got all the chops:o we always seem to be chasing the same gear. lemme know what you think.

Suriel Zayas
03-27-2007, 06:15 PM
i think you must be my long lost brother suriel, the one who got all the chops:o we always seem to be chasing the same gear. lemme know what you think.
got bored with the supa-trem. i believe this is a different animal.

03-28-2007, 10:31 AM
if it doesn't float your boat you can send it to me.