View Full Version : Help me shop for a new amp! (Really need help!)

11-22-2006, 10:22 AM
Hi there! Been a while since my last post... anyway, I need some help with amp selection. Here it is in a nutshell: I am looking for an amp that meets the following criteria:

*55 LBS or less (combo)
*Portable (a Hot Rod deluxe is "portable" but a larger cabinet is less so - for the purposes of this discussion, let's say...)
*Two footswitchable channels (clean/overdrive)

Here are my issues with amps I've experienced so far... I like the clean of the MESA/Boogie F30, but the overdrive is brittle and irritating to me and comes on too strong (all-or-nothing). I like the clean of the Fender Blues and Hot Rods to an extent, but they're a little too bassy and the overdrive is, again, a little too brittle and scratchy. I don't really like the overdrive from Class A amps in general. I like the clean of the Carr Rambler...

Probably, the overdrive sound is leaning toward Eric Johnson tones or a lot of the fusion guys (Gambale, Holdsworth) so I'm probably looking at some kind of overdrive that favors Marshall territory. Actually, the Fender Jazzmaster Ultralight gets a pretty close representation of the overdrive tone I'm looking for! Clean should be clear and chimey but not too bright. Need decent clean headroom.

Reliability is definitely a huge factor for me (other than the requisite replacement of power tubes over time).

I know - isn't this exactly what everybody is looking for?!? I'd like your two opinions - one if price is $1,200 or less, and one if price were no object.

UGH! Thanks in advance!!!

11-22-2006, 11:30 AM
Opinions are free so here's mine. Pickup a used Dr Z maz 18, 2-10 combo, should ge able to find one for less than $1000. Then get a fulltone fulldrive 2. Gives you great clean tone that will cover almost any gig. And two channels of good sounding overdrive from the fulldrive.

11-22-2006, 11:39 AM
Koch Twintone

11-22-2006, 03:39 PM
Under $1200: Silverface Deluxe Reverb --or-- Deluxe Reverb Reissue (even if you get a replacement speaker, you're still spending under $800 for a RI)


You should check out Fulton-Webb's Eric Johnson model. They have a new website under construction, but the guys who build the amps run Austin Vintage Guitars, too. You could give them a call there.

Fulton-Webb Amps (http://www.fultonwebbamps.com/)

Austin Vintage Guitars (http://www.austinvintageguitars.com/)

11-22-2006, 04:45 PM
Hey, I'd say check out the fender supersonic combo. It really impressed me, I was actually going to buy one, till I found my lonestar, which fits your request as well, but it's heavy. If money were no object, get a fuchs, and you'll never ever look back. That's my dream, someday I'll have one. Also, if you ever see one, the groove tubes solo combos are cheap, and they have a great clean and overdrive channel, fender to full on marshall right there. Lastly, check out bogner, the shiva is a nice amp.

11-22-2006, 05:28 PM
...a Deluxe Reverb RI and a few pedals.

In addition to a Picture Wah, I use, for different degrees (flavors) of overdrive, a Keeley-modded Tube Screamer, an Xotic BB and a Katana boost.

For myself alone and with tone and oneness, Mike

11-22-2006, 08:10 PM
Victoria Victorilux and a Klon Centaur. Not two channels, but is portable and has both reverb and tremolo. A really great amp that sounds fantastic, and I think a great one channel amp sounds better with a really good overdrive pedal than a dual channel amp. Those usually have trouble to nail both clean and crunch as good as an one channel amp. If you come across a Victorilux, try it :)

11-22-2006, 10:48 PM
Tone King Meteor 112. 40W w/ 4 6V6's with the bias meter on the back. Absolutely THE most consistent BF Fender Twin Reverb tone I've ever heard. A couple of OD pedals and you're done.

11-22-2006, 10:52 PM
Hi there! Been a while since my last post... anyway, I need some help with amp selection. Here it is in a nutshell: I am looking for an amp that meets the following criteria:

*55 LBS or less (combo)
*Portable (a Hot Rod deluxe is "portable" but a larger cabinet is less so - for the purposes of this discussion, let's say...)
*Two footswitchable channels (clean/overdrive)

oh yeah.....if $'s not an issue, then the Diezel Herbert. KILLER clean tone, and DEVASTING gain.....does the 80's metal thang "pretty good" as well....:D

11-22-2006, 11:27 PM
This is always a very subjective subject. Personally - I agree with the post recommending a good amp and some good pedals. I have found that even with the high-tech channel switching - I always seem to need a tube-screamer or a full-drive to enhance the gain.

I have checked out a lot of amps that were reported to be really nice amps. The most recent was a nice hour drive to check out a Heritage Victory model which was a 30 second test drive (yuck) supposedly a nice 22 watt Deluxe reverb tone (not).

Try in the upper range

Almost anything Bruno !! Cowtipper 35 or Underground 30
Kingley Deluxe 30
Snider Amps (california or new jersey)
Bad-Cat (s) - several nice models
Bogner - Metropolis - nice clean - good overdrive - lots of fun setting
one caveat - very articulate amp - your playing
needs to be up to speed !!
Mesa Lonestar Special - very nice amp overall. Nice cleans - use a pedal !

11-23-2006, 12:27 AM
I did a fly-in gig a while back, where where backline was provided. I got there and found a Bogner Shiva awaiting me. Nice punchy cleans and roaring overdrive.

It was a very fun weekend :-)

I don't know if you could find one under $1200, but they're pretty good.

11-23-2006, 09:27 AM
Fender Super-Sonic 1X12 Combo would do nicely.

11-25-2006, 10:09 AM
Some body beat me but Get a nice used Koch twinTone, I play my 6 tom andersons through one , great amps. Used they go for about $800 on ebay. Great clean channel, nice over drive channel. Built like a tank. Get one before the word really gets out and the bargain used ones will be no more , seriously.

11-27-2006, 04:28 PM
Thanks everyone for the info. Koch Twintone is on the way and I'll let you know how it goes!

11-30-2006, 02:27 PM
Dude, you are going to love it! I did buy a SuperSonic when it came out, but ended up selling ti after a while. The Koch is a much cooler amp. Did you get a used one or a new one? The new ones have a second drive channel and 5-button switch; the older ones are two-channel, two-button switch (like I have). There are two inputs: normal and clean bright. The normal is for single-coil guitars and the c.bright is for humbuckers (ideally, but you can do what you want). Older Twintones have active/passive inputs. I do not know if they changed something in the amp or just renamed them. Great write up of the new ones: http://www.12fret.com/new/koch_amplifiers_pg.html

12-15-2006, 10:08 AM
Well, interestingly enough, in a relatively short period of time, and in a fit of unprecedented splurging, I acquired a Koch Twintone II and a Fuchs Overdrive Supreme 30 Combo.

Well, the intention was to live with the two for a while and determine which one would work better in meeting my tone objectives, but I might just wind up keeping both if I can swing it!

The TT II has a phenominal clean channel, very Fendery. The overdrive channel is compressed and somewhat scooped, a great overdrive tone but not what I was aiming for at the time... overall, a somewhat bright-sounding amp, which is not a bad thing if that's what you're looking for...

The Fuchs is a thing of beauty and extraordinarily versitile in terms of getting a wide range of tones both clean and overdriven. The overdrive channel has a lot of gain if you want it, and, depending on how you set it up, it NAILS Robben Ford's tone. It can also do the smooth, mellow overdrive common in fusion applications (like Holdsworth's tone). Depending on how you tweak it, it either has a lot of headroom, or breaks up in the clean channel. The only downside is that both channels share eq and settings, and they are not footswitchable with the standard footswitch. So you can dial in a perfect clean and you can dial in a perfect overdrive, but you might have to reset to achieve both. There is an optional footswitch that selects things like gain- and mid-boost which would take care of it, but it's an option. The Fuchs really brings out the nuances of the playing (both good and bad) - something I've heard about some amps but never experienced myself until now...

Anyway, it's fun when you get the EXACT tone you were looking for!

12-15-2006, 01:57 PM
Thought for the future you could sell off both amps and get a Tripple Drive Supreme Fuchs which has separate EQ's and a improved clean channel. Could be the best of both worlds, just a thought.

12-18-2006, 08:53 AM
Gee, that's interesting... is it the same overdrive and the ODS? That's certainly something to consider! Thanks!

12-18-2006, 09:01 AM
Hey, good call on the fuchs TDS. I think it's the best amp out there today, pricey, about $3500 or so, but totally worth it. You basically have the ODS preamp, with it's two cascading channels, and then a completely separate clean channel, which sounds like a fender, but fuller and rounder. I think the new models have some new features, updates that users found usefull, so if you try one, make sure it's a newer model.
It's a great amp, I wish I had the cash for one. The lonestar may be something else to check out, don't know if you've tried it yet, but it's right there next to the fuchs, in my book.
Best of luck, happy holidays,