View Full Version : Statement on homepage

01-05-2007, 03:53 PM
Tom, I'm thrilled to see the statement on the homepage, and the reconsidering. I was thinking about something the other day...have you given any thought to the idea of keeping going as usual (or even having a business manager to take care of whatever crap you don't like doing!), but then doing a limited edition of guitars built entirely and totally by you. That would get you back to more building, and would offer certain customers willing to pay more of a premium the opportunity to get a guitar entirely built by you.

The downside is that it might seem that the "normal production" guitars would somehow be "lesser" than the ones you would build entirely yourself. But to offset that, perhaps you could be a bit more creative with the selections you build, maybe offering a "whatever the customer wants" type of deal, while keeping a standard set of things that make TAGs TAGs...like BFTS, Stainless frets, the new neck joint, excellent build quality, etc. As an example, you could make me an Atom with a maple neck in 25.5 and a redwood top! :D

01-05-2007, 08:44 PM
I totally agree. Most visionaries have an operations guy to take care of the day to day stuff ala Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, etc.

My heart sunk when I first heard of going to a one man shop. Tom, I see you as a person who can have a positive influence in the industry. A person who runs his company by Christian principles and you need to expand your borders not shrink them.

Now I have to start saving for that Classic with a M1, M1, M2 setup.

I played my first TAGs today at Atlanta Music Brokers, two Cobras and a Hollow T Classic. Sweet! They played like butter.

01-31-2007, 01:47 PM
I have to say that I get the impression that EVERY TA guitar is premimum. I would expect that if Tom found a "better" way to do something, he'd do it to every guitar he builds. And given the craftsmanship of those guys in his shop, I'd expect having Tom make the entire guitar wouldn't buy you anything (no offense Tom).

It's that sense that has gotten me to the point of saying I'll never buy another non-Anderson guitar (unless he doesn't make a certain kind ... like a Rickenbacher or an acoustic). Unfortunately, even at the current prices, I still have to save for A LONG time to buy one and would likely never be able to afford a "premimum" version.