View Full Version : Looks like he's back ...Yay!

01-05-2007, 03:54 PM
Check out the TA site. I for one am thrilled. Thanks Tom!

Steve Borne

01-05-2007, 04:11 PM
Isn't this a great New Year's gift?

01-05-2007, 04:13 PM
Great news! Now I just need to work up a cobra spec!!! :)

01-05-2007, 04:36 PM
I'll keep saving up for my Hollow Atom! (or my Hollow DT or Hollow Cobra... I ain't for certain yet...)

irish blues
01-05-2007, 04:57 PM
Thanks, Tom. My wife has been worried about her precious Santa Claus collection. I was going to have to sell some of her stash to get an Atom....:rolleyes:

01-05-2007, 05:11 PM
Check out the TA site. I for one am thrilled. Thanks Tom!

Steve Borne

None of us here works in the TAG shop so Im sure we cant understand all the pressures of running something like that . I think I speak for everyone here in that how much we sincerely appreciate how we were all treated by Tom, Roy and all the people that go into making TAG what it is . Its the personal touch you give us that really makes the entire experience of owning one of these hand crafted jewels so special . Not to mention the joy of playing an instrument of this quality . Thanks for finding a way of keeping TAG staff intact . As guitar players we are fortunate to have something like this . Thanks again Tom

01-05-2007, 05:13 PM
Thank you Tom and Roy! :)

01-05-2007, 05:37 PM
Great news! :)

01-05-2007, 05:38 PM
It's nice... I like... :D

01-05-2007, 05:39 PM
mmmm... daddy likes....

01-05-2007, 05:47 PM
I feel like my "lost dog" just wondered back into my house!

You've made my day, Tom.

Thank you.

01-05-2007, 06:12 PM
THANK YOU ! ! ! Hopefully you've found a way to where you wont be so bogged down with the corporate side of things and can spend more time building.

01-05-2007, 06:34 PM
I'm thrilled at the news!:D
TAG's have always been special guitars.Tom and the crew even more special.
I look forward to the future of Tom Anderson Guitarworks.
I also look forward to the other TAG's that will find a home with me.;)

Tom,thank you.:)

01-05-2007, 06:39 PM
Wonderful News!!!!

Barry said it well in his post above. One of the reasons these guitars are so superior to everything else out there (IMO :) ) is that the company and everyone involved with it has so much soul that the instruments are naturally conducive to soulful expression. Tom, I'm so glad you are taking steps to make sure the soul of the company and, by extension, the guitars themselves stays intact. I'm looking forward to seeing what new ideas you guys trot out in the coming years!

Rock on!

01-05-2007, 06:41 PM

Now I'll sleep better at night.

01-05-2007, 06:53 PM
Simply the best news of 2007 so far! Thanks Tom! :cool:

01-05-2007, 07:14 PM

When I heard Tom was fed up with corporate life, I suggested he just hire a manager, to handle the day-to-day crap, while he focused on guitar building and creating. Randall Smith did this at Mesa/Boogie, and I'm sure PRS himself has enough managers to not have to worry about his operations!

Whatever you decide Tom, you are making the right choice keeping the company going!! :)

01-05-2007, 07:42 PM
Well - I'm also glad that this may put an end to some of the price gouging that I've seen lately. If I hear ' buy it now - this will be a collector's item' or any other such crap, it'll be too soon.

While not completely widespread, there definately have been some people trying to clearly double or even possibly triple their money in some of the guitars I've seen for sale, both on EBay and also on some B/S boards. That's an extreme case, but it has happened. Of course, that's their right, I suppose, but it just sits funny with me.

Glad to see that that might likely calm down, and glad to hear that a workable solution for all concerned at TAG has been achieved.

01-05-2007, 08:03 PM
Very cool! This makes me want to order a new TAG. Tom, was that your intent in all this? :D

Seriously, I guess this means that you've found a happy medium between running a company and building guitars. That's awesome!

01-05-2007, 08:07 PM
That is great news! Very cool

01-05-2007, 08:17 PM
Well - I'm also glad that this may put an end to some of the price gouging that I've seen lately. If I hear ' buy it now - this will be a collector's item' or any other such crap, it'll be too soon.

While not completely widespread, there definately have been some people trying to clearly double or even possibly triple their money in some of the guitars I've seen for sale, both on EBay and also on some B/S boards. That's an extreme case, but it has happened. Of course, that's their right, I suppose, but it just sits funny with me.

Glad to see that that might likely calm down, and glad to hear that a workable solution for all concerned at TAG has been achieved.

+1. Could not have stated this any better.

01-05-2007, 08:23 PM
Well - I'm also glad that this may put an end to some of the price gouging that I've seen lately. If I hear ' buy it now - this will be a collector's item' or any other such crap, it'll be too soon.

While not completely widespread, there definately have been some people trying to clearly double or even possibly triple their money in some of the guitars I've seen for sale, both on EBay and also on some B/S boards. That's an extreme case, but it has happened. Of course, that's their right, I suppose, but it just sits funny with me.

Glad to see that that might likely calm down, and glad to hear that a workable solution for all concerned at TAG has been achieved.

It's great that Tom is restructuring in such a way that the dealers and the public can still get their hands on these great guitars.

I understand the whiplash that comes from seeing a dealer push his prices through the roof overnight, but at the same time- there was a moment in time (shortlived, thank goodness) that the availability of the guitars was surely going to be in question. Having said that, I don't see any issue with the value of them going up. Nobody knew that the guitars wouldn't be collector's items, right? Most of the people who were complaining about gouging were the ones who were buying guitars, not selling them. The sellers did what sellers do: price guitars according to market value. I'm really glad my Andy sold last week at an appreciated value. It makes up for the almost brand new guitar that I sold the week before where I took a bath.

Regarding the inflated market value: What if you found out all of a sudden that the manufacturer of your car was going to stop making cars and the public was willing to pay a quickly appreciated price for it? What if you lived in Southern California in 2004 (like me) and you made $150k off of your house in the first year you had it... or made $20k on it while it was still in escrow (like me)? Would some sense of virtue or honor in you price the house at $150k BELOW your neighbors' if you decided to sell it?

Dave K
01-05-2007, 08:49 PM
I think we've all been punk'd !! ;) :D

Good news for the start of the new year. Thanks guys.

01-05-2007, 08:49 PM
Truly great news,
I am, once again in an uncertain circumstance in my own workplace, so i know that the people at Anderson must be pleased to have all that bother lifted.
Thanks to Tom and ALL a very happy new year ..... and some sanity to the TAG dealers !!!! remember those who tried to rip us !!:D

01-05-2007, 09:21 PM
Truly great news,
I am, once again in an uncertain circumstance in my own workplace, so i know that the people at Anderson must be pleased to have all that bother lifted.
Thanks to Tom and ALL a very happy new year ..... and some sanity to the TAG dealers !!!! remember those who tried to rip us !!:D

Yeah, I was thinking about that too...I would hope that TAG would take note. Incidentally, I expect my Walnut topped solidbody Atom to arrive here shortly, and I worked through the whole process with Andy Chaney at Alpha Audio. I can't say enough how great this guy is...the level of service I've gotten is unparalleled. I've now ordered three TAG guitars and a number of other custom guitars from various places, and out of every order process I've been through, Andy has been the best one. This, I hope, TAG takes note of as well.

01-05-2007, 10:05 PM
I can see it now:

"For sale, rare 'pre-restructure' Anderson Drop Top...."


01-05-2007, 10:57 PM
It's great that Tom is restructuring in such a way that the dealers and the public can still get their hands on these great guitars.

I understand the whiplash that comes from seeing a dealer push his prices through the roof overnight, but at the same time- there was a moment in time (shortlived, thank goodness) that the availability of the guitars was surely going to be in question. Having said that, I don't see any issue with the value of them going up. Nobody knew that the guitars wouldn't be collector's items, right? Most of the people who were complaining about gouging were the ones who were buying guitars, not selling them. The sellers did what sellers do: price guitars according to market value. I'm really glad my Andy sold last week at an appreciated value. It makes up for the almost brand new guitar that I sold the week before where I took a bath.

Regarding the inflated market value: What if you found out all of a sudden that the manufacturer of your car was going to stop making cars and the public was willing to pay a quickly appreciated price for it? What if you lived in Southern California in 2004 (like me) and you made $150k off of your house in the first year you had it... or made $20k on it while it was still in escrow (like me)? Would some sense of virtue or honor in you price the house at $150k BELOW your neighbors' if you decided to sell it?

To be honest with you, I wasn't even referring to dealers, and I certainly had no knowledge that you had sold a guitar anytime recently. Just reflecting in general, it just frankly seemed kind of lousy to see private folks selling 2-5+ year old TAGs for original retail list price (or higher). Like I said, it's their right to do that, but it seems pretty opportunistic, IMO.

Further, I don't equate selling a house to this situation for 2 reasons: 1) any change in the housing market or value of my house is likely to be substantiated by real economic trends, not rumor or speculation or short-term feeding frenzy, and more importantly, 2) I buy guitars purely for the pleasure that they bring me - not as an money-making deal. If I choose to turn one over (and I do that very seldom because I like what I have), I try to sell for what is a 'fair' price. Now you and I may have a difference of opinion about what that constitutes - and that's fine with me - but I'm just giving you as sense of how I would handle things and how I would like to be treated if I were a buyer.

I might sell my house for what it's legitimately worth in the marketplace right now, but it's pretty unlikely that I'd sell one of my guitars to make a quick buck, especially under hyped up conditions. But that's just me...

01-05-2007, 11:06 PM

My wife even said WOOHOO!


I agree with the issue on price gouging. I called and got a price on a hollow Atom last week and got quoted almost $4200!

01-06-2007, 12:41 AM
... Just reflecting in general, it just frankly seemed kind of lousy to see private folks selling 2-5+ year old TAGs for original retail list price (or higher). Like I said, it's their right to do that, but it seems pretty opportunistic, IMO. ...

when I think of someone being "opportunistic", I think of people making money off of those in need, like someone SELLING help to those who were adversely affected by Hurricane Katrina. The word is actually defined on moral grounds of opportunity, and in medicine it usually refers to an infection that takes hold when the immune system is somehow depressed. But we're talking about the highest end boutique guitars in the country (if not the world). There's nobody in need and there's nobody who HAS to have an Anderson. And if there was some crime committed, then the inflation would've subsided immediately with the "price gougers" left in exile. But it didn't happen that way. The perceived value shot through the roof and the price of an Anderson climbed into the atmosphere with it. It's the same process that happens with art when the artist dies or retires. Fans of that art (and those with the income bracket to accommodate such tastes) work to secure the pieces of art because the number of pieces becomes fixed and finite. How is this a bad thing? What a fantastic compliment to Tom!! There are dozens of boutique makers out there and those weren't good enough. People were wrestling to make sure they secured a Tom Anderson before they were unavailable. I think it just speaks highly of Tom and these guitars.

You and I are probably on the same page, in that we both hold these guitars in high regard- both for what they are and for the builder they represent (I sold my Andy last week to buy a different Andy). But to lump sellers into some negatively branded group of pirates who steal from the rich and sell to the richer is absurd.

Again, I'm ecstatic that TAG (Tom And Gang) is gonna be around. My son (7) just got his first guitar this Christmas and I look forward to the day when he's good enough to know the difference between an Andy and the rest of the guitar makers.

Thanks for the chat, Woodash. I respect your perspective and wish you many years of happy TAGdom.

01-06-2007, 12:43 AM
Great news! I'm glad to see you were able to find a way to keep the shop together without getting over-stressed, over-worked, and too far away from the actual guitar-making process. Many, many players are happy for you! And, happy that there will be more TAGs in the future!

01-06-2007, 12:54 AM
Yaaaaay! Best news of 2007! :D


01-06-2007, 03:40 AM
Hot damn great news! Just build Tom and leave the phone and managing to someone else! I'll go back to dreaming and planning a Atom. Got to sell off some stuff I don't use.

I feel like my "lost dog" just wondered back into my house!

You've made my day, Tom.

Thank you.

Lol great! Couldn't have put it better

01-06-2007, 06:10 AM
But we're talking about the highest end boutique guitars in the country (if not the world).

really? what about a D'Pergo? I think that the Anderson's are definitely boo-tiki, but I'm not sure about "the" highest end.;)

There's nobody in need and there's nobody who HAS to have an Anderson.

...I dunno....I think I do!:D :p

But to lump sellers into some negatively branded group of pirates who steal from the rich and sell to the richer is absurd.

this may be true, but I'd be surprised if the dealer network doesn't change due to what ensued over the last month and a half. I know guys like Ian steered clear of this "stuff".

I respect your perspective and wish you many years of happy TAGdom.

I definitely echo your thoughts as well!:):p

01-06-2007, 07:03 AM
There may be dealers who, as some have put it "gouged". But, to be honest, I would think it would be unethical to cut off a dealer because he sold at or even above retail. In fact, it might not be legal to cut someone off based on the price they sold your product for unless there is an agreement in place on price (that gets awful close to "price-fixing" although in the negative). It's about supply and demand. If they priced 'em high but give great service... what then? After all, if the retail price of an egg is one dollar and you sell it for one dollar, then you're doing nothing wrong, even if the guy down the street is selling it for 65 cents.

However... I'm glad that even though I bought my Crowdster Plus AFTER the news hit I didn't pay a huge premium for it. (The dealer in question was still doing their "normal" discount on it as far as I can tell.)

01-06-2007, 07:51 AM
But, to be honest, I would think it would be unethical to cut off a dealer because he sold at or even above retail. In fact, it might not be legal to cut someone off based on the price they sold your product for unless there is an agreement in place on price (that gets awful close to "price-fixing" although in the negative).

Of course you can. You can cut off a dealer at any time...you don't even have to have a reason.

01-06-2007, 11:13 AM
really? what about a D'Pergo? I think that the Anderson's are definitely boo-tiki, but I'm not sure about "the" highest end.;)

yeah, I realized this might have been an exaggeration. But the point is still there in the inflated details. :)

01-06-2007, 11:36 AM
D'Pergo? They're amazing guitars, but Andersons have some things on them (new neck joint, stainless frets). At some point quality is a wash and it's an issue of preference. The D'Pergo's I've played have been great, great guitars, but there's nothing that would make me give up my Andersons...nothing.

01-06-2007, 12:33 PM
The best news of 2007!!

01-06-2007, 12:54 PM
10 dealers? who started that rumor? we have said nothing about dealers or when we will start taking orders. we are behind filling the orders we have. we are loosing an a ssembler at the end of january, so we need to recalculate when we will deliver the existing orders, then figure out when we can deliver new orders and at what rate. we don't just take all the orders we can, we like to be able to predict when we will be able to deliver an order when we take it.

Ray K.
01-06-2007, 12:56 PM
The news is certainly good!

I only wish I had known before doing 5 hours worth of driving yesterday, and spending about 3 hours in the Anderson dealer closest to me. He had two '06 Cobra S models, a Crowdster and an Atom. I was after one of the Cobra S.

Unfortunately, and very suprising to me, I was not taken with the neck profiles on either one. :( One had the Standard (aka Even-Taper), the other a Happy Medium.

After spending some time with several other high end/boutique guitars, I left with a Gr*sh Bent Top Custom.

Now...I figure when the dust settles at TAG sometime after April, I'll be able to get my hands on a Cobra with a +.030 Oversized neck. I'm thinking that ought to do it. And I'll have a very nice guitar for sale or trade. :)

Btw, while I was there, a customer came in to shop for a new amp. He happened to have an '06 Anderson T Classic. We struck up a converstion and he was nice enough to let me play his. WOW! That neck was IT! If I had been able to have that profile/size neck on one of the Cobra S, I'd be playing one right now! :rolleyes:

It was a good scouting expedition... ;)

Ray K.

01-06-2007, 12:57 PM
I can say that i'm surprised by the current story. As a hugely satisfied Anderson owner ( Htee p90, crowdster + , HAtom ) , I had always planned on aquiring a HDTclassic and a Htee hsh at some point in the future. With the news of the downsizing, I have gone thru considerable financial acrobatics to aquire these two in the short term "while the were available".( At a smaller discount off retail,due to the supply-demand environment) I'm O.K., and I remain a proud Anderson owner. HDTclassic is here and gloryous, Htee on the way and financial bruises are stableizing and on the road to recovery. Best wishes,and I hope these great instruments remain available for future musicians. Mystroe

01-06-2007, 01:17 PM
sorry for the bruises 'stro.
i think perhaps there is a lesson to be learned here.
i have a very good friend who is experiencing a medical problem that has been difficult to diagnose. he is very concerned, and justifiably so, but what he is "worried" about is what "might" happen. he has been given tools and meds to deal with what might happen, which should control things. he is still worried, which is affecting his joy for the present.
what does this have to do with guitars? when i said that i would be making less guitars, people assumed they would be unavailable and very high priced. did i ever say anything about price or availability? no i did not. did others? yes they did. has it been our character to wildly do expensive things? i don't think so. did the others know what i would do? no they did not.
as humans we tend to react badly when things change too quickly for us. sitting back and seeing what will be is not a bad thing to do.
again, thanks to all for your support and encouragment in this.

Dave K
01-06-2007, 01:34 PM
I'm kinda disappointed. With all the speculation I was about to trade my collection of TAGs for a 427 AC Cobra. :D

01-06-2007, 02:24 PM
sorry for the bruises 'stro.
i think perhaps there is a lesson to be learned here.
i have a very good friend who is experiencing a medical problem that has been difficult to diagnose. he is very concerned, and justifiably so, but what he is "worried" about is what "might" happen. he has been given tools and meds to deal with what might happen, which should control things. he is still worried, which is affecting his joy for the present.
what does this have to do with guitars? when i said that i would be making less guitars, people assumed they would be unavailable and very high priced. did i ever say anything about price or availability? no i did not. did others? yes they did. has it been our character to wildly do expensive things? i don't think so. did the others know what i would do? no they did not.
as humans we tend to react badly when things change too quickly for us. sitting back and seeing what will be is not a bad thing to do.
again, thanks to all for your support and encouragment in this.
Good observation . Another thing that came to mind was that just about everyone here already owns an Anderson guitar . Can we not be satisfied with what we have before moving on to what we need next ? We should all take time to enjoy what we already have . Just remember how nice it was the day you received to Anderson you already have . Ive learned to be a bit more patient in my old age .

01-06-2007, 03:17 PM
Speculation is a ridiculous thing. Fortunately, I got one of the coveted March slots, but I didn't get it out of any panic or necessity, or attempt at investment. I had already planned for it, and while I paid more than I normally would have off of retail, I didn't get "gouged" as some people were reporting. If I hadn't been able to get that slot in I would have moved on. But Roy was gracious enough to help me get one of the last slots, and I'm glad. But definitely not something I would have done during the (or because of the) frenzy...it had already been planned.

I'm glad a solution will come up that will (seemingly) make everyone happy. Tom, kudos to you for following your heart, and also for an openness to be flexible as the circumstances change. Hopefully you can restructure to the point where you won't get burned out on business stuff and can recapture the joy of building that has kept you going all these years. I honestly do believe that you build the best guitars on the planet, and because of some of your innovations it has changed my playing forever. I will never again own (or play, if I have a choice) a guitar without the BFTS or stainless frets. I can't thank you enough for introducing me to these factors in guitars...I wouldn't be the player I am without them, and they have brought much joy to me.

Also, as a Christian and an artist, your guitars have not only brought me joy for my own sake, but they have also been used as tools for worship, which for me is the highest honor that can be bestowed on an instrument...to make music that glorifies God. After all, it was Bach who said, "The aim and final reason of all music should be none other than the glory of God."

01-06-2007, 03:34 PM
Good observation . Another thing that came to mind was that just about everyone here already owns an Anderson guitar . Can we not be satisfied with what we have before moving on to what we need next ? We should all take time to enjoy what we already have . Just remember how nice it was the day you received to Anderson you already have . Ive learned to be a bit more patient in my old age .

Amen bro. Amen.

01-06-2007, 04:39 PM
This is fantastic news. :D

01-06-2007, 06:29 PM
yeah, I realized this might have been an exaggeration. But the point is still there in the inflated details. :)

:p absolutely! (and well stated at that!) ;)

01-06-2007, 06:48 PM
mbrown3, amen again!

01-06-2007, 07:30 PM
really? what about a D'Pergo? I think that the Anderson's are definitely boo-tiki, but I'm not sure about "the" highest end.;)


What's a D'Pergo? Is that the strat du jour? ;) :p

01-06-2007, 07:35 PM
I'm kinda disappointed. With all the speculation I was about to trade my collection of TAGs for a 427 AC Cobra. :D

Good ideea! Get one of these though http://www.officialbaldwinmotion.com/product.htm

01-06-2007, 08:19 PM

amen from me, too! I love the fact that my really nice guitars get used to glorify the One who made the ones who made them!

I still want another TAG, though... Sorry, can't help it!

01-06-2007, 09:01 PM
What's a D'Pergo? Is that the strat du jour? ;) :p

dude, just post the pix of your 2 $7,500 axes!:cool:

(with the hideous headstocks!:eek: :rolleyes:)

01-07-2007, 04:16 AM
dude, just post the pix of your 2 $7,500 axes!:cool:

(with the hideous headstocks!:eek: :rolleyes:)

mwa ha ha! I'll give you a ring on Monday. Three weeks of torture ends then!

01-08-2007, 06:07 AM
that's brilliant news - I'm really pleased for you Tom and all the great guys you have with you. Just make sure you stick to the plan and don't allow yourself to be dragged back into the daily grind of running the shop.

01-08-2007, 12:23 PM
My wife said it was the first time I smiled since the New Year.. Can't wait to order some more of the best guitars to grace the earth..

01-08-2007, 08:40 PM
Hey, I'm a noob here but am amped that TA is sticking around!!!

However, I was looking forward to how hyper-collectible my Crowdster was going to be. It's a keeper.....oh yeah.;)

01-10-2007, 09:04 AM
It's a really great new year gift. :D

01-10-2007, 06:14 PM
Also, as a Christian and an artist, your guitars have not only brought me joy for my own sake, but they have also been used as tools for worship, which for me is the highest honor that can be bestowed on an instrument...to make music that glorifies God. After all, it was Bach who said, "The aim and final reason of all music should be none other than the glory of God."

mbrown3, what an awesome statement. Very meaningful to me.

Thank you.


01-10-2007, 07:11 PM
dude, just post the pix of your 2 $7,500 axes!:cool:

(with the hideous headstocks!:eek: :rolleyes:)

Hmmm...I may be in the minority here, but I actually like those headstocks with the engraved D'Pergo logo.

Now you want to talk about ugly headstocks......can you say "Tyler?":D

01-10-2007, 07:55 PM
Now you want to talk about ugly headstocks......can you say "Tyler?":D

Seriously! I agree 100%

01-10-2007, 09:36 PM
Those Tylers may be ugly but they are SWEET! Gotta admit that!

01-11-2007, 02:46 AM
Hmmm...I may be in the minority here, but I actually like those headstocks with the engraved D'Pergo logo.

Now you want to talk about ugly headstocks......can you say "Tyler?":D

Those Tyler "classic" headstocks look alright to me (slightly smaller than the studios), but I don't think they make the classic anymore.

01-11-2007, 10:54 AM
Life is too short to be wound up in stuff that will only lead you to a stressful burnout... I watched a good friend and my brother go through that last year... I used to think that people with work related stress sickness just needed to "handle it" and get on with the job (forgive me)... but no longer... I am not saying that is where Tom was going - I don't know - but I sure hope not and it is encouraging to know he is trying to follow his heart

Tom... so glad to hear the good news and I wish you well... hope you are blessed in all you do and that you find happiness and satisfaction in what you decide...

(one more note - this forum has been consistently marked by positive, helpful, dedicated people who love playing Andy's and a lot of other stuff... let's keep it that way... enough bitchin' already... puhleeeze!)

01-11-2007, 02:43 PM
(one more note - this forum has been consistently marked by positive, helpful, dedicated people who love playing Andy's and a lot of other stuff... let's keep it that way... enough bitchin' already... puhleeeze!)


I must of missed something . Who's bitchin' ?

01-12-2007, 03:15 AM
mbrown3, what an awesome statement. Very meaningful to me.

Thank you.


Thanks. Without being able to use music to glorify God, we're just making noise. At least, that's my opinion!

01-17-2007, 10:22 AM
This is great news!

01-17-2007, 12:22 PM
So I'm the last one to find out....what the hell!!!!!!???????

I was doing an intensive online training all week last week, and never strayed to other Internet sites. Just getting my head above water, I came back 'home' today to the forum, and low and behold....

I just hope I'm not dreaming. These kind of dreams suck.:eek:

For all of us involved.....THANK YOU, Tom and crew. The end is not as near as I imagined (well, I sure hope not!!!).

Of course, this is a good news/bad news deal. When I tell my wife - I'll see that cute little "Uh oh" look in her eye. Before it was me saying,

"Hon...you don't understand. These are my favorite guitars - I won't be able to get any more for a while, and the (used) prices are skyrocketing. I have to get juist this last one...."

Time to scurry around the jam room and see what's left that I can sell. :rolleyes: :D

It's a great day for guitarists.


01-17-2007, 06:43 PM
Glad to see that Tom and crew are going to keep it going.

01-22-2007, 12:42 PM
Guitarist mag. seems to have been slow on the news - Feb edition includes a recommendation to readers to track down a hollow t classic, as they will "never be made again"!

01-22-2007, 12:42 PM
Guitarist mag. seems to have been slow on the news - Feb edition includes a recommendation to readers to track down a hollow t classic, as they will "never be made again"!