View Full Version : Info for first TAG purchase, please

Ray K.
12-21-2006, 10:50 AM
Hi to the group!

I just found this forum yesterday and figured it would be the best place to ask questions, considering most everyone here owns at least one Anderson.

First, let me give some background information so you hopefully will know where I'm coming from.

I'm a long time player (about 35 years), currently just for my own enjoyment. But, I do have some opportunities in the near future.

I've been a long time Les Paul player, got into Strats within the last 5 years and recently got my first Tele (ASAT) which I really like! I'm running these through a Dr. Z Maz 18 NR 210 with a few pedals.

I've wanted an Anderson for quite some time, but have held off on this "major" purchase for several reasons. One being that I don't have a dealer near me, and have never had a chance to play one. The GAS pains go away for awhile, but have started to develop again. :rolleyes:

I'm not looking to duplicate what I already have - (2) LP's, (3) S-type and the ASAT Tele.

I'm 99% leaning toward a Cobra. I think it will be the most versatile and will fit "my" styles of playing.

I believe I would prefer the standard Cobra versus the Cobra S (more body wood and humbuckers), also the vintage trem instead of the fixed bridge. As long as it works well. I'm a very light trem user.

The questions, finally! If you've read this far...thanks! :)

In light of the current "situation" regarding price/availability, where are some good resources to find a Cobra? I don't mind a used one, as long as it hasn't been abused.

Who should I steer clear of? Please PM me about this. I read the post about what some were referring to as price "gouging."

What is a fair asking price for a new standard Cobra these days?

What about pricing of used ones? I realize a lot depends on condition, age, etc. A ballpark figure would be helpful.

I most likely will have to sell some gear to get an Anderson. That's ok, I just don't want to have to give up my right arm for one. (my picking hand is connnected to it... ;) )

Any help/suggestions would be much appreciated.

Ray K.

12-21-2006, 12:05 PM
Welcome to the forum. You definitely can't go wrong with a Cobra. One cool thing about TAGs is that you can confidently buy one used or unplayed...there are no duds. I would watch eBay for one; they've been going for $1700-2000.

12-21-2006, 12:29 PM
welcome! What Olectric said is accurate, so I'll just +1 what he said. No duds, so buy with confidence.

Also, I should note a couple of things: Very few Andys have been abused by owners so it's not like buying a strat off of ebay that has had the pups replaced a half dozen times, the trem blocked, the pots swapped out, the neck replaced with another maker's, etc, etc. Many used Andys are in showroom condition.

Also, the bad news is that had you considered this purchase three months ago, you'd have been in a much better position. The number of Andys hanging on retail walls is dwindling and the used market has already shown some signs of inflation. There's a 16 yr. old Hollow T Classic on ebay (or is it the Gear Page?) right now for $1450. A couple of months ago, that guitar would've been $500 less. I'd say $500 is the avg. price bump since Tom made his announcement. I say all of this not to rain on anyone's parade, but more to say that it's hard to give the fair market value on used Andys these days. The market is inflated right now and - as with ANY market - it's hard to know how much more it'll inflate, whether it will hold still, or right itself again.

What I know for sure is that you can't really go wrong. If you've been a LP player for years and recently got into S and T style guitars, the Cobra is going to be a pleasure to play. With guitars these good, they almost disappear and make you feel like it's YOU that's plugged into the amp. :)

12-21-2006, 01:57 PM
There's a 16 yr. old Hollow T Classic on ebay (or is it the Gear Page?) right now for $1450. A couple of months ago, that guitar would've been $500 less.

Welcome Ray! Sounding like a broken record but "no duds" with Andys :)

The 16 yr old HTC is in our For Sale board- Despite the list price of ~$2200 of year 1991, I would consider it "appreciated value" selling today for $1450- a nice buy for a HTC in EXC condition (based on the pics and hearing some
licks of it over the phone courtesy of the seller Sean) :)


12-21-2006, 03:01 PM
Just for clarification, I didn't mean anything negative by the HTC for sale. That's just the market right now. I think it's safe to say, tho, that the HTC in question would've sold for quite a bit less a couple of months ago.

Heck, even I looked at it yesterday and thought about making a play for it!!. :)

12-21-2006, 03:28 PM
Welcome, If you buy a used TA, most likely it will be a well taken care of . Check the TAG website and search the dealer stock. If you know the specs you want, TA QAC is top notch and you will get what you expect. The pickup sound clips on TAG site are the closest of any manufacturer's clips I have heard.

I knew what I wanted when I bought. Both my TAG's were bought over the phone with NO hassles from new dealer stock. There are still plenty of guitars out there, I saw 5 at a store yesterday. Visit the dealers on the TAG site and check out their inventories. The stores I have bought from and visited all have been several notches above your average guitar shop.

Good Luck

Ray K.
12-21-2006, 07:58 PM
Welcome to the forum. You definitely can't go wrong with a Cobra. One cool thing about TAGs is that you can confidently buy one used or unplayed...there are no duds. I would watch eBay for one; they've been going for $1700-2000.
Hi olectric, thanks for the warm welcome from you and everyone here! And thanks for the vote of confidence on the Cobra. I have bought some new and used guitars without having the chance to play them. With the reputation of Tom Anderson, I'm not too concerned. And if for some strange reason I didn't find it to my liking, I could probably turn it around without much loss.

I've been eyeing eBay on and off, but I'll start watching more closely. I looked at the completed auctions for Cobras, and your price range seems to be accurate. I appreciate your help.

Ray K.

Ray K.
12-21-2006, 08:23 PM
welcome! What Olectric said is accurate, so I'll just +1 what he said. No duds, so buy with confidence.
Thanks guitarzan!

Also, I should note a couple of things: Very few Andys have been abused by owners so it's not like buying a strat off of ebay that has had the pups replaced a half dozen times, the trem blocked, the pots swapped out, the neck replaced with another maker's, etc, etc. Many used Andys are in showroom condition.
I've noticed this. There was just that one with the cracked body on eBay recently. I read the post about it...interesting. :)

Also, the bad news is that had you considered this purchase three months ago, you'd have been in a much better position. The number of Andys hanging
Yeah, rub it in... :D Just joking. If we could only know the future.

There's a 16 yr. old Hollow T Classic on ebay (or is it the Gear Page?) right now for $1450. A couple of months ago, that guitar would've been $500 less.
One never knows. I bought a used but mint Gibson Gary Moore Les Paul about 3 years ago for $1300. Now they're going for over $2000. One just sold for $2500! I don't plan to part with mine. I never bought it as an investment (I'm not a collector), but I can't believe the jump in value in such a short period of time. I sure wish I didn't like it so much...would make a nice trade. ;)

I'd say $500 is the avg. price bump since Tom made his announcement. I say all of this not to rain on anyone's parade, but more to say that it's hard to give the fair market value on used Andys these days.
I understand. Thanks for explaining.

What I know for sure is that you can't really go wrong. If you've been a LP player for years and recently got into S and T style guitars, the Cobra is going to be a pleasure to play. With guitars these good, they almost disappear and make you feel like it's YOU that's plugged into the amp. :)
Sounds like what I'm looking for!

I appreciate the information.

Ray K.

Ray K.
12-21-2006, 08:26 PM
Welcome Ray! Sounding like a broken record but "no duds" with Andys :)
Hi enr1co. Thanks for the warm welcome. I like the sound of your "broken record!" :)

Ray K.

Ray K.
12-21-2006, 08:29 PM
Just for clarification, I didn't mean anything negative by the HTC for sale. That's just the market right now. I think it's safe to say, tho, that the HTC in question would've sold for quite a bit less a couple of months ago.
guitarzan, I didn't take your comments as being negative. Informative instead.

Ray K.

Ray K.
12-21-2006, 08:57 PM
Welcome, If you buy a used TA, most likely it will be a well taken care of . Check the TAG website and search the dealer stock.
Hi picnic, I've discovered the Serial Number Search, if that's what you're referring to. Also, I've been using the Dealer locator page.

If you know the specs you want, TA QAC is top notch and you will get what you expect.
Well, I believe I know what I want. A standard solid body Cobra (T type) with H1-/H2 pickups, 5-way switch with push/pull tone knob and vintage bridge. I don't think I'm going to be able to be picky about color. ;)

The pickup sound clips on TAG site are the closest of any manufacturer's clips I have heard.
I didn't find any clips on the TAG site. I did see a link to Dave Barber's site, but unfortunately they don't have all of them. Did I overlook something?

There are still plenty of guitars out there, I saw 5 at a store yesterday. Visit the dealers on the TAG site and check out their inventories.
It's good to know there isn't any "true" shortage. I would like to buy new, but I think economics is going to force me to buy used. I'll still be just as happy! :)

Good Luck

Ray K.

12-21-2006, 09:39 PM
Hello All,
I saw nothing negative with the above posts.:)
FYI I bought the 1990 HTC a year or so ago and paid $1200.I would have paid more.My $1450 price has nothing to do with Tom going solo.I priced it at what is fair and at what I would pay for it if I were the buyer.Plus,it's kinda rare having the Tele bridge plate.Gives it a bit more of a classic look IMO.You just don't see many of the earlier ones for sale.

Merry Christmas everyone.:)

12-21-2006, 09:47 PM
Ray K,
Good luck in your search for a Cobra.I had a Cobra Special and it was killer.Well,all the TAG's I've owned have been great.Like many have said,you won't find a bad one.

Ray K.
12-21-2006, 09:59 PM
Ray K,
Good luck in your search for a Cobra.I had a Cobra Special and it was killer.Well,all the TAG's I've owned have been great.Like many have said,you won't find a bad one.
Hi Sean, thanks! And good luck with selling your HTC.

Merry Christmas!

Ray K.

Ray K.
12-21-2006, 10:15 PM
If you know the specs you want...
Hmmm, let's see. I think I would like one just like THIS!

Hehe, olectric I just went back over to the Glenn Pearce Tone Question thread on TGP to see if there were any new post. Nope. So I was looking back through older posts and found the one with your beautiful guitar and noticed the user name. Yep, Glenn is part of the reason (culprit) for my having Cobra fever. Love his tones and playing style. And yes, that is the very color I would choose if I had the option. ;)

I hope you don't mind my posting this. :)

Ray K.

12-22-2006, 01:39 AM
Hmmm, let's see. I think I would like one just like THIS!

Hehe, olectric I just went back over to the Glenn Pearce Tone Question thread on TGP to see if there were any new post. Nope. So I was looking back through older posts and found the one with your beautiful guitar and noticed the user name. Yep, Glenn is part of the reason (culprit) for my having Cobra fever. Love his tones and playing style. And yes, that is the very color I would choose if I had the option. ;)

I hope you don't mind my posting this. :)

Ray K.

No problem. It's a little sad because that is no longer my guitar. It's in good hands now though.

12-22-2006, 06:53 AM
Welcome to our little clan. I have to chime in here. I read that you are an LP guy as well as your others? Have you considered the Atom? Hangs like an LP, same scale, but if you get it with the M pickups you kinda get the best of strats and and LP bite all in one. I have been a strat guy most of my career, but the Atom changed me over night. I owned a Cobra, just wasn't for me, but I thought I would share my experience. Another good source for TAs is Indoor Storm in Raliegh, NC. they carry new and used.
Heres a pic of my early Christmas present...

12-22-2006, 06:56 AM
One consideration: Any thing built 2002 and later, I believe, (might be 2001, but I am sure if needed someone will help and correct me), has stainless frets. These are awesome, and do not color tone as the stuff Tom uses is the best, and last forever.

Also, be sure you try to nail down the neck cut you want prior to buying. I had a couple with 1 11/16, but they were not for me. Still have one that I need to let go.

That said MANY TAG players like that cut. Oh and then there are the neck shape possibilites...

Regardless, you are in the right place. This is a great community!:D

Ray K.
12-22-2006, 11:38 AM
Welcome to our little clan. I have to chime in here. I read that you are an LP guy as well as your others? Have you considered the Atom? Hangs like an LP, same scale, but if you get it with the M pickups you kinda get the best of strats and and LP bite all in one. I have been a strat guy most of my career, but the Atom changed me over night. I owned a Cobra, just wasn't for me, but I thought I would share my experience. Another good source for TAs is Indoor Storm in Raliegh, NC. they carry new and used.
Heres a pic of my early Christmas present...
Hi Shaun, glad to be here - thanks! Yes, I looked at the Atom and it's specs. I'll just have to put that one on "The List." So many Andersons... :)

I've been researching for some time, and I just keep going back to the Cobra. The design just seems like it would fit me and my playing style. I also want the vintage trem instead of a fixed bridge. Don't know though. I might get one and not like it. Yeah...right! ;)

Thanks for your suggestion though. I'm trying to keep an open mind.

I've known about Indoor Storm for quite a long time. I've never had the pleasure of dealing with them, but have heard nothing but good.

Congratulations, and enjoy!

Ray K.

Ray K.
12-22-2006, 12:08 PM
One consideration: Any thing built 2002 and later, I believe, (might be 2001, but I am sure if needed someone will help and correct me), has stainless frets. These are awesome, and do not color tone as the stuff Tom uses is the best, and last forever.
Hi dannopelli, I have a couple of "S" type guitars that were built for me by Bob Hartman (Petra founder). One of them has a nice fat neck with jumbo Stainless Steel frets and a compound radius (9 1/2 - 12"). I do like that neck/fret combination, and since I have a relatively light touch, I doubt I'll need a re-fret on this one in my lifetime. :)

Also, be sure you try to nail down the neck cut you want prior to buying. I had a couple with 1 11/16, but they were not for me. Still have one that I need to let go.
Several of my necks are 1 11/16 at the nut, so no problem there. The Backshape (contour, profile) as Tom calls it is more important. Thing is, it's highly unlikely I'll be able to try before buying. Fortunately, I adapt pretty easily for the most part. I have guitars with Backshapes similar to an LP Custom "Fretless Wonder" to baseball size, and in between. It's usually the fret size and action that's a bigger issue for me.

If you're serious about parting with one, please PM me.

Regardless, you are in the right place. This is a great community!:D
I'm being made to feel right at home - thanks! :)

Ray K.