View Full Version : Barber Users

02-15-2007, 08:12 AM
Hey Y'all--

Any of you Barber guys ever do any of the internal adjustments on the Tone Press, LTD, or Direct Drive. My stuff is great, but velcroed down and wired snuggly to my board. I pretty much keep my settings the same, but I have thought about checking the adjustments "beyond factory settings". What, if any adjustments have you guys done and have you gained any new tone or perspective? I am trying to get the mental pic of my board torn apart and the pedals all plugged in and....sheesh, sounds like a bit of work:o
I may just need to take a night and do it, but I wanted to see what everybody else is doing...


02-15-2007, 12:06 PM
i had the same ugly thought, so i haven't really messed with the internal trim pots. i did mess with my spare bueq, and i think i ended up liking the factory settings best.

02-15-2007, 12:22 PM
I think that's going to be my mantra. they must be factory settings for a reason. Like I said, I like what I hear..mostly, but would like to get a bit more warmth from the LTD and would like to explore the pull pot on the DD more. If I get the nerve, I 'll give you a full report on my findings Mr. Anderson ;)


02-15-2007, 12:56 PM
I've got a BUEQ(LOVE it by the way) and I did tweak the trim pots a bit. I found that my with my Princeton Reverb the factory setting needed a touch more Bass and a little less Highs to retain my "straight in the amp tone" when the BU is engaged. It really does sound like the straight signal with gain. Which is my understanding of why he added the adjustments since every amp will respond a little differently.

My $.02....


02-15-2007, 01:06 PM
Never touched any of the factory settings on any of my stuff. I kind of go with the "factory mantra," like you said. Instead I just kept buying pedals until I found ones I liked.

02-15-2007, 06:22 PM
It's almost cruel that Dave provides so much flexibility. I opened up my tone press once to roll off some of the high-end then set it back to factory. I can't imagine the rest of my Barber pedals sounding much better than they do. I could see being able to optimize the pedals a bit more, but the return would be marginal. Unless of course you have the kind of ears that can distinguish between brands of batteries. :)

02-15-2007, 08:32 PM
I use my direct drive with my LP through a 62 Fender Concert amp with new P12Rs....I did open up the Barber and add a little bass to bring more color into the sound, but since I set it I have not messed with it again.

02-15-2007, 09:09 PM
i do feel like i'd like to bump the bottom up a bit on the green channel, but since i don't need it on the red channel i leave it alone(on the bueq).

02-15-2007, 09:49 PM
I think everyone should adjust the pedal to their own rig. One of the advantages to me. The Tone press for example, you can use the internal adjust for the type of compression you want, squishy or clear. When I get a new pedal I leave the back off for awhile and play with the internals for a few days until I understand the pedal and have the internals set to where I like them with my rig.
I got a mod board with the Direct Drive and admit that was a bit of a challenge. Think I need to open it up again try some adjustsments.
One of the big pluses to Barber pedals to me.