View Full Version : Maintenance Question/Pricing

02-24-2007, 11:10 PM
I have a '94 HDTC. I've never had any need to do anything to it until recently when my volume pot became scratchy. While cleaning the pot, I decided to just go through the whole guitar, cleaning everything up and doing a complete setup (as best I know how). In the process I discovered a couple of things that need replacing.
1. One of the three micro switches for the switcharoo system was missing. Apparently, it was lost by the original owner as I've never accessed the switches before.
2. The two screws for the bridge pickup are too small. Ever since I got the guitar I constantly have to reset the height of the bridge pickup. Over a short period of time it slips back down as I play. Never really noticed "why" it would do that. Now I've realized that the heads of the screws are smaller than the those for the middle and neck p/ups. I'm embarrassed I've never noticed that before. I know the original owner swapped p/ups out because it also came with an alternate p/up so he must have lost and replaced them when switching out the p/up.
3. My frets are getting quite worn so I'm in need of a fret job real soon (1 11/16 maple neck, heavy frets).
4. Two of the three latches on my case are shot to heck; only the middle latch remains. Yikes--have to be extremely careful when transporting.

Maybe a dumb question, but does Anderson Guitars do repair-type work such as fret jobs, parts replacements, and set ups, etc., and if so, how much for those things I've listed above. If not, can somebody direct me to a good and trustworthy source?

Sorry for the long post. Thanks in advance.


02-25-2007, 11:30 AM
yes we do repairs and refrets, when bruce is in town. you can call the shop to check on his work load.
the humbucker screws area smaller size. with a guitar of that age, the rubber tubing that puts tension on the pickup may be getting worn out. if you contact us we can send you some new tubing.

03-01-2007, 09:47 PM
yes we do repairs and refrets, when bruce is in town. you can call the shop to check on his work load.
the humbucker screws area smaller size. with a guitar of that age, the rubber tubing that puts tension on the pickup may be getting worn out. if you contact us we can send you some new tubing.

Hey Tom! Mucho gracias for the reply. I wasn't sure if maybe y'all were so busy filling orders for new geetars that repairs, etc. might be hard to work in.
I'll certainly call and check on Bruce's schedule/workload. I found the number on your website. Thanks for making such an awesome guitar. I've been able to play many and I've never found one that came close to a TAG. The workmanship is incredible. I'm extemely proud to be an owner/player of one. You guys don't have loaners to send out for when mine is in your shop? :)