View Full Version : Building a Board..help!

11-30-2006, 02:13 PM
Assembling a nice pedal board. Got me a Pedaltrain, Barber TP, DD, LTD and a Marshall Chorus (which is a nice subtle pedal I got for a song). Using the Visual Sound One Spot too. Saved over 200 bucks over the Voodoo and Dunlop power supplies!...works great! I was hoping to run my Korg DT-7 tuner, but I don't think its designed for being in line with pedals..it works, but I think the in line buffer amp may pose a problem. I am considering the new Planet Waves pedal tuner (its true bypass) and is getting good reviews from what i hear?
Next, i want to look into a decent delay pedal and a decent wah. Any thoughts? Also, where do you folks put your tuner in the chain?

11-30-2006, 02:34 PM
if you want several different delay settings, the dd20 is pretty great. i use an external tap tempo pedal for it. i love the rmc wah, it's got a really vocal vowel sound in the middle and the treble end isn't too spikey. it's not your disco wah, but for rock stuff it's great. for the funk stuff i thinkt the fulltone or vox(with true bypass) works. i run the dt7 off the tuner out on a eb vol pedal. it works fine that way as the vol pedal is after a buffered pedal(dd20)

11-30-2006, 02:50 PM
Tom-I haven't heard of the rmc wah? I DID hear a sample of the Budda wah this morning and I liked what I heard. The Crybaby standard sounded ok too. Your Dt-7 is in the end? of your chain? Like I said, it works, I just worry about the buffer amp causing a unanted distortion or lessening of the signal?What do you know about it being true bypass? or not? or should it make any difference? Btw, I LOOOVEE the Barber stuff!

11-30-2006, 02:55 PM
ahhh...volume pedal after a buffered pedal. i'm going to have to change some things around on my pedalboard.

as it is, i have the strobostomp plugged into the tuner-out on the EB. the only pedal in front of it in my chain is my tone press.

for lots of different delays, i've been really happy with my dl4 from line6. i know that it is a fairly controversial pedal, but mine has been with me for 6 years (yes, it has lasted that long with no problems!), and i've kind of become attached to it. i use the tap-tempo feature all the time and even carry an expression pedal in my pedalboard case. it gets set on the floor on the left side of the pedalboard.

for wah, i use a budda. great sounding wah. i have no experience with any other wahs besides dunlop and morley. the budda's range is about the middle 80-85% of a dunlop. it cuts some of the highs and low lows off. and the budda gets set on the floor on the right side of the pedalboard.

11-30-2006, 03:12 PM
Not to ever disagree with Tom, but I liked the Clyde Deluxe a bit better than the RMC stuff, but I compared it to a RMC 2.

If you don't need footswitchable on the fly delay options, the Line 6 Echo Park is killer. Has a kind of hybrid bypass and tap. If you need multiple options go with the DD20 or Line 6 DL4.

Regarding the Planet Waves Tuner, it is nice but no BF and it weighs a TON! I truly wonder if any brand of velcro will hold it to a bard that gets carried vertically in transport. Upside is you can see it in sunlight. i think you would be better sticking with your DT7 and getting a switch to bypass your signal to the tuner. I am sure you can do that for less than $80.

11-30-2006, 03:33 PM
rmc is teese. i have the rmc1 which he doesn't recommend for humbuckers, but i like it. we're allowed to like different things danno, it wouldn't be a very colorful world if we all liked the same thing. for me the clyde was cleaner and less colored, but i just like the color of the rmc. both are great.
putting the vol after a buffer keeps it from loading the guitar. it is a 250k pot, so if it was not after a buffer, it would kill high end. the dt7 goes in the tuner out, so it gets signal all the time. you don't have to plug the out from the tuner anywhere so it's not fully in the signal path.
you could use a little bypass loop box if you're not intending to have a vol pedal. had a dl4, and had no troubles with mine either. just prefered the dd20. again, both are great.
the barber stuff just really works for me. i pretty much have one of his on all the time because of my lowish volume limitations.

11-30-2006, 03:35 PM
how about the weight on the line6 tonecore stuff! i have the tap trem, and it weighs more than several pedals put together. i'd assume the echo park is the same. when tim pierce was here he was saying he loved the sound of the echo park.

11-30-2006, 03:58 PM
Next, i want to look into a decent delay pedal. Any thoughts?

Maxon AD900 or AD999. Bucket brigade IC's (panasonic), really natural decay.

Also use a loooper w/ buffered loops, and a tuner out jack. I think it sits in front of everything, but with buffered loops it shouldn't matter (theoretically). As far as "bleed" goes, I still hear "something", and have yet to experience anything that's 100% bypassed while plugged in. YMMV!

11-30-2006, 04:02 PM
i run the dt7 off the tuner out on a eb vol pedal.

still using the Korg?!:cool:
what's your opinion of the strobostomp? It's been nagging at me since 2005. The DT7's so old, yet I find myself thinking, "why toss away good gear especially when it still does everything I need?":D

11-30-2006, 04:05 PM
haven't used the strobo live. the dt7 works fine for me and fits into the tiny spot i have on my pedalboard so it's stayin'.

11-30-2006, 04:12 PM
I have two peddal board setups one for studio and the other for church. I have the Strobostomp on both. I like it 1st in line, set for true bypass and have it set so that it mutes for tuning. This lets me use it as a mute switch for when I switch guitars. I also have the dt7. I gotten used to the ss and prefer it over the dt7. Seems more precise.

11-30-2006, 04:17 PM
+1 on the Budda. . . I really love that wah, especially with the Hollow T! :)

11-30-2006, 04:31 PM
the ss is made to be stepped on, and can be read outdoors at noon on a cloudless day. that's what made me choose it over the dt7. and it's more precise.

i actually damaged my dt7 trying to hit that little tiny mute button with the edge of my shoe.

11-30-2006, 07:58 PM
hit a plastic mute button with your foot! you animal you. i do like my tuner to be on even when i'm playing. sometimes it's nice to tune a string without killing all the signal.

11-30-2006, 08:19 PM
the ss is made to be stepped on, and can be read outdoors at noon on a cloudless day. that's what made me choose it over the dt7.

that's it, I'm gettin one! :D

11-30-2006, 08:19 PM
hit a plastic mute button with your foot! you animal you.

i know! the one time i DON'T take off my shoes...

actually, that was back when i didn't know really how to use pedals...had no idea that it mattered what order they are in...had no pedalboard...carried them all together in a big man-purse messenger bag like a sack of potatoes.

a lot has changed since then in my understanding of gear.

11-30-2006, 08:32 PM
that's it, I'm gettin one! :D

Strobostomp is the good stuff.

11-30-2006, 10:03 PM
Strobostomp is the good stuff.

thanks Gary, all this stuff pushed me over the edge. SS coming next week!:D

11-30-2006, 10:04 PM
You have to make sure and put it on a pedalboard as messy as mine though. It won't work properly otherwise. :)

12-01-2006, 06:51 AM
I figured it out...I think. Here's the order. New Rig debuts tonights gig.
New Atom into Pedal Train Board, Barb TP to Barb LTD to Barb DD to DT7 to Marshall Super Vibe Cho. One spot powers all into new Fender DRRI. I am going to be talking with my tech this weekend about the wah/delay thing. I don't use delay a bunch, so I don't need the elaborate tap stuff, just some slight tail on an occasional solo but will need to rethink the chorus at some point as I will need a flange too. TC or a Choralflange maybe? I thought about the strobo, I also thought about the Boss stomp tuner, I have a bunch of the cheaper korgs lying around and the DT7 was just there, I don't mind bending over to push the mute between sets and tuning, however, the sunlight issue will need to be adressed when we do outdoor concerts.
One thing about the new amp, the reverb is really over the top. I have it on 2 and its almost too much! A friend suggested changing the reverb tube to something weaker. I will have to listen to more wahs, but the budda is in the lead right now. thanks as always for the tips and advice everyone:D Shaun

12-01-2006, 04:25 PM
If you just need a simple delay, I would get an old AD9 or other analog delay. Their sound is just so warm. I love my DD20, but I use some of the more advanced features. Also, I can't recommend the TC Chorus enough. Such a rich, full sound. Good luck! Let us know how it turns out...

12-01-2006, 04:55 PM
My favorite Chorus is the old Danelectro Cool Cat. Two 18v batteries, super rich and lush.

As heavy as it is, the Line6 delay is just incredible. I use a lot of delay, and except the fact that I compromise with a Vox ToneLab SE (I have to sound the same every weekend...) I would use it.

But NO chorus has ever made me as happy as the Cool Cat.

12-02-2006, 11:37 AM
Next, i want to look into a decent delay pedal and a decent wah. Any thoughts? Also, where do you folks put your tuner in the chain?
I use a T-Rex Replica for delay, and so far it's the best delay pedal I've tried for my use. RMC Wizard Wah is my choice of wah, and I use a StroboStomp in true bypass mode after the wah.

My chain is:
RMC Wah -> StroboStomp -> FX Engineering Mirage Compressor -> VoodooLab SparkleDrive -> Fulltone OCD -> Durham SexDrive -> Tremolo -> T-Rex Replica.

I would like to comment that although all my pedals are true bypass except the SexDrive (which was delivered with true bypass but I modded it back cause it sounds better now), there used to be a bit toneloss even with GeorgeL's patch cables. What I did next to reduce the toneloss, was to buy Lava guitar cables (amazing sounding in this setup) and throw in a Boss tremolo which has a buffer. I have a looper so I can A/B-test things with just a click.

My point is; in my experience, true bybass isn't allways good in all settings. I would try to use at least one buffered pedal in the chain, but after the overdrive pedals.

Here's an old picture of my pedal board, but it's a bit outdated now:


12-02-2006, 04:36 PM
Ditto on the DD-20. Absolute best dalay for the money. If you're willing to spend more (~$450), I'd consider the T-Rex Replica or the Diamond Memory Lane.

I put my DT-7 on an A/B box. I can't tune while the guitar signal is live, but I really don't need to. And the A/B box keeps it out of the signal chain. I noticed the same thing about the DT-7 buffer ... don't really like it in my signal chain. Not a big deal, but big enough to buy an A/B switcher (try the ultra-mini a/b box from www.loop-master.com ... small and relatively cheap - they sell other great products as well).

12-02-2006, 06:27 PM
Ditto on the DD-20. Absolute best dalay for the money.
are you and tom referring to the Boss DD20 Giga Delay? How's the "smooth" and "twist" sounds? Useable?

12-02-2006, 06:36 PM
Yes, DD-20 Giga Delay. Best for the money. Nails the analog sound and gives a great "digital with the highs rolled off" sound (my favorite). I never found a use for smooth or twist. Just not my style. In my view, you buy the DD-20 for all it's got and get those for free.

Key issues are ability to save 3 presets and the wide variety of tones. The Line 6 DL-4 has slightly better sounds, but it's got a volume drop in the dry signal vs the bypassed signal that bugs me and it's build quality seems lower than the DD-20. But still a good alternate if you don't like the DD-20.

Check out MusicToyz.com. The DD-20 shouldn't cost you more than $180.

12-02-2006, 06:43 PM
Yes, DD-20 Giga Delay. Best for the money. Nails the analog sound and gives a great "digital with the highs rolled off" sound (my favorite). I never found a use for smooth or twist. Just not my style. In my view, you buy the DD-20 for all it's got and get those for free.

Key issues are ability to save 3 presets and the wide variety of tones. The Line 6 DL-4 has slightly better sounds, but it's got a volume drop in the dry signal vs the bypassed signal that bugs me and it's build quality seems lower than the DD-20. But still a good alternate if you don't like the DD-20.

Check out MusicToyz.com. The DD-20 shouldn't cost you more than $180.
hey thanks M-Lance. No digital "shmear" on the decay? If not, this thread's really gotten to be expensive!

12-02-2006, 07:45 PM
I really like the DD20 too, much better than any other digital delay I've used, and I was a hardcore "analog delay only" guy. It's become a permanent fixture on my board.

12-03-2006, 10:45 AM
If you want a small, inexpensive and fairly good sounding delay, try the Guyatone MD-3 Micro Delay. Another top-end delay besides the T-Rex Replica is the DLS EchoTAP if you're willing to spend more.

12-03-2006, 12:31 PM
If you want a small, inexpensive and fairly good sounding delay, try the Guyatone MD-3 Micro Delay. Another top-end delay besides the T-Rex Replica is the DLS EchoTAP if you're willing to spend more.

thanks Yngve, what's the longest delay time? does it go longer than 300mS?

12-03-2006, 10:23 PM
are you and tom referring to the Boss DD20 Giga Delay? How's the "smooth" and "twist" sounds? Useable?

I never found these useful either.

What I like most about the DD20 is that (if you have a tap tempo switch) you can have the effect off, call up the preset you want, tap in the tempo, and THEN turn it on.

That sort of flexability comes in handy if you're on a gig where the drummer doesn't play to a click...

12-04-2006, 06:50 AM
All good suggestions everyone. Like I said, I don't use delay in this gig much at all save for some occasional tail or expansion on a vamp. I had great experience with the DD5 years ago, may want to revisit that, but 180.00 doesn't seem bad for the DD20, may look at that as well as the Guyatone Micro.
The DT7 worked great this past weekend, but I will have to address the sunlight issue at some point. The Marshall Supervibe Chorus adds some topend variance, but its hard to get a deep chorus sound out of it that sounds even, (its not chorusy enough), more like a slight spatial expansion, good enough to use on some things, but not enough to keep on the board. Will probably save it for a rainy day. Going to look into the wah/delay/chorus issue this afternoon. Cannot say enough about the Visual Sound One Spot!!! Simplicity, solid, cheap and doesn't take up any real estate! Saved over 150 bucks vs. Voodoo and Dunlop pedal power! Pedal Train board is solid, light comes with a great gig bag and am loving it! thanks again, will update this thread..Shaun

12-04-2006, 01:37 PM
All good suggestions everyone. Like I said, I don't use delay in this gig much at all save for some occasional tail or expansion on a vamp. I had great experience with the DD5 years ago, may want to revisit that, but 180.00 doesn't seem bad for the DD20, may look at that as well as the Guyatone Micro.
The DT7 worked great this past weekend, but I will have to address the sunlight issue at some point. The Marshall Supervibe Chorus adds some topend variance, but its hard to get a deep chorus sound out of it that sounds even, (its not chorusy enough), more like a slight spatial expansion, good enough to use on some things, but not enough to keep on the board. Will probably save it for a rainy day. Going to look into the wah/delay/chorus issue this afternoon. Cannot say enough about the Visual Sound One Spot!!! Simplicity, solid, cheap and doesn't take up any real estate! Saved over 150 bucks vs. Voodoo and Dunlop pedal power! Pedal Train board is solid, light comes with a great gig bag and am loving it! thanks again, will update this thread..Shaun

I have a DD20 in the box . I only used it a hand full of times . May be willing to sell it if you are interested.

12-04-2006, 02:37 PM
Barry, will let you know in a few days what I do on the delay. Christmas is coming, maybe I can hint to the missus.;)

12-08-2006, 01:02 PM
Bought the Fulltone Clyde! I played it at home and loved it. Suprisingly, its the first Fulltone Product I've played that I liked. Mike actually answered my e-mail quickly too. (he really gets slammed on harmony central)This thing is rock-solid, true bypass and has a nice tone throughout its range. Can't wait to gig with it..

Barry, I am probably going to go another route on the delay pedal, but thanks for the offer...Shaun

12-08-2006, 01:35 PM
Bought the Fulltone Clyde! I played it at home and loved it. Suprisingly, its the first Fulltone Product I've played that I liked. Mike actually answered my e-mail quickly too. (he really gets slammed on harmony central)This thing is rock-solid, true bypass and has a nice tone throughout its range. Can't wait to gig with it..

Barry, I am probably going to go another route on the delay pedal, but thanks for the offer...Shaun
Shaun, No problem . I wasnt actually trying to sell it but when you mentioned i just thought if you wanted it i would let it go . Its been in its box for almost a year . Its in mint shape . Ill probably use it again one day .

12-08-2006, 05:13 PM
I might be interested in the DD-20. Could you email me if you're looking to sell?

12-11-2006, 11:39 AM
Bought the Fulltone Clyde! I played it at home and loved it. Suprisingly, its the first Fulltone Product I've played that I liked. Mike actually answered my e-mail quickly too. (he really gets slammed on harmony central)This thing is rock-solid, true bypass and has a nice tone throughout its range. Can't wait to gig with it..

Barry, I am probably going to go another route on the delay pedal, but thanks for the offer...Shaun

Clyde is what I use. Very transparent. Although you may want to look into changing the LED to blue so you can see it in the sunlight.

12-11-2006, 12:21 PM
You must have an older or newer version, I don't have an led light on the pedal. Btw, I love the unit, I find I'm using it more than I thought I would..