View Full Version : in search of a Fender Deluxe Reverb - sort of.....

02-07-2007, 01:12 PM
Here's what I'd like to find:

Love the Fender Deluxe Reverb, but, I want a smaller cabinet and want
to dispense with the vibrato circuitry and the "normal" channel (I never use it). Plus, a mid-range control.

Kinda like if you took a Fender Princeton size combo cabinet but have a 12" speaker and the basic Fender Deluxe Reverb circuitry (with the reverb, but no normal channel or vibrato). Point to point wiring would
be nice too.

Is there such a beast? Who makes it?


02-07-2007, 01:21 PM
Look for an Allen Accomplice. The BFDR is what is based on and it has your exact specs.


02-07-2007, 02:20 PM
Michael Clark=stellar build quality and tone. Sold through Bob at the perfect note. Bob is a stand up guy, who knows Clark amps inside and out, won't sell you somethig that won't work for you. Own two Clark amps myself and have dealth with Bob for many years with complete satisfactiion.



02-07-2007, 03:17 PM
i'd heard clark is only making the beaufort (tweed) for right now.

+1 on the allen though. i have an accomplice jr. head that i built from a kit and it's really nice.

if i could do it over i'd get the higher wattage transformer though for more clean headroom. the great thing about the accomplice is you can get some really nice overdrive at low volumes by using the volume/master vol and the raw switch. but there are times when i wish i could get cleaner.

02-07-2007, 04:15 PM
If a boutique amp is too rich for your blood, try the Blues Deluxe! I have loved mine for nearly 10 years now! It hasn't failed me and sounds real good, but a bit quieter, which I like... (But I have a made in US one, the new ones are Mexico... probably the same quality, though.)

02-07-2007, 05:44 PM
Hi "Picnic,"
Good call on the Allen Accomplice. I called him up and spoke with him, and, yes, this could be the "just right" amp for me. Thanks for the lead. And thanks to everyone else too! Much obliged,


02-07-2007, 09:01 PM
i'd heard clark is only making the beaufort (tweed) for right now.

+1 on the allen though. i have an accomplice jr. head that i built from a kit and it's really nice.

if i could do it over i'd get the higher wattage transformer though for more clean headroom. the great thing about the accomplice is you can get some really nice overdrive at low volumes by using the volume/master vol and the raw switch. but there are times when i wish i could get cleaner.

No Clark is still makeing his full line of Blackface, Tweed, and Marshall amps. He anounced a while back that he was stopping production but changed his mine.

02-08-2007, 04:27 AM
The Carr Rambler is small and sounds great with Andersons :)


02-09-2007, 12:22 PM
For the money I spent I love my Tweed NOS Blues Junior. I had it modded by BillM and it rocks. I mic it every Sunday morning. Only 31 pounds!

I normally have the Volume on 7-8 and the Master on 3. Plenty of volume on stage and definetly gets me above the drums sitting behind me.

02-10-2007, 03:44 PM
I'm going to expose my ignorance here...but...what does "NOS" mean?



02-10-2007, 03:58 PM
"New Old Stock", if I'm not mistaken.

02-10-2007, 07:54 PM
guitarzan you are right. It's a gimmick to charge more!

I ended up snagging a Barber Tone Press and put my volume pedal near the end of the chain and now I can get all the different sound I want at a lower volume, which is perfect for where I play. With the pedals it's probably close to a more expensive amp.

Sorry for the de rail.

02-18-2007, 08:31 PM
If a boutique amp is too rich for your blood, try the Blues Deluxe! I have loved mine for nearly 10 years now!...

The Deluxe/Deville amps (Hot Rod or Blues) really can be good amps, if you throw a few mods/upgrades at them.

I gig every weekend with a DeVille 2x12 and it was OK as stock. But then I loaded it with a Weber 12F150 and a Cannabis Rex, and retubed it. Those two things improved it a TON (mostly the speakers).

Recently, I dropped Yellow Jackets and EL84s into it, and it's like having a different amp - kind of like a 2x12 AC15 with an effects loop and reverb.

There's always the high-end amps, and I've used Bogners and Carrs and other stuff - but this is a good 'boutique on a budget' setup.

02-18-2007, 08:33 PM
how does biasing work with yellowjackets and el84's?

02-19-2007, 08:32 AM
how does biasing work with yellowjackets and el84's?

Nothing to do - you pop them in and off you go. Evidently, the way they re-arrange the circuitry to run the EL84, it runs it in Class A with no tweaking to the amp.

02-19-2007, 08:05 PM
Those Allen Accomplise come up for sale quite often look on ebay and other forums ........might be your answer

02-23-2007, 11:04 PM
I gig every weekend with a DeVille 2x12 and it was OK as stock. But then I loaded it with a Weber 12F150 and a Cannabis Rex, and retubed it. Those two things improved it a TON (mostly the speakers).

care to share your impressions of those two speakers? i'm trying to decide between them for my silverface DR.

02-23-2007, 11:29 PM
welcome back, O. I trust the tour went well?

02-25-2007, 01:02 PM
welcome back, O. I trust the tour went well?

check yer email.

03-01-2007, 10:29 PM
care to share your impressions of those two speakers? i'm trying to decide between them for my silverface DR.

Can't go wrong with either - both were a marked improvement over the Fender 'special design' (eminence) low-end speakers that came stock in the amp.

The Weber has a crisper, tighter feel, where the C-rex is a bit smokier. Truthfully, I like the C-rex a bit better, but can't say exactly why.

03-02-2007, 12:13 AM
Can't go wrong with either - both were a marked improvement over the Fender 'special design' (eminence) low-end speakers that came stock in the amp.

The Weber has a crisper, tighter feel, where the C-rex is a bit smokier. Truthfully, I like the C-rex a bit better, but can't say exactly why.

I just put a C-Rex in my silverface DR. It is definitely a much better match for that amp than the Vintage 30 that was in it before. It's not harsh at higher volumes, and the breakup is much smoother.

03-10-2007, 09:14 AM
I just put a C-Rex in my silverface DR. It is definitely a much better match for that amp than the Vintage 30 that was in it before. It's not harsh at higher volumes, and the breakup is much smoother.

I assume it has broken in by now - still liking it?