View Full Version : Greetings from Sweden

01-03-2007, 02:39 PM

Nice to be here, at last, my registration took a while but it is always nice to look at all your fabulous guitars on display here. I've admired Mr. Anderson's guitars for a long time - but I guess I'm a bit of an impostor (or at least my guitar is, since it is an old Anderson Classic-style guitar made from what appears to be genuine Anderson parts I bought second-hand (or third, maybe even fourth-hand, really) here in Stockholm, Sweden about two years ago.

It was a long story before I could buy it but the guitar is a real player, and with it I sound (at times) quite OK.

I e-mailed Tom and Roy and asked about it and got very good help and support from them. When I can afford one I'll definitely look into one of Anderson's Telecaster-style guitars.

All the best,

irish blues
01-03-2007, 04:05 PM
Welcome Michael. A Frankenstein TOM. :eek: Got any pix?

01-04-2007, 09:05 AM
Hi Michael, and welcome to the forum!

Please do cough up some pics of your Classic....we would love a peek. We're a curious bunch. :D

Enjoy your time here!


01-05-2007, 06:17 AM
+1 on the pics, and welcome too from germany! what's the weather like up there?

01-05-2007, 11:27 PM
Welcome Michael!

01-06-2007, 12:37 PM

Thanks for the warm welcome. Well the story behind the guitar is that the great guitaist Max Schultz promised to sell it to me more than 10 years ago, but alas.... it was stolen and went missing for almost ten years. It showed up at a store where I used to work (and after checking at the legality) I bought it from Max.... better late than never. And, BTW I'm not sure what the pickups are and there is no serial number (never has been) as it surely is a kit guitar.

BTW, how do I attach a (bad) picture of the guitar to this post?
