View Full Version : Hi From Australia, need advice on Crowdster Plus

01-25-2007, 08:10 PM
Hi All,,
I have come across the Crowdster Plus and believe it to be the guitar I've been dreaming about. Trouble is in Australia we only have 1 dealer who stocks Tom Anderson (not in my state) and to hear it I'd have to place a firm order. So before parting with 4K + on a guitar I've never seen or played I'd love to get some feedback on some folk who already own the guitar. My playing style is predominantly acoustic and I occasionally need to switch to and electric mode for distortion. Can the Crowdster Plus handle this sort of use and how have you found it compared to using just a normal acoustic guitar for tone etc.

Please also could you comment on the wood combinations and the type of tones you've found..

THanks so much in advance...Tarun

01-26-2007, 08:37 AM
My C+ is Flame Maple on Mahogany, so I can't comment on wood-tone options, other to say that mine sounds tremendous. I didn't have mine built, I bought it from dealer stock. I would have wanted this wood combo anyway.

The guitar is DESIGNED for what you seem to want to do. It's acoustic sounds are stunning and very versatile, very realistic because of the use of real acoustic bronze strings. Forget about shredding leads unless you maybe want to use really light strings and swap out the wound G for a plain .020 or something, but for rhythm tones and the occasional melodic stuff... GREAT!

I have a VERY nice Wechter (American not import) acoustic guitar, and since I got my Crowdster Plus about two months ago I have NOT plugged it in once.

The electric side sounds very good, especially for the distorted rhythm stuff I throw in under the acoustic from time to time. Make no mistake, this is not an electric that will make acoustic sounds (I have a couple of those from Godin, great but not the same, I use them for different purposes), it is rather an acoustic guitar that can make some really competent electric sounds. The single pickup means that any tonal variety will be in your amp or processing, so know that, too! There is no tone control even for the electric (okay since I never use it on a lead humbucking pickup anyway.)

Plays like butter, better than a couple of my electrics (I have .011s on it. I think .012s are too much) and I don't know how familiar you are with TA guitars, but I have NEVER seen or played a better made instrument. Yes, some that are "as good", but none better.

Curious... Are you using this guitar for worship leading in a church as I am? This guitar is the "holy grail" for that.

marsodude has one, too. I'm pretty sure he loves it as much as I love mine. There are not a tone of these out there (only about 50 or so last I heard) so you won't get hundreds of opinions.

01-26-2007, 08:38 AM
Forgot to mention...

I have NEVER found a guitar that does this even CLOSE to this great! I looked for years. But Andersons are addictive. I already want 3 or 4 more.

01-26-2007, 09:18 PM
Hi Pietro,
That's exactly the info I wanted. Thank you for your very detailed response. Yes worship leading is one use I will have for it. I am a contempry Christian singer and worship leader, until recently my style has been very acoustic dominated (ala Jack Johnson) but my new album has a bit more electric guitar so I needed to find a live solution without adding a second guitarist or having to swap guitars...I used to own a Godin many years ago, and as nice as they are the acoustic side is not really the same as having a real acoustic guitar...sounds like the Crowdster plus fills that void...

Thanks again for the info. Incidentally how much did you pick yours up for? There is one on eBay for $3100 and I wondered if that sounded like a reasonable price to you...

Tarun Stevenson
Singer , Speaker, Guitarist, Songwriter
"...If you like Jack Johnson and Ben Harper, check out Tarun Stevenson's album Psalms for the Broken...."

01-27-2007, 07:57 AM
I'm PMing you with info. I think many of the people who are selling on ePrey right now think that they will still get top-dollar new prices for "non-new" TAs. I think they are sorely mistaken. People (like me) looking to add another TA are going to take our time unless they NEED it now. (I SO want another TA...)

Got some leads for you, they're in the PM. Shipping Down Under will not be cheap no doubt, but they gotta get there one way or another...

I'm checking out your music, too...

01-28-2007, 07:32 PM
Crowdedmouth, welcome to the Forumn! There is a wealth of knowledge here!

Pietro is dead on. The Crowdster Plus is addictive. The electric pickup is suitable but any different tone will have to come from your pedals or amp selections. I recently purchased a Boss DD20 to emulate some U2 Edge sounds. I also run the electric side thru Keeley modified Boss Distortion, Blues Driver and Tremolo pedals. This electric signal goes to a BillM modified Blues Junior Fender amp then to the snake and board. The acoustic side goes thru a Peterson Strobostomp and then straight to the snake then the board. I have found that to change up the electric signal I need pedals. I would probably be better served playing a straight electric with more pickup options but the acoustic side of the Crowdster Plus is just awesome and it is really hard to part with, especially for worship service.

You will never have to worry about feedback. AND the active controls on the acoustic side of the Plus are extremely functional.

I personally think you can't go wrong with a Plus. Got mine for 3 even.

01-28-2007, 07:59 PM
Can you expand upon the Electric sounds ....I used to own a Crowdster but foolishly sold it so I am familar w/ it ..Are we talking Les Paul;...335 .. ?????

01-28-2007, 08:26 PM
FFOGG, did you own a Plus?

01-28-2007, 08:52 PM
No just one of the first Crowdsters in a natural finish ..I had stopped playing in bands and figured a Martin would better suit my needs ..I really miss that guitar

01-28-2007, 09:04 PM
OK, that explains it. The Plus, as you know, has an Anderson CMA pickup. I use a Y cable, one side from the Piezo, one from the CMA. I run the CMA signal thru the pedals. I can't comment on the Les Paul sounds, don't own one. But I can tell you that I can sure get some great crunch from the CMA!

01-28-2007, 09:34 PM
thanks for input don't mean to hijack the thread

01-29-2007, 07:01 AM

The electric sound is great on the Plus, but is, admittedly, limiting. Just the lead pickup, no tone control. It's great for adding those crunchy sounds underneath an acoustic. Standalone electric, it's okay and yes, a little like a lead Les Paul sound with more bite and a little less "body".

It is NOT a good "electric guitar" solution, though. It is most DEFINITELY an acoustic guitar with one HUGE added feature. I find myself reaching for my Flat Five X when I need more defined (and versatile) electric sounds. I'm waiting patiently for a Ghost system or something to be added to the Atom! Maybe someday...

01-30-2007, 01:17 AM
Thanks for the advice everyone...exactly what I'm looking for...keep it coming if you have anything else you can add to my research.

Pietro, how would you say the Crowdster compares to the Godin Multiac Acoustics. is yours a steel string or nylon string version?

01-30-2007, 07:10 AM
I have played those Godins ...and really not a fair comparison its not even close ...the Crowdster is a Jaguar to Godin Chevy

01-30-2007, 10:58 AM

No, I think that's an unfair comparison. I think the Godins are more like Jaguars, but the Crowdster is more like a Rolls or a Bentley! ;)

I've had my Crowdy for about 2 months, and I've had the three Godins (All three have acoustic sounds) for between 2 and 3 years. The Godins are GREAT instruments, I like them a lot. They sound very good on their "acoustic" sides. My Jazz is the less convincing of the two steel-strings, but I use the Roland Guitar synth with it, so it has THREE voices, which is RIDICULOUSLY fun. The Flat Five X is my favorite electric I've ever had (I count the Crowdy as an acoustic). I use a Yamaha AG Stomp with it and had to do some fiddling to get a decent Acoustic sound out of it, but was able to do pretty easily. The electric tone is very nice, too. They no longer make it, they make something called the Montreal which is cooler and functionally similar, with 22 frets instead of the Flat Five's ridiculous 24.

What I like about the Godins is that they sound very good, are inexpensive (compared to the TAs that is...) and, this is important, because they have the f-holes and an almost acoustic "look" there isn't a visual disconnect, as there is with, say, a Drop Top Classic with a PowerBridge. I can play just acoustic on them for two or three songs, and people don't have that "what's with the electric guitar" reaction.

So... I have a Multiac Jazz with DR Zebras on it (makes a BIG diff) which looks STUNNING with the f-holes, AAA top, and slotted headstock, a Flat Five X (also with DR Zebras), and they both make very servicealbe and usable acoustic sounds as well as very nice electric tones. The ACS SA is a NYLON string guitar, which, with the AG Stomp, sounds FANTASTIC. I have NEVER heard a nylon string I like better. Similar to a Crowdster (non-plus) in form and function, but it is 25.5" scale with ebony fingerboard to better accomodate the Synth tracking. Totally unique instrument, and way under a thousand bucks.

To make a long story even longer... The Acoustic sound of the steel-string Godins is not NEAR as good as the Anderson, but they are still very serviceable. The electric tones of the Crowdster, limited as they are, are a little better crunchy and overdriven than the Godins (The Jazz, with only one pickup, is pretty limiting, but it's a sound I like anyway) but the Godin Flat Five, with its two pickups and five-way switch is nicer clean, and more versatile. The Anderson is much better made than the Godins, but the Godins are, I find, VERY nice. They play great, feel great, look great.

01-30-2007, 01:36 PM
Volvo's to Bently's

01-30-2007, 05:16 PM
Thankyou both, as always Pietro you are a font of knowledge and the photo's are great. I'm hompingto head over to the States with my band next year for a tour...with any luck our paths will cross...

God Bless

01-30-2007, 06:22 PM
I sure hope we do see each other! I'll try and hunt you down if you come to PA (Pittsburgh or State College).

01-30-2007, 06:23 PM
I'm getting ready to send through a quote order for a Crowdster Plus Thanks to the advice of all of you I'm convinced I want one, just don't know about wood types. I am thinking of either Maple top on Mahogany or Maple top on Swamp Ash...I would be greatful for any advice on the difference in tones and suggested playing styles for these two wood combinations...

01-30-2007, 06:26 PM
they are going to all be mahogany from now on. i think it's just the best all around.

01-30-2007, 06:27 PM
Swamp Ash has always been a strat wood to me. I like the sound of my Mahogany, but we need Tom to chime in with info on the difference.

Marsodude, is yours mahog?

01-30-2007, 06:37 PM
I'm glad I got the best then! Thanks, Tom.

Wanna hear something funny? Last week we did a Crowder song and I played it on a Godin with the Crowdster sitting behind me, as a backup (I needed rhythm pickup electric the song before). One of my guitar players who wasn't playing that day thought that was freaking hysterical!

01-31-2007, 07:23 PM
Simply sacreligious not playing the Crowdster for that song!

Mine is quilted maple on Mahogany. I Love it!

Crowdedmouth, let us know what you get quoted thru an email.

02-01-2007, 07:50 AM

Yeah, I already repented...

02-01-2007, 09:48 PM
funny, since I typed that word, sacreligous, I've used it 4 times today...hmmm, derailed thread, sorry

02-01-2007, 11:19 PM
Placed my quote order yesterday Deep ocean blue / quilted maple/ showed my wife, she hated the colour and suggested I change it!!! ^%^#%$#& ...waiting egerly to see how much it's going to cost me...I am pretty set on buying one, just deciding whether it is better to order through my dealer in Aust or make a trip to the US and pick one up....

Though it's off the topic, I'd have to agree...not using a Crowster on a crowder song...sacreligious! hmmm it dose have a nice ring to it :)