View Full Version : Would Tom Make a Guitar with these specs?

Johnny Raz
12-18-2006, 01:54 PM
Hi -

I'm thinking about my next Tom Anderson (a custom order that I'll place around September of next year once things settle down for Tom). I'm not very familiar with all the details about all the TAG options, but here is my "dream guitar" which is pretty much inspired by the Mary Kaye.


Tom Anderson Classic
Mary Kaye Blonde (not white...)
Swamp Ash or another lightweight wood
Chambered (perhaps to make it lighter)
Gold hardware
Sperzels with Pearloid knobs on machine heads
SSH configuration with Switcharoo
Birdseye maple neck (1 piece or 2 piece)
Pearl pickguard
Piezo in Tremolo Bridge
Dunlop Straplock buttons
Fat '59 roundback neck shape (like a Tyler guitar)
Most important requirement: Must be lightweight ( 6 - 7 pounds max)

Is this a crazy spec list, or is it reasonable?

- Johnny

12-18-2006, 02:04 PM
Hi -

I'm thinking about my next Tom Anderson (a custom order that I'll place around September of next year once things settle down for Tom). I'm not very familiar with all the details about all the TAG options, but here is my "dream guitar" which is pretty much inspired by the Mary Kaye.


Tom Anderson Classic
Mary Kaye White
Swamp Ash or another lightweight wood
Chambered (perhaps to make it lighter)
Gold hardware
Sperzels with Pearloid knobs on machine heads
SSH configuration with Switcharoo
Birdseye maple neck (1 piece or 2 piece)
Pearl pickguard
Piezo in Tremolo Bridge
Dunlop Straplock buttons
Fat '59 roundback neck shape (like a Tyler guitar)
Most important requirement: Must be lightweight ( 6 - 7 pounds max)

Is this a crazy spec list, or is it reasonable?

- Johnny
Mary Kayes are actually blonde

12-18-2006, 03:18 PM
Some of your options are not actual options in today's Anderson guitars (like the sperzels with pearl buttons, strap lock buttons and birds eye maple necks). But you never know what may be available starting next year.

12-18-2006, 03:59 PM
The birdseye neck may be the only line item veto but who knows next year?
Heres a couple of past threads with Toms feedback on birdseye.



12-18-2006, 05:34 PM
I have a US Masters that has a pretty cool birdseye maple neck. I'm guessing they got lucky, since I don't have any real problems with it. I've only had to tweak the neck maybe twice in nearly 10 years.

I'll avoid birdseye necks in the future, though... now...

Johnny Raz
12-18-2006, 05:41 PM
Hey Guys -

Thanks for the feedback -- I love the look of Birdseye Maple, but form must follow function, so it is an option I could live without.

Does Tom do any all maple necks at all?

- Johnny

12-18-2006, 06:17 PM
He does do Maple on Maple. They do have a skunk stripe on the back.

12-18-2006, 06:43 PM
Check out the Anderson website http://www.andersonguitars.com/ and click on guitar gallery to see all the various options.

Building your own Anderson is big fun and a great priviledge, enjoy!

12-18-2006, 08:30 PM
yes we do maple. with the wedgie joint, there is a maple fingerboard. we have to implant the steel neck screw inserts under the fb.

12-18-2006, 10:07 PM

12-19-2006, 01:50 PM
Soon after I started playing guitar. I took lessons from a guy with a Tom Anderson parts guitar. The neck was birdseye. It was the first time I'd ever seen that wood on any guitar. That neck was so nice feeling and the guitar sounded great. It started my love affair with Anderson guitars and Mesa preamps too (he used a Studio preamp).