View Full Version : In-Ears

11-20-2006, 04:42 AM
I've been using E2s and E5s for a couple years, now. Just curious if anyone's tried any others, such as Ultimate Ears, etc. Can anyone give a comparison? thanks, guys

John D

brian b
11-20-2006, 08:13 AM
I use the UE pro 5's and sound great for the money. They are compatable withthe E5' but cheaper, I will be looking at the ne Ambieant ones the offer when every I can save enough money back.

11-20-2006, 11:35 AM
That's the first real review from a musician I've heard about the UE's. Is the bass response comparable to the e5s, as well? (Occasionally, I play bass as a fill-in (church, etc).

John D.

11-20-2006, 11:54 AM
I used Sensaphonics custom molds for a year but I just started using Westone UM2 (not custom molded) last week. Both are have dual drivers but the UM2 sounds tons better.

11-20-2006, 12:20 PM
Cool. I'm gonna check them out.

John D.

11-20-2006, 06:43 PM
The Ultimate Ears rep came to meet with our house worship band yesterday. I've been using the Shure E2's for months as my IEM's as well as for personal use. I tried the UE 5's as well as the UE 7's. The 5's were a great deal louder than my E2's, and the bass response was better. My only complaint is that it sounded like the entire curve got pushed up a few db. So I felt like they were just LOUDER, but that also gives more bass. The UE 7's, though. Holy Moly. They were glorious. I listened to a Dave Matthews tune on an iPod and then we did a couple of tunes as a band and the kick was tight and pristine and resonant. It was just a really great mix. But the UE 7 is a triple driver (as opposed to the UE 5's dual driver) and therefore quite a bit more expensive. I think the 5's are about $250 and the 7 Pro's are upwards of $850, I think.

It was hard to go back to my Shure phones, I'll tell you that.

brian b
11-20-2006, 10:36 PM
The UE 5's had about the same bass response as the shure's but the did fell like they were louder and just felt alot more comfortable in my ears. Also I like thier support a lot better. Another main point I like about is the cable can be rplace seperatlly.The cable came apart on mine on a Thursday night service and contacted them on Friday, by Monday I had a new cable. My next set well be a triple driver with the ambient feature. Which is around $800 plus the doctor vist for molds.