View Full Version : Cobra or Cobra S?

Ray K.
12-31-2006, 02:04 PM
I'm still on the hunt for an Anderson Cobra with H1-/H2+, 5-way switch and vintage trem. I've not had much luck finding a Cobra just yet, but have a couple of new Cobra S models to choose from. Again, there are no dealers near me, so I'm not able to try before buying.

Other than the body shapes, "T" style versus "S" style, are there any real differences? Are the bodies the same thickness?

I've had in my mind for quite some time that when I got ready to buy, it would be a Cobra. Now I'm wondering if I should jump on one of the Cobra S models that is readily available, or just be patient and wait.

Tom's description mentions that "This change in body shape does produce a difference in sound. The "S" has a slightly narrowed and more concentrated band width."

Can anyone give me an idea of how much difference there is?

I realize a couple of things. One, it's hard to descibe this stuff in words a lot of times. Two, I could buy whichever is available to me and if it doesn't work out, sell or trade for the other without much loss.

Getting one is no small feat in itself, so buying both is out of the question...in case anyone is thinking of that suggestion. :rolleyes:

Ray K.

12-31-2006, 05:20 PM
my take on the shape dif is this. the s has more middle, the t has more on top and bottom. that said, i believe the comfort factor is more significant for me. even though the s shape sound wound be my preference, i'd play a t because it feels better on me. the sound dif is not as significant to me.

12-31-2006, 05:39 PM
I would go for a real Tele shaped Cobra. I may be wrong here (Tom will pipe in in that case), but the original design is always the way the designer meant the guitar to sound. The "S" version came out afterwards, to satisfy the S type guitar lovers. The tone was changed due to less wood, etc.

So, I vote for the original Cobra body style!

12-31-2006, 06:07 PM
thanks, but what i like best may not be what you like best. get the one that is most comfortable for you.

12-31-2006, 07:33 PM
thanks, but what i like best may not be what you like best...

Don't be silly, Supreme Comander - what you like, we all like! :cool:

01-01-2007, 01:40 AM
The original Cobra in "T" is a big plus for me as well....something about a single cut....:p :cool:

Ray K.
01-01-2007, 12:41 PM
my take on the shape dif is this. the s has more middle, the t has more on top and bottom. that said, i believe the comfort factor is more significant for me. even though the s shape sound wound be my preference, i'd play a t because it feels better on me. the sound dif is not as significant to me.
Hi Tom,

Good to hear from you! :)

You've told me what I needed to know. The tonal differences aren't dramatically different, it's more of a comfort/feel thing. As always it is a personal decision, but it helps to talk it out.

I have "S", "T" type and "LP" guitars. Some have the comfort features that your's have (forearm contour, tummy cut, neck contour), other's don't.

Last night I searched every dealer that you have listed...again. I found only a couple of Cobra's, but they don't meet my specs (trems were fixed). And there aren't any used ones to be found online.

So, I'm either going to have to be patient for one to come available, or go ahead and get a Cobra S that is available to me knowing I can trade or sell for a Cobra if the S doesn't work out.

Btw, I'm a big research kind of guy. With rare exceptions, I'll check everything out for as long as it takes. That's the patient part of me. But, once I zone in on what I want, I'm ready to get the painful part over with and buy! The not so patient part of me. :rolleyes:

Thanks for your help!

Ray K.

Ray K.
01-01-2007, 12:45 PM

Congrats on your new Drop Top! :)

I'll take your vote into consideration.

Ray K.

Ray K.
01-01-2007, 12:50 PM
something about a single cut....:p :cool:

Yep! Long time LP player here and I do like my other "T" type guitar. The "S" types I have aren't bad either, but I understand where you're coming from.

Ray K.

01-02-2007, 05:39 AM
if you don't mind taking a hit on the extra shipping costs, there's a good looking used cobra s at "sounds great" in manchester (the UK manchester!).

Ray K.
01-02-2007, 11:05 AM
Hi Dave,

Thanks for trying to help. But, I have a lead on two new Cobra S models stateside. After doing the conversion, the one you mentioned would cost more than the new ones I've been considering, and it's used.

Thanks again!

Ray K.

01-02-2007, 12:02 PM
no problem - the UK prices can be a bit steep compared to the US - hope you get what you are looing for.