View Full Version : Case for a PRS Guitar

02-08-2007, 10:07 AM
Hello to all,

I just picked up a very used PRS CE24. The guitar is still in good shape, but the case is on its last days. Can anyone suggest an after market hard shell case (non PRS) that would work for the guitar. If not I can always go with a nicelly padded GIG Bag.


02-09-2007, 01:05 PM
Goto www.atomicmusiconline.com. It is a music store pawn shop in Maryland. They have been advertising they need to get rid of a bunch of leftover used guitar and bass cases. They might have a used prs case cheap to replace your case.

02-09-2007, 07:54 PM
You might want to check over on the Birds and Moons (http://forums.birdsandmoons.com/forum/index.php?) forum.

02-10-2007, 09:26 PM
Thanks for the feedback. I actually tried the birds and moons forum two days ago and had no luck in the search. I was wondering if anyone had tried something like the skb line of guitar cases.

irish blues
02-12-2007, 04:58 PM
Got an SKB for a gibbie double cut les paul......fits it quite well. Hate to mention I got it at Gcenter, but they had a double cut on the wall and I tried the guitar in the case to determine the fit. Convenient as I did not have to bring in my guitar. I would think they would have a few PRS's around to see how the guitar will fit in the case.
SKB isn't as cool as the PRS cases, but has served me quite well.