View Full Version : Joining the Anderson club

02-04-2004, 10:48 PM
Hello. I'm new to the whole guitar scene, finally, after wanting to play all my life. I figured the early forties is still young enough to get a great deal of enjoyment out of playing. I started a little over a year ago by getting a Martin on sale from Musician's Fiend. Then a funny thing happened (and kept happening) - GAS. Oh, boy I've gone way over the top, but what the heck.

I bought a bunch of great guitars, and have learned a great deal by hanging out at places like The Gear Page and Birds and Moons forums. There have been many discussions about Tele guitars, and I really like the twang of country guitars. I don't really like country music, but the guitar tone really gets me. So everyone says you gotta have a Tele. But what kind? Long story short (too late, I know) I decided on an Anderson T Classic. I put it on lay-away, and will get it as soon as I get my my icome tax refund. I'm psyched. Ooo, I hate the waiting....


John Price
02-05-2004, 09:32 AM
welcome to the forum!
that looks like another great Anderson!
Hope you get it soon!
Stick around.....;)

02-07-2004, 04:39 AM
I have to say it again, nice Andy CM.

02-08-2004, 03:22 PM
This is Steve from Liverpool, England!!! i agree with you about the Tele, i noticed your pictures are from Wilcut? is that the guitar you have put away?
Well I was enquiring about that couple of days agoand it is now sold....Dam.
I have a hollow drop top T on order and couldn't wait so i found another T classic/butterscotch etc which is on the way via UPS....god another week to go.
Have you tried the T classic?

02-08-2004, 05:00 PM
>Well I was enquiring about that couple of days ago and it is now sold....Dam.

Love to hear that, because it validates my impulse spending. LOL! I looked all over the web for one, and Wilcutts was the only place that I found that had one in stock. I actually thought about it overnight and put it on lay-away the next day. Just in time, it sounds like.

No, I haven't actually played one. I'm going completely on everything I've read about Tom Anderson guitars on the web. If it doesn't work out at all, Wilcutt's has a 48 hour return policy. But I'm sure I'll like it.

02-08-2004, 06:06 PM
Thanks for the reply,
While waiting for my hollow drop top T, x bridge, all maple neck etc i found a classic T in mesa boogie guitars so its on its way, i also got a used/mint Cobra on Ebay last week !!!fair to say i got the Anderson Bug!!!
Ive had 31 guitars in last 3 years 4 fender teles, prs hollowbody 2, strat, 4 martins, 2 taylors,2 takamine, 4 yamaha, 2 Collings, Santa cruz etc. My acoustic now is 0002H 12 fret in brazilian, not seen/heard better!
Anyway, Rambling now!!!

02-11-2004, 04:46 AM
Wow CM, beautiful stable of PRSs!

I dont think you will need to be concerned about
the 48 hr return policy.

Once you start playing your Classic T, the challenge
will be controling yourself from buying another
Andy within 48 hours

BTW, noticed your Tech 21 in your picture.
Ive one due to arrive this week purchased "sight, unheard"only
on the basis of harmony~central reviews and the "want"
for a totable amp.
How do you like yours?

02-11-2004, 10:25 PM
I suspect you're right, as I've already been scoping out what else is available. I just found this new arrival (http://www.williesguitars.com/Pages/htc.html) at Wildwood. Good thing it wasn't there when I put mine on lay-a-way, or I would have had a very hard time choosing which to get.

I like the Tech-21 pretty well. My newbieness prevents me from offering very meaningful tonal comparisons to other amps, but I can say that the TM10 has a tremendous range of sounds available. With all the variations offered, I imagine that you could dial in whatever tone you wanted. It's quite a value in my book, and I'm very glad I bought it. It's certainly toteable, but really gives a big sound, especially when connected to an external cabinet. One thing I really like is that is has a very useful volume range. It can actually be tunred down to a reasonable level and still sound good.

Stan Malinowski
02-20-2004, 12:35 PM
Welcome aboard CM!

Sorry I took so long to greet you but some pressing work and home issues have unfortunately kept my available forum time to a minimum.

Nice Classic T - you can't get anymore "teleish" then that baby!

Enjoy the ride!