View Full Version : Howdy from Philadelphia and Scranton

02-08-2004, 06:04 PM
Hello. I'm in the process of trying to figure out my first Anderson purchase. Up until now I've been a strict GMW/Jackson guy, for electrics, that is. They're still great but I tried a Hollow Drop Top and I have to get one. Or maybe a Cobra. I'm curious about one at Wildwood Guitars - LINK (http://www.wildwoodguitars.com/electrics/anderson/ta_11-25-03a/ta_11-25-03a.html)

How good would the clean sound be from this pickup configuration? Would a Cobra be better suited for very clean, jazz leads/chording? So many questions. I play a lot of jazz and the occasional blues rock, so I'm trying to find something that both fairly well. Any advice would help. Thank you.


02-11-2004, 05:05 AM
Nice choice on with the Hollow drop T! Thats a beauty!

(There is current discussion
regarding jazz suitability in the "Cobra Pit")

The Anderson catalog and site labels the Hollow drop
T ( with the same config you are considering) as
"you now have an outstanding instrument well suited
to all styles of music including jazz, rock, blues, and funk"

I had a few hollow cobras before I was seduced by a
rosewood neck Hollow T. The SA1 at the neck with
the tone turned down seems to work well for
me with warm jazz chords or leads. The hollow feature
likely has lots to do with warming the tone.

What the heck- just pick up one of each ;)

Stan Malinowski
02-20-2004, 12:32 PM
Welcome aboard wodka!

Sorry I took so long to greet you but some pressing work and home issues have unfortunately kept my available forum time to a minimum.

You are right in Magdon's back yard you should drop in and say hello to Jack. Usually a pretty good selection of Andersons to noodle around with.

Enjoy the ride!