View Full Version : Ciao to everybody

11-16-2006, 05:22 PM
Hi guys,

I'm a proud italian Anderson player and from now on another member of this forum :)

Dave K
11-16-2006, 05:50 PM
Ciao! Welcome to the forum. What model do you play? What region in Italy do you live? MotoGP fan?

11-16-2006, 06:46 PM
Ciao! Welcome to the forum. What model do you play? What region in Italy do you live? MotoGP fan?

Hi Dave,

I own this (http://strait.altervista.org/foti/gear/ta/index.html) Drop Top here. It's got H2+, SD1 and SD1R pups.

I live in Milan and unfortunately I'm not a huge sports fan. Not even soccer, which may sound strange for an italian :eek: :rolleyes:

I've been in Seattle for business a few years ago and loved it. It's all so different from here. Too bad it was february and the weather was awfully cold :(

I'm happy I've found this forum. Especially now that Tom has announced his will to reduce TAG to himself I am glad I've found you people to share our love for his beautiful guitars :)

See you soon!

Dave K
11-17-2006, 01:41 AM
What a small world it is. I just noticed your Drop Top was born on 10-27-02A, which is the same day as my Cobra 10-27-02P, which also happens to be my birthday. ;)

I haven't visited Italy yet, but I plan to in the future. Great history,food,art,architecture,people,race tracks. Yes, I'm a big racing fan. :D

You won't be surprised to hear that Seattle is having a record amount of rainfall this month. We did have an extended summer with very nice weather through October,though.

If you ever make it back to our city you can play many Anderson guitars here.:)