View Full Version : shielding?

12-06-2006, 06:37 PM
I have a really really noisy home studio room at home. I took my drop top to a local tech a while back to shield the cavities heavily. (Big mistake. . this is the same guy that decided to remove the powerblend circuit from the guitar. . . ) The shielding didn't make that much of a difference. Now I'm wondering if I lost some high frequency response due to the shielding. Any ideas?

12-06-2006, 09:59 PM
I've already learned my lesson. I told myself that Bruce or TAGW proper would always do all the work on my Andersons. I broke that rule for something so seemingly straightforward as shielding, and now I'm paying the price. There is a pretty good chance that when Bruce gets back to cali and is doing some repair work that I'll just send this one down to him to straighten out, assuming Tom and Bruce thing that shielding can cause loss of high end. Even if the shielding is fine, there is also the matter of having to get them to put back in parts that they took out without knowing what they were there for (with the piezo pickup.)

Mind you, this is <insert Seattle-area guitar luthier/repair company> that did the work. He's thought pretty highly of around here for guitar repair, but. . . .

12-06-2006, 10:18 PM
He was more than happy to fix the piezo problem, but he should have found out why that circuit was there in the first place. I don't know if he did anything wrong with the shielding or not. . waiting to hear from Tom on that first. I'm just noticing that my low E string sounds muddier than earlier recordings that I did with that guitar.

12-06-2006, 10:42 PM
I'm smoking crack. I figured out when the shielding was done, and the recording with the less-muddy low-E was recorded after the shielding was done. Maybe it's a bad string (has been like this at least since I installed a new set of strings.) I'll change out that string and see if it's fixed.